Please welcome our guest organist today, Lisa Wichman.
Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God by Alana & Rick Coble in honor of Julia Coble’s birthday.
We are in dire need of Worship Assistants! We need Altar Guild volunteers, Greeters, Counters, Readers, Ushers and Livestream Crew members. MANY hands are needed to offer the worship services and events that we do. Please email Pastor Blake or Bev Kaczmarski.
Additional Counters Needed: The time commitment is about one hour every other month after the 10:30 service. No prior experience required. Please contact Linda Mesenbrink.
Want to join our Social Justice/Social Ministry Committee? Visit St. John’s YouTube Channel for recent interviews with leaders of some of our partner organizations, Bridges Outreach and Family Promise of Union County. Hear how St. John’s work has helped our community.
Ash Wednesday services will be this Wednesday, March 2 at 12:00 PM and 7:30 PM.
Two different Lenten Devotionals are now available!
Lenten Intergenerational Faith Formation activities begin on March 6 at 9:00 AM in Hinman Hall. All are welcome!
Boxes of Cereal for Loaves & Fishes: A traditional Lenten discipline is to give to those in need. We have been asked to collect boxed cereal for Loaves and Fishes. There are six Sundays from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday, and we ask everyone to bring at least one box of cereal each week of Lent. Can we collect 300+ boxes?
Funeral Service for Norma Engelhardt, March 4 at 11:00 AM: Masks are required. The service will also be livestreamed for those who are unable to attend in person.
Let Us Build a House–Bethlehem Build: Our partner congregation, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, New Orleans, is building new affordable housing rentals on their property in partnership with Tulane University. Our Council has challenged St. John's to raise $22,500, or 10% of the needed funds to make this project possible during Lent. Give online or by check payable to St. John’s with “Bethlehem Build” in the memo line.
Fun WALK/RUN with Lutheran Social Ministries of NJ on March 26 to fill food pantries across New Jersey. The Fun Walk/Run will be at the South County Mountain Recreation Complex across from the Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange. Visit the LSMNJ website to register.
African American Museum Tour/Mask & Wig Club Tour, April 2: As part of the Jehu Jones Bishop’s Challenge, visit two museums in Philadelphia, the African American Museum and the Mask & Wig Club, originally built by the Rev. Jehu Jones as the first African American Lutheran Church in the U.S. Cost is $25 for bus and museum ticket. Lunch is on your own. If traveling on your own you will still need to sign up for your museum ticket ($9). Register by March 25 (see weekly email for link).
Cross Roads Upcoming Events: Youth Retreats for Elementary, Middle and High School students, Summer camp registration now open, and summer staff opportunities are all available. Visit for information on all the great programs being offered.