For this week’s email, click here.
Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God by the Snyder family.
Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6), Sundays, 9:30–10:00 AM.
Children’s Faith Formation for children ages PreK–6th Grade, Sundays, 10:00–10:30 AM.
TODAY’S forum at 9:00 AM, we get to know Pastor Haydée Colón Hernández. Please join us.
Luther Ringers, TODAY at 11:45 AM.
Wharton Arts Recital: TODAY at 4:00 PM, St. John’s will host a Wharton Arts faculty recital featuring Lucas Button, cello, and Leah Frank, piano. Join us for this free event!
Black Barbie, February 1 at 2:00 PM: The Summit Library is showing the Netflix documentary with a virtual Q&A session with the movie’s director. You can donate a black Barbie doll at the circulation desk before the event.
Budget Forum, February 2 at 9:00 AM: Please join us to review the 2025 Spending Plan.
Interweave Residency Foundations of Faith, February 3, 7:00 PM. The guest leader is Janet Maulbeck, Executive Director of Interweave on the life and faith journey of C.S. Lewis.
Lunch Bunch: Bring a lunch, come for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, and prayer. We will meet February 5 from Noon–2:00 PM in the Library.
Annual Congregation Meeting, February 9: There will be ONE SERVICE AT 9:30 AM with the meeting immediately following in Hinman Hall. Lunch will be provided.
Souper Bowl of Caring, February 9: We will have our “Noisy Offering” to collect donations to combat hunger in our community through the work of GRACE.
Future of Affordable Housing Public Forum, February 10, 7:00 PM at the Summit High School. An expert panel will explain the recent amendments to NJ’s Fair Share Housing Act.
New Chair Appeal: Our 200 new sanctuary chairs have been delivered! The total cost of this project is $85,000 or $430 per chair. To date, we have collected $55,671.00. Please give generously. Please indicate “Chairs” in the note field. Once all the money is raised, we will dedicate the new chairs in worship and print the names of everyone who gave to this project.
Membership Review: Congregations need to periodically review membership records to ensure they are accurate. We have not done any membership roll review since 2019 due to the pandemic. In the coming weeks, every member will receive an email to confirm their membership status and update vital contact information. The email will contain a record of your information as it is currently listed in our congregation database. There will be a link to a form that we ask every member of the family to fill out. If you have any questions, please reach out to the office.
Worship Volunteers Needed for Livestream, Assisting Ministers and Ushers. Please sign up!