Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.
2022 Offering Envelopes: If you use or would like to use offering envelopes for your contributions, 2022 envelopes are available for pickup after the service.
In the interest of the health and safety of all our members and staff, St. John's has pushed all January activities to February and March. These activities include Confirmation Class, Youth Group, musical ensembles, Dinner Church, Fellowship Time food & coffee, and the Anti-Racism forums. Please contact the Church Office with questions.
MLK Event TODAY at 7:00 PM: A discussion of the film, Ferguson Rises. Michael Brown Jr., an 18-year-old black man, was fatally shot by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. His murder and the City’s reaction to the protests that followed exposed the searing inequalities that still exust. Click on this link to register to watch both the documentary and panel discussion. This event is FREE and open to the public.
Family Promise Virtual Hosting Sign Up: This week, we are “hosting” 5 families (8 adults;7 children) by making/delivering meals or buying grocery store or Uber/Lyft gift cards to offset commuting expenses. Click this link to sign up and help those who are struggling to hold on to warm, safe shelter. Be sure to scroll to the bottom to sign up for St. John's opportunities to help!
Souper Bowl of Caring Summit-Wide Collection to help with items in demand and not covered by SNAP benefits. Please bring to St. John’s by February 6 adult diapers, feminine hygiene products, and cleaning supplies.
Budget Forum, February 6 at 9:00 AM.
One Service, February 13 at 9:30 AM with the Annual Congregation Meeting immediately following the service.
Lutheran Disaster Response Tornado Relief: Gifts to LDR designated for “U.S. Tornadoes” will be used entirely (100%) to assist those affected by tornadoes until the response is complete. Together, we can support those who are on the long road to recovery. You may give to St. John's with the memo: “LDR Tornadoes” or you may give online at
Appalachia Service Project July 2–9, 2022 Update: Youth AND adults can still sign up for this awesome service opportunity. The need in Appalachia is so great, ASP is permitting some all-adults teams for the summer program usually geared to youth. This is a unique year and a great opportunity for adults to try ASP. Contact Laura Snyder ASAP:
Lutheran Summer Music Winter Session will run January 9–February 11, 2022 and will be held completely via Zoom. The LSM Winter Session aims to remove the barriers of distance, tuition cost, and time commitment so that we can welcome even more young musicians into our community! For more information about the program, visit