March 9, 2025

For the weekly email, click here.

Forum: Ways to Give TODAY March 9 at 9:00 AM: Information about the various ways to give financially. Particular focus on online giving and our transition to Servant Keeper Giving. 

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6), Sundays, 9:30–10:00 AM.

Children’s Faith Formation for children ages PreK–6th Grade, Sundays, 10:00–10:30 AM

Luther Ringers, TODAY at 11:45 AM.

Confirmation TODAY at 5:30 PM

Online Giving Help: Sundays from 9-10:30 AM and after the 10:30 AM service. Linda Mesenbrink is available to help you set up online giving account or transfer your Vanco account.

Lenten Midweek Soup Suppers and Services: Join us for Wednesdays in Lent for Lenten Soup & Supper at 6:00 PM followed by Lenten Midweek Services at 7:00 PM, beginning March 12. Volunteers are needed to provide soup, salad, bread or dessert and to help with set-up/clean-up. Sign up in the weekly email or in the entryway.

Soup for a Cause begins TODAY: Homemade soups and breads will be available to purchase between Sunday services during Lent. All proceeds will go toward the St. Stephan’s-Grace Community’s outreach programs in the Ironbound neighborhood of Newark. If you would like to make soup or bread for the sale, see the weekly email or speak with Jane Bowman.

Pre-Campaign Survey TODAY through March 23: To help us plan, prioritize, and gauge capacity, our Council has contracted GSB Fundraising to prepare a study for a proposed capital campaign. All members are asked to fill out the survey.

Friendship Iftar Dinner, March 13 at 6:15: Interweave and Peace Islands Institute have invited us to an iftar during the Muslim month of Ramadan. RSVP in the email announcements.

Forum: Psalm 74, Babylonian Captivity, and the Refugee Crisis, March 16, 9:00 AM: using the exile as a starting point, we ask what it means to walk with others as Jesus’ disciples, explore current refugee crisis, and how we can help. Led by the ARC and SJSM committees.

Lenten Collections begin TODAY: Boxes of Cereal for Loaves and Fishes, cans of tuna/chicken for GRACE, and cleaning supplies for Family Promise. Collections end on April 6.

Jazz Vespers, March 23, 4:00 PM: The Lance Bryant Jazz Trio from Wharton Arts joins St. John’s Choir in offering a service of Jazz Vespers. Join us for this special musical service.

Communion Instruction: Children of any age are invited to join our class preparing for first communion during Easter. Contact Pastor Blake or Deacon Walker to join.

Easter Decorations Sign Up is available in the rear entry. Please sign up by April 6.

Fellowship Time Help/Food Needed. See the weekly email to sign up.

Worship Volunteers Needed for Livestream, Assisting Ministers, Readers, Ushers. Please sign up!


March 2, 2025

For the weekly email, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of Julia Coble’s birthday by Alana and Rick Coble.

Mardi Gras Pancake Breakfast: TODAY, 9:00–10:00 AM

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6), Sundays, 9:30–10:00 AM.

Children’s Faith Formation for children ages PreK–6th Grade, Sundays, 10:00–10:30 AM

Luther Ringers, TODAY at 11:45 AM.

Interweave’s Foundations of Faith series, will meet March 3 at 7:00 PM. This month the guest faith leader is The Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, minister at Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Summit, sharing about the inspirational work of Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa.

Ash Wednesday, March 5: On Ash Wednesday we are marked with ashes—a sign of our death and of our sorrow for sin—but the ashes trace a cross on our forehead, where the baptismal water first marked us with God’s grace. Services at 12:00 Noon and 7:00 PM.

Lenten Midweek Soup Suppers and Services: Join us for Wednesdays in Lent for Lenten Soup & Supper at 6:00 PM followed by Lenten Midweek Services at 7:00 PM, beginning March 12. Volunteers are needed to provide soup, salad, bread or dessert and to help with set-up/clean-up. Sign up in the weekly email or in the entryway.

Membership Review: We are currently in the midst of a review of all congregation membership. Every member should have received an email to confirm their membership status and update vital contact information. If you haven’t received an email or a letter in the mail, please let us know. Please fill out the online form to update your membership status and contact information for every member of your household ASAP.

Sunshine Team: In an effort to support our church family, we will reach out to homebound members, members who are sick or grieving, new members, or meals for members experiencing significant health challenges. Contact Anna Wesley by email or at (856) 577-7858.

Fellowship Time Help/Food Needed, Sundays from 9:00 AM–12:00 Noon. Homemade or store-bought baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers are just some ideas. See the weekly email to sign up.

2025 Flower Chart is posted on the rear bulletin board and available for you to sign up. Weekly flowers cost Saint John’s $85 per week. Please give as you are able.

Worship Volunteers Needed for Livestream, Assisting Ministers, Readers, Ushers. Please sign up!


February 23, 2025

For this week’s email, click here.

New Chair Appeal: We are only NINE chairs or $4,000 dollars from meeting our goal. The cost of this project is $80,000 or $430 per chair. To date, we have collected $75,959. Please give generously. Indicate “Chairs” in the note field. Once all the money is raised, we will dedicate the new chairs in worship and print the names of everyone who gave to this project.

“Immigration Nation” Netflix Documentary: The Anti-Racism Committee invites you to view an episode of this series Monday, February 24 at 7:00 PM, to take a deep look at US immigration today, with unprecedented documentary access to ICE operations, and moving portraits of immigrants. Discussion to follow.

Aging Grace-fully Author Series, Tuesday, February 25 at 1:30 PM, Library to watch the author livestream from the ULS Gettysburg campus. We will hear from Margaret Renkl, author of Late Migrations.

The next Lunch Bunch Bible Study will meet February 26, March 12, and March 26 from Noon–2:00 PM in the Library.

Mardi Gras Pancake Breakfast: Join us from 9:00–10:00 AM on March 2 for our Mardi Gras Breakfast. We will celebrate with pancakes, bacon, and sausage before our Lenten fast begins.

