How long have you been a member of Saint John’s?
I have been a member of Saint John’s for 12 years.
In what areas do you volunteer?
I play trumpet, volunteer at the annual Christmas Market, attend ASP, and hand out lunches at Bridges Runs.
What initially interested you in these areas?
Since an early age, my family and I have volunteered at church. My parents have shown me the importance of giving my time to help other people, and as I grew up, I have continued to volunteer at church.
How long have you been volunteering at Saint John’s?
I started volunteering when I was 10 years old.
What advice can you give people thinking of volunteering?
I’d say to people thinking of volunteering that there are always plenty of things to be done, and most don’t require any special skills or talents. It is easy to give your time to the many projects and ministries that we support at Saint John’s.