For this week’s email, click here.
Special thanks to Wayne Dietterick for serving as guest organist today.
Lunch Bunch Bible Study: Meets February 19 from Noon–2:00 PM in the Library.
Souper Bowl of Caring: The youth collected $508 to combat hunger during our “Noisy Offering” last Sunday. The donation will go to GRACE in Summit.
Installation Service, Sunday, February 23. Bishop Tracie Bartholomew will be here to install Pastor Haydée Colón Hernández as our Associate Pastor and Mission Developer for Camino de Vida. THERE WILL BE ONE SERVICE AT 10:30 AM, followed by a luncheon.
New Chair Appeal: The cost of this project is $80,000 or $430 per chair. To date, we have collected $74,405. Please give generously. Indicate “Chairs” in the note field. Once all the money is raised, we will dedicate the new chairs in worship and print the names of everyone who gave to this project.
“Immigration Nation” Netflix Documentary: The Anti-Racism Committee invites you to view an episode of “Immigration Nation” on Monday, February 24 at 7:00 PM. This series takes a deep look at US immigration today, with unprecedented documentary access to ICE operations, and moving portraits of immigrants. Discussion to follow.
Mardi Gras Pancake Breakfast: Join us from 9:00–10:00 AM on March 2 for our Mardi Gras Breakfast. We will celebrate with pancakes, bacon, and sausage before our Lenten fast begins.
Ash Wednesday, March 5: On Ash Wednesday we are marked with ashes—a sign of our death and of our sorrow for sin—but the ashes trace a cross on our forehead, where the baptismal water first marked us with God’s grace. Services at 12:00 Noon and 7:00 PM.
Membership Review: Congregations need to periodically review membership records to ensure they are accurate. We have not done any membership roll review since 2019 due to the pandemic. In the coming weeks, every member will receive an email to confirm their membership status and update vital contact information. The email will contain a record of your information as it is currently listed in our congregation database. There will be a link to a form that we ask every member of the family to fill out. If you have any questions, please reach out to the office.
Sunshine Team: In an effort to reach out and support our church family, we are combining several ministries: Caring Calls & Cards, Caring Casseroles, and the Member Engagement Team (works with the pastor to integrate new members, reengage inactive members, and increase overall participation). We will reach out to homebound members, members who are sick or grieving, new members, etc. We will also offer meals for members experiencing significant health challenges. If you are interested contact Anna Wesley by email or at (856) 577-7858.
Lutheran Disaster Response gives 100% for California fires. Give to St. John’s, noting CA fires.
Worship Volunteers Needed for Livestream, Assisting Ministers and Ushers. Please sign up!