We move from worship to
“Share Christ’s Love” in the world.
Here are some of the ministries Saint John’s is involved in:
Family Promise
In conjunction with Family Promise and other Summit congregations, Saint John’s provides support to homeless families.
Bridges is a weekly lunch distribution program for homeless persons in Newark
and New York. We prepare lunches every week and once a year we operate the distribution run.
Community Foodbank
of New Jersey
CFBNJ, a member of Feeding America®, is
the leading anti-hunger and anti-poverty organization in the state. We support CFBNJ through financial grants and volunteer work days.
GRACE, Giving and Receiving Assistance for our Community’s Essentials, is offered at the Summit Community Center, 100 Morris Avenue, Summit, NJ. GRACE offers Summit residents free fresh food. Saint John’s contributes to this program with fresh items from our church garden and for various special programs throughout the year.
Loaves and Fishes
Saint John’s regularly collects food donations for this Summit-based food pantry in partnership with St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church.
Backpack and Christmas Gifts in cooperation with Lutheran Social MinistrieS of NJ
Saint John’s members provide backpacks and basic school supplies for elementary and high school students in need. Each December, Saint John’s members provide gifts, grocery cards and support to families
in need and seniors in affordable housing.
Souper Bowl of Caring
Our Super Bowl Sunday special collection benefits local hunger ministries.
Market Street Mission Coat Collection
Saint John’s collects coats for the Market Street Mission each winter.