Interweave’s Foundations of Faith series, will meet March 3 at 7:00 PM. This month the guest faith leader is The Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, minister at Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Summit, sharing about the inspirational work of Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa.

Ash Wednesday, March 5: On Ash Wednesday we are marked with ashes—a sign of our death and of our sorrow for sin—but the ashes trace a cross on our forehead, where the baptismal water first marked us with God’s grace. Services at 12:00 Noon and 7:00 PM.

Lenten Midweek Soup Suppers and Services: Join us for Wednesdays in Lent for Lenten Soup & Supper at 6:00 PM followed by Lenten Midweek Services at 7:00 PM, beginning March 12. Volunteers are needed to provide soup, salad, bread or dessert and to help with set-up/clean-up. Sign up in the weekly email or in the entryway.

Membership Review: We are currently in the midst of a review of all congregation membership. Every member should have received an email to confirm their membership status and update vital contact information. If you haven’t received an email or a letter in the mail, please let us know. Please fill out the online form to update your membership status and contact information for every member of your household ASAP.

Sunshine Team: In an effort to reach out and support our church family, we are combining several ministries: Caring Calls & Cards, Caring Casseroles, and the Member Engagement Team (works with the pastor to integrate new members, reengage inactive members, and increase overall participation). We will reach out to homebound members, members who are sick or grieving, new members, or meals for members experiencing significant health challenges. If you are interested contact Anna Wesley by email or at (856) 577-7858.

Fellowship Time Help/Food Needed, Sundays from 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon. Homemade or store-bought — baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers are just some ideas. See the weekly email to sign up.

2025 Flower Chart is posted on the rear bulletin board and available for you to sign up. Weekly flowers cost Saint John’s $85 per week. Please give as you are able.

Worship Volunteers Needed for Livestream, Assisting Ministers, Readers and Ushers. Please sign up!


February 16, 2025

For this week’s email, click here.

Special thanks to Wayne Dietterick for serving as guest organist today.

Lunch Bunch Bible Study: Meets February 19 from Noon–2:00 PM in the Library.

Souper Bowl of Caring: The youth collected $508 to combat hunger during our “Noisy Offering” last Sunday. The donation will go to GRACE in Summit.

Installation Service, Sunday, February 23. Bishop Tracie Bartholomew will be here to install Pastor Haydée Colón Hernández as our Associate Pastor and Mission Developer for Camino de Vida. THERE WILL BE ONE SERVICE AT 10:30 AM, followed by a luncheon.

New Chair Appeal: The cost of this project is $80,000 or $430 per chair. To date, we have collected $74,405. Please give generously. Indicate “Chairs” in the note field. Once all the money is raised, we will dedicate the new chairs in worship and print the names of everyone who gave to this project.

“Immigration Nation” Netflix Documentary: The Anti-Racism Committee invites you to view an episode of “Immigration Nation” on Monday, February 24 at 7:00 PM. This series takes a deep look at US immigration today, with unprecedented documentary access to ICE operations, and moving portraits of immigrants. Discussion to follow.

Mardi Gras Pancake Breakfast: Join us from 9:00–10:00 AM on March 2 for our Mardi Gras Breakfast. We will celebrate with pancakes, bacon, and sausage before our Lenten fast begins.

Ash Wednesday, March 5: On Ash Wednesday we are marked with ashes—a sign of our death and of our sorrow for sin—but the ashes trace a cross on our forehead, where the baptismal water first marked us with God’s grace. Services at 12:00 Noon and 7:00 PM.

Membership Review: Congregations need to periodically review membership records to ensure they are accurate. We have not done any membership roll review since 2019 due to the pandemic. In the coming weeks, every member will receive an email to confirm their membership status and update vital contact information. The email will contain a record of your information as it is currently listed in our congregation database. There will be a link to a form that we ask every member of the family to fill out. If you have any questions, please reach out to the office.

Sunshine Team: In an effort to reach out and support our church family, we are combining several ministries: Caring Calls & Cards, Caring Casseroles, and the Member Engagement Team (works with the pastor to integrate new members, reengage inactive members, and increase overall participation). We will reach out to homebound members, members who are sick or grieving, new members, etc. We will also offer meals for members experiencing significant health challenges. If you are interested contact Anna Wesley by email or at (856) 577-7858.

Lutheran Disaster Response gives 100% for California fires. Give to St. John’s, noting CA fires.

Worship Volunteers Needed for Livestream, Assisting Ministers and Ushers. Please sign up!


February 9

For this week’s email, click here.

Annual Congregation Meeting, TODAY immediately following the service in Hinman Hall. Lunch will be provided.

Souper Bowl of Caring, TODAY: We will have our “Noisy Offering” to collect donations to combat hunger in our community through the work of GRACE.

Future of Affordable Housing Public Forum, February 10, 7:00 PM at the Summit High School. An expert panel will explain the recent amendments to NJ’s Fair Share Housing Act.

Lunch Bunch Bible Study: Meets February 19 from Noon–2:00 PM in the Library.

Installation Service, Sunday, February 23. Bishop Tracie Bartholomew will be here to install Pastor Haydée Colón Hernández as our Associate Pastor and Mission Developer for Camino de Vida. THERE WILL BE ONE SERVICE AT 10:30 AM, followed by a luncheon.

New Chair Appeal: The cost of this project is $80,000 or $430 per chair. To date, we have collected $71,368. Please give generously. Indicate “Chairs” in the note field. Once all the money is raised, we will dedicate the new chairs in worship and print the names of everyone who gave to this project.

Street Harassment Bystander Intervention Training: The Summit Interfaith Council Anti-Racism Committee invites you to join a webinar “Street Harassment Bystander Intervention Training” with Right to Be on Thursday, February 13 at 7:00 PM. See the weekly email to register and for more information. Registration is required.

Membership Review: Congregations need to periodically review membership records to ensure they are accurate. We have not done any membership roll review since 2019 due to the pandemic. In the coming weeks, every member will receive an email to confirm their membership status and update vital contact information. The email will contain a record of your information as it is currently listed in our congregation database. There will be a link to a form that we ask every member of the family to fill out. If you have any questions, please reach out to the office.

Sunshine Team: In an effort to reach out and support our church family, we are combining several ministries: Caring Calls & Cards, Caring Casseroles, and the Member Engagement Team (works with the pastor to integrate new members, reengage inactive members, and increase overall participation). We will reach out to homebound members, members who are sick or grieving, new members, etc. We will also offer meals for members experiencing significant health challenges. If you are interested contact Anna Wesley by email or at (856) 577-7858.

Lutheran Disaster Response gives 100% for California fires. Give to St. John’s, noting CA fires.

Worship Volunteers Needed for Livestream, Assisting Ministers and Ushers. Please sign up!


February 2, 2025

For this week’s email, click here.

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6), Sundays, 9:30–10:00 AM.

Children’s Faith Formation for children ages PreK–6th Grade, Sundays, 10:00–10:30 AM.

Budget Forum, TODAY at 9:00 AM. Join us to review the 2025 Proposed Ministry Spending Plan and ask any questions you may have in preparation for the Annual Meeting on February 9.

Luther Ringers, TODAY at 11:45 AM.

Confirmation Class, TONIGHT at 5:30 PM.

Foundations of Faith, February 3, 7:00 PM. The guest leader is Janet Maulbeck, Executive Director of Interweave on the life and faith journey of C.S. Lewis.

Lunch Bunch Bible Study: Meets February 5 from Noon–2:00 PM in the Library.

Annual Congregation Meeting, February 9: There will be ONE SERVICE AT 9:30 AM with the meeting immediately following in Hinman Hall. Lunch will be provided.

Souper Bowl of Caring, February 9: We will have our “Noisy Offering” to collect donations to combat hunger in our community through the work of GRACE.

Future of Affordable Housing Public Forum, February 10, 7:00 PM at the Summit High School. An expert panel will explain the recent amendments to NJ’s Fair Share Housing Act.

Installation Service, Sunday, February 23. Bishop Tracie Bartholomew will be here to install Pastor Haydée Colón Hernández as our Associate Pastor and Mission Developer for Camino de Vida. THERE WILL BE ONE SERVICE AT 10:30 AM, followed by a luncheon.

New Chair Appeal: Our 200 new sanctuary chairs have been delivered! The total cost of this project is $85,000 or $430 per chair. To date, we have collected $68,096. Please give generously. Please indicate “Chairs” in the note field. Once all the money is raised, we will dedicate the new chairs in worship and print the names of everyone who gave to this project.

Membership Review: Congregations need to periodically review membership records to ensure they are accurate. We have not done any membership roll review since 2019 due to the pandemic. In the coming weeks, every member will receive an email to confirm their membership status and update vital contact information. The email will contain a record of your information as it is currently listed in our congregation database. There will be a link to a form that we ask every member of the family to fill out. If you have any questions, please reach out to the office.

Lutheran Disaster Response gives 100% for California fires. Give to St. John’s, noting CA fires.

Worship Volunteers Needed for Livestream, Assisting Ministers and Ushers. Please sign up!


January 26, 2025

For this week’s email, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God by the Snyder family.

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6), Sundays, 9:30–10:00 AM.

Children’s Faith Formation for children ages PreK–6th Grade, Sundays, 10:00–10:30 AM.

TODAY’S forum at 9:00 AM, we get to know Pastor Haydée Colón Hernández. Please join us.

Luther Ringers, TODAY at 11:45 AM.

Wharton Arts Recital: TODAY at 4:00 PM, St. John’s will host a Wharton Arts faculty recital featuring Lucas Button, cello, and Leah Frank, piano. Join us for this free event!

Black Barbie, February 1 at 2:00 PM: The Summit Library is showing the Netflix documentary with a virtual Q&A session with the movie’s director. You can donate a black Barbie doll at the circulation desk before the event.

Budget Forum, February 2 at 9:00 AM: Please join us to review the 2025 Spending Plan.

Interweave Residency Foundations of Faith, February 3, 7:00 PM. The guest leader is Janet Maulbeck, Executive Director of Interweave on the life and faith journey of C.S. Lewis.

Lunch Bunch: Bring a lunch, come for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, and prayer. We will meet February 5 from Noon–2:00 PM in the Library.

Annual Congregation Meeting, February 9: There will be ONE SERVICE AT 9:30 AM with the meeting immediately following in Hinman Hall. Lunch will be provided.

Souper Bowl of Caring, February 9: We will have our “Noisy Offering” to collect donations to combat hunger in our community through the work of GRACE.

Future of Affordable Housing Public Forum, February 10, 7:00 PM at the Summit High School. An expert panel will explain the recent amendments to NJ’s Fair Share Housing Act.

New Chair Appeal: Our 200 new sanctuary chairs have been delivered! The total cost of this project is $85,000 or $430 per chair. To date, we have collected $55,671.00. Please give generously. Please indicate “Chairs” in the note field. Once all the money is raised, we will dedicate the new chairs in worship and print the names of everyone who gave to this project.

Membership Review: Congregations need to periodically review membership records to ensure they are accurate. We have not done any membership roll review since 2019 due to the pandemic. In the coming weeks, every member will receive an email to confirm their membership status and update vital contact information. The email will contain a record of your information as it is currently listed in our congregation database. There will be a link to a form that we ask every member of the family to fill out. If you have any questions, please reach out to the office.

Worship Volunteers Needed for Livestream, Assisting Ministers and Ushers. Please sign up!


January 19, 2025

For the weekly email, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in celebration for the Bowman family and their work for Saint John’s.

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6), Sundays, 9:30–10:00 AM.

Children’s Faith Formation for children ages PreK–6th Grade, Sundays, 10:00–10:30 AM.

England Music Study Trip Forum, TODAY at 9:00 AM. Christopher Harlow-Jennings will discuss his experience from his summer 2024 continuing education trip to England.

Luther Ringers, TODAY at 11:45 AM.

