Youth Ministry
Contrary to popular misconceptions, youth are not the future of the church. Youth are vital participants in the faith community today! At Saint John’s, youth play an active role in worship, music, learning, service, and fellowship.
7th, 8th, and 9th graders participate in special faith instruction one Sunday
evening a month between September and May from 5:30-7:30 PM. On Pentecost Sunday, when the young people are in
9th grade, they affirm their faith in a Celebration of Confirmation.
Youth meet about once a month for fun and fellowship. Trips and servant events are scheduled throughout the year.
Appalachia Service Project (ASP)
Teams of youth led by adults spend one week during the summer traveling to remote Appalachia to help rehabilitate housing in poverty stricken communities. The experience includes group building, faith formation, training in construction skills,
and the satisfaction of a job well done. Participants regularly return moved spiritually and emotionally by the opportunity to serve and get to know others.