In keeping with our emphasis on the presence of Jesus Christ at the center of our worship, Holy Communion is celebrated at all Sunday services.
Saint John’s has an open communion policy. Any baptized Christian is welcome at the Lord's table. If you have any questions about the meaning of or participation in Holy Communion, speak with the Pastor at 908-273-3846.
Sunday Schedule
8:00 AM Holy Communion
Our early service offers a traditional liturgy with hymns, normally lasting 45 minutes.
10:30 AM Holy Communion
Our second service is traditional liturgy with wonderful variety that is multicultural and inclusive. This service regularly includes a children’s message, choirs and instruments, lasting 60 to 75 minutes.
Summer Sunday Schedule
9:15 AM Holy Communion
Our summer service offers a traditional liturgy with hymns, normally lasting 60 minutes.
Christmas Eve: 5:00 PM
Candlelight Communion with professional brass quintet, choirs & "All-In Pageant." This service is especially appropriate for families with young children.
Christmas Eve: 10:00 PM
Candlelight Communion with professional brass quintet, choirs & sermon. This service celebrates the incarnation with festive flourish.
Christmas Day: 10:30 AM
An intimate, quieter service to celebrate the ChristMass.
Ash Wednesday: 12:00 PM and 7:30 PM
We begin the season of Lent with the imposition of ashes with Holy Communion.
Lenten Midweek Services: Wednesdays, 7:00 PM
We offer brief 30 minute services of Holy Communion in Lent. Simple Soup Suppers with discussion precede worship at 6:00 PM.
Holy Week
Maundy Thursday: 7:30 PM
We conclude our Lenten season of confession with individual absolution. We then gather with Jesus for the last supper, including the ancient rite of foot washing and stripping of the altar.
Good Friday: 12:00 PM and 7:30 PM
We hear the story of Jesus’ passion and death, pray for the needs of the whole world. and end the service with a procession of a rough-hewn cross.
Easter Vigil: 7:30 PM
This is the night! We celebrate Jesus’ resurrection with a new fire, the passing of the light, sharing wonderful Bible stories, joyous renewal of baptism, and finally celebrating the first Eucharist of Easter.
Easter Sunday: 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM
We celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord with all the fanfare the church can muster, with festival services including a professional brass quintet and choirs. An Easter Brunch and Easter Egg Hunt are held at 9:00 AM.