Summit’s MLK Day educational opportunities, TODAY at 4:30 PM: We will be hosting a reading of the play, The Mountaintop by Katori Hall, co-sponsored by Vivid Stage, Interweave, and Saint John’s. This fictional depiction of Martin Luther King Jr.’s last night before his assassination will be presented by professional actors of Summit based Vivid Stage. There will be a free will offering to benefit the Summit Interfaith Council Anti-Racism Committee.

MLK Events: As part of Summit’s MLK Day opportunities, you are encouraged to attend the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Service at Fountain Baptist Church (116 Glenside Ave., Summit) at 7:00 PM, Monday, January 20.

We welcome Pastor Haydée Colón Hernández as our new Associate Pastor and mission developer for the Latiné community centered in Summit, Camino de Vida. Please join us in welcoming her. Get to know her during the forum on January 26 at 9:00 AM.

Lunch Bunch: Bring a lunch, come for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, and prayer. We will meet January 22 from Noon–2:00 PM in the Library.

Wharton Arts Recital: Sunday, January 26 at 4:00 PM, St. John’s will host a Wharton Arts faculty recital featuring Lucas Button, cello, and Leah Frank, piano. Join us for this free event!

Black Barbie, February 1 at 2:00 PM: Summit Interfaith Anti-Racism Committee is co-sponsoring a showing of the Netflix documentary Black Barbie at the Summit Library on with a virtual Q&A session with the movie’s director. You can donate a black Barbie doll at the circulation desk before the event.

Budget Forum, February 2 at 9:00 AM: Please join us to review the 2025 Spending Plan.

New Chair Appeal: Our 200 new sanctuary chairs have been delivered! The total cost of this project is $85,000 or $430 per chair. To date, we have collected $53,142. Please give generously. Please indicate “Chairs” in the note field. Once all the money is raised, we will dedicate the new chairs in worship and print the names of everyone who gave to this project.

Worship Volunteers Needed! We are in great need for Livestream, Assisting Ministers and Ushers. Please see the weekly email to sign up.


January 12, 2025

For the weekly email, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Susan & John Lose by Susan, Chris, & John Leelike; and in memory of Pastor Nagle by the Nagle family.

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6), Sundays, 9:30–10:00 AM.

Children’s Faith Formation for children ages PreK–6th Grade, Sundays, 10:00–10:30 AM.

The funeral of Pastor Susan Nagle will be held here TODAY at 2:00 PM. There will be a reception following the service.

Confirmation class, TODAY at 5:30 PM.

New Chair Appeal: We are asking everyone to consider buying a chair (or more) or buying a portion of a chair ($430 each). Include “chairs” in the note field. See the weekly email for more information or to give online. To date, we have collected $49,279.

Pastor Haydée Colón Hernández will begin her service here at St. John’s on January 15. She has been called as our new Associate Pastor and as a mission developer for the Latiné community centered in Summit, Camino de Vida. Her first Sunday with us will be January 19. Please join us in welcoming her. Get to know her during the forum on January 26 at 9:00 AM.

England Music Study Trip Forum, January 19 at 9:00 AM. Christopher Harlow-Jennings will discuss his experience from his summer 2024 continuing education trip to England. He spent time with some major figures in choral music including John Rutter, Barry Rose, and Voces8. They were in residence at Cambridge University with stops at several cathedrals and chapels.

Summit’s MLK Day educational opportunities, Sunday, January 19 at 4:30 PM: We will be hosting a reading of the play, The Mountaintop by Katori Hall, co-sponsored by Vivid Stage, Interweave, and St. John’s. This fictional depiction of Martin Luther King Jr.’s last night before his assassination will be presented by professional actors of Summit based Vivid Stage. There will be a free will offering to benefit the Summit Interfaith Council Anti-Racism Committee.

Christmas Market Update: Thank you to everyone who planned, volunteered, donated, and shopped! We were able to raise just over $5300 for Summit Warm Hearts, a program of the Summit Interfaith Council, offering beds to our neighbors without shelter during extreme weather.

The 2025 Flower Chart is posted on the rear bulletin board and available for you to sign up. Weekly flowers cost St. John’s $85. Please give as you are able.

2025 Envelopes: If you would like a box of envelopes to place offerings for 2025, they will be available starting this Sunday. Envelopes are not required for making offerings but are available

January 5, 2025

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.

Children’s Epiphany Party: Join us TODAY at 9:00 AM for an Epiphany Party! Hear the story of the Wise Men and make a star and a crown. Bring nonperishable food for Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry.

Christmas Clean Up, TODAY after the 10:30 AM service to take down the Christmas trees and decorations to prepare for the post-Christmas season. Many hands make light work!

Lunch Bunch: Bring a lunch, come for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, and prayer. We will meet January 8 from Noon–2:00 PM in the Library.

New Chair Appeal: We are asking everyone to consider buying a chair (or more) or buying a portion of a chair ($430 each) by January 12. Include “chairs” in the note field. See the weekly email for more information or to give online.

The funeral of Pastor Susan Nagle will be held here on Sunday, January 12 at 2:00 PM. There will be a reception following the service.

Pastor Haydee will begin her service here on January 15. She has been called as our new Associate Pastor and as a mission developer for the Latiné community centered in Summit, Camino de Vida. Her first Sunday with us will be January 19. Please join us in welcoming her.

The 2025 Flower Chart is posted on the rear bulletin board and available for you to sign up. Weekly flowers cost Saint John’s $85. Please give as you are able.

2025 Envelopes: If you would like a box of envelopes to place offerings for 2025, they will be available starting this Sunday. Envelopes are not required for making offerings but are available if helpful to you. Numbers will be assigned when you collect your envelope box. Please contact Linda Mesenbrink or the church office with any questions.


December 22, 2024

For this week’s email, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of Roy Patterson by the Sharpe and Bowler families.

Worship Volunteers Needed for Christmas and Epiphanytide: Ushers, Livestream, Acolytes, Assisting Ministers, and Readers. PLEASE sign up in the weekly email.

Christmas Bridges Collection: Items are due TODAY. Assembly of lunches will be at 9:00 AM. The Bridges Run will take place on Saturday, December 28.

