Our Choirs & Ensembles
Adults, youth, and children are all invited to claim and share their musical talents in a choir or ensemble at Saint John’s. The choir season begins in September and ends on Music Sunday in June. For specific rehearsal information, see the Saint John’s Google calendar.
The Saint John’s Choir is an intergenerational group of choral musicians (high school through adults) that includes professionals, semi-professionals, and talented amateurs who contribute
a great deal of volunteer hours to the congregation and share their talents in ways that
uplift, unite, and make transcendent our common prayer. We sing from a variety of styles and traditions. The choir helps to lead the 10:30 AM Sunday Eucharist. We rehearse Wednesdays 7:30 to 9:00 PM.
Saint John Children’s Choir is open to all children grades 2 through 6. We rehearse Sundays 9:30 to 10:00 AM and rehearsal is often followed by Faith Formation. Open to all children throughout the congregation and the wider community. Have fun, learn basic vocal technique and musical fundamentals, and sing in worship.
Ye Little Saints & Singers is open to all children pre-kindergarten through grade 1. We rehearse Sundays 9:30 to 10:00 AM and rehearsal is often followed by Faith Formation.
Luther Ringers Handbell Choir is open to middle school through adults. We rehearse Sundays from 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM and play occasionally at the 10:30 AM liturgy.
The Drumming Ensemble is open to all ages and uses tubanos, djembes, shekeres, and other percussion instruments to learn grooves from around the world. Rehearsals TBA.
Occasional Instrumentalists and Soloists share their musical gifts and talents with the congregation throughout the year. Please fill out the Music Ministry Signup form below to contribute and learn more.
For more information you can email Christopher Harlow-Jennings, Director of Music at charlowjennings@stjohnssummit.org.