Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of Shirley Paulson by the Miller and McNulty families.
2023 Pledge Update: We have received 71 pledges for a total of $380,720 toward our goal of $480,000, and World Hunger pledges are $15,120. Please submit your 2023 pledge today!
Advent Faith Formation, TODAY at 9:00 AM. It will include singing carols, a short lesson, seasonal crafts, and snacks. All ages are welcome to join in the fun!
Children’s Choir rehearsal TODAY, 9:30 to 10:00 AM in the Choir Room.
Advent Devotionals, “Naming Jesus,” World Hunger devotions, and Advent calendars can be picked up in the narthex. We also have an Advent Calendar on St. John’s Facebook.
Advent Sale running through December 18 in the chapel.
The Mitten Tree: We are collecting hats, mittens, scarves, and winter apparel for St. Stephan’s-Grace, Newark. Bring in new/gently-used items to help our neighbors in need.
LSM Christmas Gifts We are again partnering with LSMNJ to support children and seniors in affordable housing. Purchase gift cards (Walmart, Target or grocery stores) and bring to church by December 11. Suggested amount is $50, or you may purchase gifts from LSMNJ’s Christmas Gift List. Please take a notecard from the bulletin board in the narthex with gift information and print your name on the corresponding gift list. Bring unwrapped gifts to church by December 11. For any additional questions, contact Helen Dachowicz.
Christmas decorations: Recommended donations of $25–$100 are appreciated, but we will receive donations of any amount. To be included in the Christmas worship bulletins, dedications must be received in the church office by December 11. Sign up in the rear entryway.
Christmas Bridges Donations: On Sunday, December 18 at 9:00 AM we will have a fun intergenerational event packing 200 sustainable lunches. Sign up in the narthex or online to donate items, which must be delivered to church by 8:00 AM on December 18.
Intergenerational Christmas Choir will sing at the 5:00 PM Christmas Eve Service. Open to all children (4+), youth, and adults. The choir will rehearse on Christmas Eve at 4:00 PM. We will learn the carol at Faith Formation on Sundays at 9:00 AM.
Cross Roads is currently accepting applications for their Summer 2023 staff. They are a professional, vibrant and close-knit community that is hired from mid-June to late-August. Visit to apply.
Anne Ryan Dello Russo, our Nursery Attendant, will be retiring at the end of this year after 44 years of faithful service. The Christmas Eve 5:00 PM service will be Anne's last day serving among us. We will hold a Retirement Celebration for Anne on January 15, 2023. More details about the celebration and ways for you to express your gratitude will be forthcoming. In the meantime, thank Anne for her amazing commitment to our congregation and saying unequivocally “Well done, good and faithful servant of God.”