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6), Sundays, 9:30–10:00 AM.

Children’s Faith Formation for children ages PreK–6th Grade, Sundays, 10:00–10:30 AM.

Luther Ringers TODAY at 11:45 AM.

Greening the Church, TODAY after worship. Tasks include decorating trees, setting up creches, hanging lights, etc. Sign up in the narthex. Lunch is provided.

One Service, December 29: Join us next Sunday for Christmas Lessons & Carols at 10:30 AM.

The Church Office will be closed December 24–January 3, reopening Tuesday, January 7.

Pastor’s Christmas Dinner between the Christmas Eve services in Hinman Hall. Everyone is welcome, especially those attending both services, assisting in worship or anyone who will be alone on Christmas. Please RSVP in the weekly email and to let them know what you will bring.

Stewardship Update: To date we have received 74 pledges for a total of $492,376, and pledges of $12,960 for World Hunger. Thank you to everyone who has made a 2025 pledge.

New Chair Appeal: We are asking everyone to consider buying a chair (or more) or buying a portion of a chair ($430 each) by January 12. Include “chairs” in the note field. See the weekly email for more information or to give online. To date, we have collected $41,197 for 96 chairs.

The 2025 Flower Chart is posted on the rear bulletin board and available for you to sign up. Weekly flowers cost Saint John’s $85. Please give as you are able.

Year End Giving: Please remember that all financial contributions for 2024 must be received into the church office in advance of the year’s end. You can make a gift during worship times. If you wish to come into the church office, please do so by Friday, December 20. Additional options are mailing a check or giving online. Thank you for giving generously.

2025 Envelopes: If you would like a box of envelopes to place offerings for 2025, they will be available starting this Sunday. Envelopes are not required for making offerings but are available if helpful to you. Numbers will be assigned when you collect your envelope box. Please contact Linda Mesenbrink or the church office with any questions.


December 15, 2024

For the weekly email, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.

Worship Volunteers Needed for Christmas and Epiphanytide: Ushers, Livestream, Acolytes, Assisting Ministers, and Readers. PLEASE sign up in the weekly email for the many ways you can serve.

Children’s Faith Formation for children ages PreK–6th Grade, Sundays, 10:00–10:30 AM.

Mitten Tree: Items due TODAY.

ASP 2025 Q&A TODAY in the Adult Lounge.

Lessons & Carols, TODAY at 4:00 PM. A festive reception will follow the service.

Christmas Bridges Collection: All items due by December 22. We will assemble the lunches on that day at 9:00 AM.

Greening the Church, December 22 after worship. Tasks include decorating trees, setting up creches, hanging lights, etc. Sign up in the narthex. Lunch is provided.

Pastor’s Christmas Dinner between the Christmas Eve services in Hinman Hall. Everyone is welcome, especially those attending both services, assisting in worship or anyone who will be alone on Christmas. Please RSVP in the weekly email and to let them know what you will bring.

Stewardship Update: To date we have received 71 pledges for a total of $485,996, and pledges of $7,460 for World Hunger. Thank you to everyone who has made a 2025 pledge.

New Chair Appeal: We are asking everyone to consider buying a chair (or more) or buying a portion of a chair ($430 each) by January 12. Include “chairs” in the note field. See the weekly email for more information or to give online. To date, we have collected $38,164.

The 2025 Flower Chart is posted on the rear bulletin board and available for you to sign up. Weekly flowers cost Saint John’s $85. Please give as you are able.

Year End Giving: Please remember that all financial contributions for 2024 must be received into the church office in advance of the year’s end. You can make a gift during worship times. If you wish to come into the church office, please do so by Friday, December 20. Additional options are mailing a check or giving online. Thank you for giving generously.

2025 Envelopes: If you would like a box of envelopes to place offerings for 2025, they will be available starting this Sunday. Envelopes are not required for making offerings but are available if helpful to you. Numbers will be assigned when you collect your envelope box. Please contact Linda Mesenbrink or the church office with any questions.


December 8, 2024

Worship Volunteers Needed: Ushers, Livestream, Acolytes, Assisting Ministers, and Readers. PLEASE sign up in the weekly email for the many ways you can serve.

Worship Volunteer Training: TODAY following both services, for all worship volunteers. Attendance at one of the sessions is expected for both experienced volunteers and those interested in volunteering. We will meet in the sanctuary.

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6), Sundays, 9:30–10:00 AM.

Children’s Faith Formation for children ages PreK–6th Grade, Sundays, 10:00–10:30 AM.

Luther Ringers TODAY at 11:45 AM.

Confirmation Class, TONIGHT at 5:30 PM.

LSMNJ Christmas Gifts are due TODAY.

Family Promise Gift Cards due TODAY.

Mitten Tree: Bring new or gently used hats, coats, gloves, or winter apparel items to help our friends at St. Stephan’s Grace in Newark. Items due December 15.

Christmas Decorations: Donations of $25-$100 or any amount. Dedications must be received by December 12. Sign up in the rear entryway.

ASP 2025 Q&A, December 15 at 9:00 AM in the Adult Lounge.

Lessons & Carols, December 15 at 4:00 PM. A festive reception will follow the service.

Christmas Bridges Collection: See the weekly email to sign up or in the narthex. All items are due by December 22. We will assemble the lunches that day at 9:00 AM.

Christmas Bridges Run Volunteers Needed: On December 28 we will be handing out lunches in Newark with the Bridges Staff. Please sign up in the weekly email.

Greening the Church, December 22 after worship. Tasks include decorating trees, setting up creches, hanging lights, etc. Sign up in the narthex. Lunch is provided.

Pastor’s Christmas Dinner between the Christmas Eve services in Hinman Hall. Everyone is welcome, especially those attending both services, assisting in worship or anyone who will be alone on Christmas. Please RSVP in the weekly email and to let them know what you will bring.

Stewardship Update: To date we have received 65 pledges for a total of $421,056, and pledges of $7,460 for World Hunger. Thank you to everyone who has made a 2025 pledge.

