November 28, 2021

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God, and in memory of George Montague by the Sherman and Montague families, by Bev and Mike Kaczmarski in honor of their anniversary, and in memory of Millie Connelly’s birthday by her family.

2022 Pledge Update To date, we have received 73 pledges totaling $382,950 toward our goal of $450,000. Please be sure to submit your 2022 pledge card to the church office or online.

Churches Beyond Borders Joint Devotions: The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, The Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and the Anglican Church in Canada have jointly produced a devotion for use from November 25–December 10 for the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. Copies are available in the narthex.

Advent begins TODAY! Join us for Advent intergenerational activities for children and adults, every Sunday in Advent at 9:00AM in Hinman Hall. There are Advent devotions, and Christmas brochures available in the narthex. Check out our online Advent calendar on our Facebook page, where we will post each day of Advent through Epiphany, recipes, memories, fun facts and more.

Advent Lessons & Carols, Next Sunday, December 5 at the 10:30 service!

Confirmation Class, Sunday December 5 at 5:30 PM.

Christmas Chancel Decorations: Suggested donations of $25– $100 may be made to decorate our church for Christmas. Please sign up in the rear entryway by December 12 to be listed in the Christmas bulletins.

The Advent Sale, November 28–December 19 in the chapel. We are feeling nostalgic this Advent Season so our theme for this year is “Awaiting with Nostalgia,” bringing back memories of the past. We will have items from the past, handmade crafts, a few traditional things, and ELCA Good Gifts will also be available. All proceeds will go toward local food ministries.

LSMNJ Christmas Gifts: Support children and seniors this Christmas through Lutheran Social Ministries NJ (LSMNJ). How you can help: Purchase gift cards from Walmart or Target and bring to church by December 5. Purchase gifts from LSMNJ’s Amazon Smiles Christmas Gift List by clicking here. Ship to LSMNJ, 3 Manhattan Drive, Burlington, NJ 08016, with delivery by December 15. Contact Helen Dachowicz or Hans Calis with questions.

Bridges Outreach: We will be preparing sustainable lunches to give to the homeless on Sunday, December 12, at 9:00 AM, and doing a run to Newark on Saturday, December 18. Sign-ups are posted in the rear entryway.

Church Decorating is planned for Sunday, December 19. Sign up in the narthex for the many tasks that need to be completed to ready St. John’s for Christmas Eve. Pizza will be served!

Caroling, December 19 at 4:00 PM! All are welcome to join us as we carol through town.

Appalachia Service Project July 2–9, 2022 Update: Youth AND adults can still sign up for this awesome service opportunity. The need in Appalachia is so great, ASP is permitting some all-adults teams for the summer program usually geared to youth. This is a unique year and a great opportunity for adults to try ASP. Contact Laura Snyder ASAP: