Choirs and Ensembles

“I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being.” 
—Psalm 104:33

Adults, youth, and children are all invited to claim and share their musical talents in a choir or ensemble at St. John’s. The choir season begins in September and ends on Music Sunday in June. Individual vocalists and instrumentalists are encouraged to offer their musical gifts year-round. Check St. John’s Google calendar for updated rehearsal information.

· The Adult Choir supports the assembly’s singing, leads the musical liturgy, and performs a rich variety of accompanied and a cappella music at the 10:30 AM service. High school youth are welcome in this choir!

· The Lutherringers are an intergenerational bell choir who have 5 octaves of Malmark handbells and 3 octaves of Malmark choirchimes to ring. The choir performs periodically in the 10:30 AM service and for festival services.

· The Recorder Ensemble is a growing group of soprano, alto, tenor, and bass recorder instrumentalists. The ensemble plays a variety of Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical music, as well as arrangements of hymns and other music.

· The Drum Ensemble is open to all ages and uses tubanos, djembes, shekeres, and other percussion instruments to learn grooves from around the world. The group rehearses once a month after the 10:30 AM service and performs periodically in worship.

· Youth Choristers rehearse as announced. Interested children/youth in grades K–8 and parents should contact the Director of Music for more information.

· The Brass-Wind Ensemble is a varying intergenerational group of brass and/or woodwind instrumentalists who gather to prepare music for special services and performance opportunities. The group often plays carols in downtown Summit one Sunday afternoon in December.

· The Chamber Ensemble is a variable group of string and woodwind instrumentalists who accompany cantatas, anthems, and hymns, and perform service music in worship.

· One-Day Choirs and One-Day Bell Choirs are offered from time to time and feature easy-to-learn music. Rehearsals are usually an hour before worship on Sunday.

· The Summer Liturgy Musicians are a group of youth and adult musicians who accompany the main summer liturgy. Intermediate- and advanced-level instrumentalists are welcome to participate.