New Chair Appeal: We are asking everyone to consider buying a chair (or more) or buying a portion of a chair ($430 each) by January 12. Include “chairs” in the note field. See the weekly email for more information or to give online. To date, we have collected $36,014.

The 2025 Flower Chart is posted on the rear bulletin board and available for you to sign up. Weekly flowers cost Saint John’s $85. Please give as you are able.


December 1, 2024

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in celebration of Jama Bowman’s birthday by the Bowman family.

Advent Devotional Books are available in the narthex.

Worship Volunteers Needed: Ushers, Livestream, Acolytes, Assisting Ministers, and Readers. PLEASE sign up in the weekly email for the many ways you can serve.

Worship Volunteer Training: TODAY & December 8 following both services, for all worship volunteers. Attendance at one of the sessions is expected for both experienced volunteers and those interested in volunteering. We will meet in the sanctuary.

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6), Sundays, 9:30–10:00 AM.

Children’s Faith Formation for children ages PreK–6th Grade, Sundays, 10:00–10:30 AM

Harold Wyss, Sexton Retirement: Please send notes of memories and gratitude by TODAY to

Our Facebook Advent Calendar begins TODAY. Enjoy recipes, memories, fun facts, and more.

Rutgers-Newark Chorus Holiday Concert at St. John’s on December 6 at 7:00 PM. A freewill offering for the chorus. Brian Harlow-Jennings, conductor; Christopher Harlow-Jennings, accompanist.

LSMNJ Christmas Gifts: Gift cards for Walmart, Target, ShopRite, or CVS; pajamas, night shirts, fuzzy socks for hospice patients. Donations are due Sunday, December 8.

Family Promise Gift Cards. in $25 dollar increments due December 8. Suggested cards: Target, ShopRite, Walmart, TJ Maxx, and Uber. Reusable shopping bags to deliver donations, either new or lightly used are also needed.

Mitten Tree: Bring new or gently used hats, coats, gloves, or winter apparel items to help our friends at St. Stephan’s Grace in Newark. Items due December 15.

Christmas Decorations: Donations of $25-$100 or any amount. Dedications must be received by December 12. Sign up in the rear entryway.

Lessons & Carols, December 15 at 4:00 PM. A festive reception will follow the service.

Christmas Bridges Collection: See the weekly email to sign up or in the narthex. All items are due by December 22.The Bridges Run will be December 28.

Stewardship Update: To date we have received 62 pledges for a total of $409,636 and a pledge of $6,480 for World Hunger. Thank you to everyone who has made a 2025 pledge.

New Chair Appeal: We are asking everyone to consider buying a chair (or more) or buying a portion of a chair ($430 each) by January 12. Include “chairs” in the note field. See the weekly email for more information or to give online. To date, we have collected $32,864.

The 2025 Flower Chart is posted on the rear bulletin board and available for you to sign up. Weekly flowers cost Saint John’s $85. Please give as you are able.


November 24, 2024

For the weekly email, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of their parents by Bev and Mike Kaczmarski.

Worship Volunteers Needed: Ushers, Livestream, Acolytes, Assisting Ministers, and Readers. PLEASE sign up in the weekly email for the many ways you can serve.

Worship Volunteer Training: December 1 & 8 following both services, for all worship volunteers. Attendance at one of the sessions is expected for both experienced volunteers and those interested in volunteering. We will meet in the sanctuary.

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6), Sundays, 9:30–10:00 AM.

Children’s Faith Formation for children ages PreK–6th Grade, Sundays, 10:00–10:30 AM

Luther Ringers TODAY, 11:45-12:45 PM.

Church Thanksgiving Potluck, TODAY, after the 10:30 AM service.

Church Office Closed on Wednesday, November 27–Friday, November 29 for Thanksgiving.

St. John’s Christmas Market, November 30, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM to support Summit Warm Hearts. There will be outside craft vendors, a bake sale, a petting zoo, a carol-sing, and a visit from St. Nicholas! Help with donations of Christmas crafts, due November 24-29, baked goods, due November 29. volunteer to work the event. Contact Jane Bowman to help.

Harold Wyss, Sexton Retirement: Please send notes of memories and gratitude to by December 1.

Rutgers-Newark Chorus Holiday Concert at St. John’s on December 6 at 7:00 PM. A freewill offering to support the chorus. Brian Harlow-Jennings, conductor; Christopher Harlow-Jennings, accompanist.

LSMNJ Christmas Gifts: Gift cards for Walmart, Target, ShopRite, or CVS; pajamas, night shirts, fuzzy socks for hospice patients. Donations are due Sunday, December 8.

Mitten Tree: Bring new or gently used hats, coats, gloves, or winter apparel items to help our friends at St. Stephan’s Grace in Newark. Items due December 15.

Christmas Decorations: Donations of $25-$100 or any amount. Dedications must be received by December 12. Sign up in the rear entryway.

Lessons & Carols, December 15 at 4:00 PM. A festive reception will follow the service.

Christmas Bridges Collection: See the weekly email to sign up or in the narthex. All items are due by December 22.The Bridges Run will be December 28.

Stewardship Update: To date we have received 53 pledges for a total of $342,676 and a pledge of $5480 for World Hunger. Thank you to everyone who has made a 2025 pledge.

New Chair Appeal: We are asking everyone to consider buying a chair (or more) or buying a portion of a chair ($430 each) by January 12. Include “chairs” in the note field. See the weekly email for more information or to give online. To date, we have collected $25,490.


November 17, 2024

For the weekly email, click here.

Worship Volunteers Needed: Ushers, Livestream, Acolytes, Assisting Ministers, and Readers.

TODAY we welcome new members George Moser & Mary Lou Burde and Becky Johnsen at the 10:30 AM service. Please introduce yourself and get to know these new members.

 SJSM Forum: Housing, TODAY at 9:00 AM we welcome Summit resident and local housing advocate Ellen Boylan who will share with us practical ways to address the housing crisis.

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6), Sundays, 9:30–10:00 AM.

Children’s Faith Formation for children ages PreK–6th Grade, Sundays, 10:00–10:30 AM

Luther Ringers TODAY, 11:45-12:45 PM.

GRACE Hot Drink Collection items due TODAY.

Wharton Arts Chamber Music Concert, TONIGHT at 7:00 PM. A free concert at St. John’s.

Summit Interfaith Thanksgiving Concert: Thursday, November 21, 7:30 PM at Congregation Ohr Shalom, 67 Kent Place Blvd. St. John's Choir will sing and Pastor Blake will offer remarks.

Summit Warm Hearts Meals: Please sign up in the weekly email to provide meals for 12 people, dropped off by 7:30 PM. Beginning November 21.

Church Thanksgiving, November 24, after the 10:30 AM service to celebrate Thanksgiving with your church family. We provide the turkeys, you bring a Thanksgiving dish to share.

St. John’s Christmas Market, November 30, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM to support Summit Warm Hearts. There will be outside craft vendors, a bake sale, a petting zoo, a carol-sing, and a visit from St. Nicholas! Help with donations of Christmas crafts, due November 24-29, baked goods, due November 29. volunteer to work the event. Contact Jane Bowman to help.

LSMNJ Christmas Gifts: Donations are due Sunday, December 8. Gift for a child (card in narthex); gift cards for Walmart, Target, ShopRite, or CVS; pajamas, night shirts, fuzzy socks for hospice patients.

Mitten Tree beginning November 24. Bring new or gently used hats, coats, gloves, or winter apparel items to help our friends at St. Stephan’s Grace in Newark. Items due December 15.

Christmas Bridges Collection begins November 24. See the weekly email to sign up. All items are due by December 22.The Bridges Run will be December 28.

Christmas Decorations: Recommended donations of $25-$100 or any amount. To be included in the Christmas worship bulletins, dedications must be received in the church office by December 12. Sign up in the rear entryway.

New Chair Appeal: We are asking everyone to consider buying a chair (or more) or buying a portion of a chair ($430 each) by January 12. Include “chairs” in the note field. See the weekly email for more information or to give online. To date, we have collected $14,890.


November 10, 2024

For the weekly email, click here.

Luther Ringers TODAY at 11:45 AM.

Lutheran World Relief Forum, TODAY at 9:00 AM: Learn more about the amazing work of LWF. Your contributions help fund life-changing ministry around the globe.

Confirmation Class, TONIGHT at 5:30 PM.

Aging Grace-fully Author Series, Tuesday, November 12 at 1:30 PM in the library to watch the author livestream from ULS of Sloane Crosley, Grief Is for People.

Next Lunch Bunch, November 13 from Noon-2:00 PM in the library: Bring a lunch, come for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, and prayer. We will be on hiatus until January 15.

Consecration Sunday, November 17 we will be dedicating our 2025 Financial Stewardship Pledges during worship. God has blessed us to be a blessing and every member is asked to prayerfully consider how they will commit to the work of this congregation.

SJSM Forum: Housing, November 17 at 9:00 AM we welcome Summit resident and local housing advocate Ellen Boylan who will share with us practical ways to address the housing crisis in our communities.

Grace Hot Drink Collection of coffee, tea, and hot cocoa for their Thanksgiving food distribution here in Summit. Please bring any of these items to church by November 17.

Chamber Music Concert, Sunday, November 17 at 7:00 PM, free concert at St. John’s by talented students from Wharton Arts as part of their Community series.

Summit Interfaith Thanksgiving Concert: Thursday, November 21, 7:30 PM at Congregation Ohr Shalom, 67 Kent Place Blvd. St. John's Choir will sing and Pastor Blake will offer remarks.

Summit Warm Hearts Meals: Please sign up in the weekly email to provide meals for 12 people, dropped off by 7:30 PM. Beginning November 21.

Church Thanksgiving, November 24, after the 10:30 AM service to celebrate Thanksgiving with your church family. We provide the turkeys, you bring a Thanksgiving dish to share.

St. John’s Christmas Market, November 30, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM to support Summit Warm Hearts. There will be many outside craft vendors, a bake sale, a petting zoo, a carol-sing, and a visit from St. Nicholas! Tell all your friends! Help with donations of Christmas crafts, baked goods for the bake sale, volunteer to help prepare sale items, set-up, clean-up, and work the event. Contact Jane Bowman to help.

LSMNJ Christmas Gifts: Social Justice/Social Ministry committee will be collecting gifts for Lutheran Social Ministry of NJ. Donations are due by Sunday, December 8. Pick up a card in the narthex to provide a Christmas present for a child in need, Walmart, Target, ShopRite, or CVS gift cards for seniors and families, pajamas, night shirts, fuzzy socks for hospice patients.

New Chair Appeal: We are asking everyone to consider buying a chair (or more) or buying a portion of a chair ($430 each) by January 12. Include “chairs” in the note field. See the weekly email for more information or to give online.


November 3, 2024

For the weekly email, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6). TODAY at 9:30–10:00 AM. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings for more information.

Children’s Faith Formation TODAY for children ages PreK through 6th Grade. All are welcome Sundays at 10:00–10:30 AM. Contact Deacon Walker for more information.

Luther Ringers TODAY at 11:45 AM.

Fall Stewardship Campaign: God has blessed us to be a blessing and every member is asked to prayerfully consider how they will commit to the work of this congregation. Keep an eye on your mail for your pledge card, brochure, and letter from Pastor. 

Foundations in Faith Series, by Interweave, November 4, 7:00 PM: Pastor Blake will be leading this month’s session, sharing about the courageous work of Lutheran Dietrich Bonhoeffer during WWII. 

Lutheran World Relief Forum, November 10 at 9:00 AM: Learn more about the amazing work of Lutheran World Relief. Your contributions help fund life-changing ministry around the globe.

Confirmation Class, Sunday, November 10 at 5:30 PM.

Aging Grace-fully Author Series, Tuesday, November 12 at 1:30 in the our library to watch the author livestream from the Gettysburg campus with our own discussion to follow. We will hear from Sloane Crosley, author of “Grief Is for People.” See the weekly email for upcoming livestreams.

Next Lunch Bunch, November 13 from Noon-2:00 PM in the library: Bring a lunch, come for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, and prayer. We are delving into the Gospel of John.

SJSM Forum: Housing, November 17 at 9:00 AM we welcome Summit resident and local housing advocate Ellen Boylan who will share with us practical ways to address the housing crisis in our communities.

Grace Hot Drink Collection of coffee, tea, and hot cocoa for their Thanksgiving food distribution here in Summit. Please bring any of these items to church by November 17.

Chamber Music Concert, Sunday, November 17 at 7:00 PM at St. John’s for by the talented students from Wharton Arts. This is a free concert and part of the Wharton Arts in the Community series. All are welcome.

Summit Warm Hearts Thursday Meals: Every other Thursday, beginning November 21, we will be providing dinner for our Summit Warm Hearts guests. Meals need to serve 12 people and contain no pork, and dropped off in the kitchen by 7:30 PM. You can bring an entire meal or just a portion. See the weekly email to sign up.

Church Thanksgiving, November 24: Join us after the 10:30 AM service to celebrate Thanksgiving with your church family. We will provide the turkeys, you bring your favorite Thanksgiving dish to share. All are welcome.

St. John’s Christmas Market, November 30, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM to support Summit Warm Hearts. There will be many outside craft vendors, a bake sale, a petting zoo, a carol-sing, and a visit from St. Nicholas! So please help spread the word and come the day of the event to shop - bring all your friends! You can help with donations of Christmas crafts, donations of baked goods for the bake sale, volunteer to help prepare sale items, set-up, clean-up, and work the event. Contact Jane Bowman if you are interested.

Lutheran Disaster Response: Hurricanes have devastated communities across the country. You can donate through Saint John’s by including “LDR Hurricane” in the note field.


October 27, 2024

Today’s flowers are given to the glory of God.

Fall Stewardship Campaign: God has blessed us to be a blessing and every member is asked to prayerfully consider how they will commit to the work of this congregation. Keep an eye on your mail for your pledge card, brochure, and letter from Pastor. 

Forum, TODAY at 9:00 AM: Our Global Lutheran Church, The Lutheran World Federation & Namibia. Led by Deacon Linda Walker.

Worship Matters Join us for our last session on October 29 at 7:00 PM in the Library as we take a deep dive into the central aspects of Lutheran worship.

Next Lunch Bunch, October 30 from Noon-2:00 PM in the library: Bring a lunch, come for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, and prayer. We are delving into the Gospel of John.

SJSM Forum: Housing, November 3 at 9:00 AM will be the final forum to focus on deepening our discussions on housing and dignity.

Foundations in Faith Series, Interweave Residency, November 4, 7:00 PM at St. John’s: Pastor Blake will be leading this month’s session, sharing about Bonhoeffer. 

Aging Grace-fully Author Series, Tuesday, November 12 at 1:15 in the our library along with the United Lutheran Seminary to watch the author livestream from the Gettysburg campus with our own discussion to follow. We will hear from Sloane Crosley, author of “Grief Is for People.” See the weekly email for additional upcoming livestreams.

Chamber Music Concert, Sunday, November 17 at 7:00 PM for by the talented students from Wharton Arts in Berkeley Heights. This is a free concert and part of the Wharton Arts in the Community series.

St. John’s Christmas Market, November 30, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM to support Summit Warm Hearts. There will be many outside craft vendors, a bake sale, a petting zoo, a carol-sing, and a visit from St. Nicholas! So please help spread the word and come the day of the event to shop - bring all your friends! You can help with donations of Christmas crafts, donations of baked goods for the bake sale, volunteer to help prepare sale items, set-up, clean-up, and work the event. Contact Jane Bowman if you are interested.

Lutheran Disaster Response: Hurricanes have devastated communities across the country. You can donate through Saint John’s by including “LDR Hurricane” in the note field.


October 20, 2024

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of their wedding anniversary by Darcy & John Tierney.

New Members: At today’s 10:30 service, join us in welcoming new members Caitlin, Brian, and Eliza McAuley. Be sure to introduce yourself and get to know these new members.

SJSM Forum: Housing, TODAY at 9:00 AM will be the second of three forums to focus on deepening our discussions on housing and dignity.

Hymn Festival, TODAY, 4:00 PM. 2024 marks the 500th anniversary of the first Lutheran hymnals. “A New Song Shall Now Begin: A Festival of Hymns,” will celebrate 500 years of Lutheran hymnody. This will be a wonderful service of music and commentary about our Lutheran hymn heritage. Led by Saint John’s Choir and other visiting musicians.

Worship Matters Join us Tuesdays in October at 7:00 PM in the Library as we take a deep dive into the central aspects of Lutheran worship.

Aging Grace-fully Author Series, Tuesday, October 22 at 1:15 in the our library along with the United Lutheran Seminary to watch the author livestream from the Gettysburg campus with our own discussion to follow. We will hear from Rabbi Steve Elder, author of “The Beauty of What Remains.” See the weekly email for additional upcoming livestreams.

NJ Youth Chorus Halloween Hoopla Concert & Trunk or Treat: Join us Saturday, October 26 at 3:00 PM for a spooktacular family-friendly event that will include fun Halloween songs and stories followed by a Trunk-or-Treat. Wear your costume. Children and families of all ages are welcome to attend this free event.

Next Sunday, October 27 is Reformation Sunday—remember to wear red!

Forum, October 27, 9:00 AM: Our Global Lutheran Church, The Lutheran World Federation & Namibia. Led by Deacon Linda Walker.

Next Lunch Bunch, October 30 from Noon-2:00 PM in the library: Bring a lunch, come for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, and prayer. We are delving into the Gospel of John.

All Saints Day, November 3 we remember those who have died in the past year. You are invited to submit names of any loved ones or friends to the Church Office by October 27.

Foundations in Faith Series, Interweave Residency, November 4, 7:00 PM at St. John’s: Pastor Blake will be leading this month’s session, sharing about Bonhoeffer.