Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of their parents by Mike and Bev Kaczmarski.
Our Appalachia Service Project volunteers are overwhelmed by the response of St. John’s members and visitors to our “Peace by Piece” fundraiser. You all helped us ‘repair’ our model house and raised $5040 for our upcoming trip to McDowell County, WV. Thank you very much for your generosity and ongoing support of 22 years for this worthwhile and rewarding mission trip. You can view all McDowell County, WV projects at, and you may even see a few photos of us at work!
Celebration of Completion of Ministry: Join us TODAY at 10:30 AM out on the front lawn to give thanks for Donna Garzinsky’s tenure among us as she steps down as our Director of Music.
The Church Office will be closed on July 4 & 5 in observance of July 4th.
Rummage Sale, July 8–9: Donations will be accepted starting TODAY. If you would like to drop off items over the holiday, please make arrangements with Jane Bowman or the church office. All money raised supports the Youth Missions Fund. Then, make sure to come to the Rummage Sale on July 8 & 9 from 9–4:00 to buy some new treasures!
Reconciling in Christ: The Social Justice Social Ministry (SJSM) Committee is proposing that St. John’s becomes a “Reconciling in Christ” church. For nearly 50 years, ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation has advocated for the full welcome, inclusion, and equity of LGBTQIA+ Lutherans in the life of their Church, congregation, and community. Over the next several months, our congregation will offer several educational opportunities. Their goal is to present a motion at the February congregational meeting to adopt a welcome statement and officially become an RIC church. More details to come!
Monday Movie Nights: The SJSM committee will hold two evening movie nights this summer, in Hinman Hall to watch LGBTQIA+ themed movies. The first movie will be on Monday, July 11 at 7:00 PM to watch Saved! (2004). Popcorn and post-movie discussion included! Our second movie night will be on Monday, August 15, also at 7:00 PM. Hope to see you there!
Anti-Racism Committee Summer reading books available with discussions after Labor Day. Small Great Things, recommended donation $10. Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together recommended donation $15. Books available in the church office.
The Hinman Scholarship Fund applications are now being accepted. Applications can be found in the church office. Contact Linda Mesenbrink with questions.
Congregational Retreat—Save the date, September 30–October 2: Join us for a fun weekend at Cross Roads for activities for all ages, faith formation, building connections with other church members, or simply recharge by connecting to nature. We have reserved the entire Christ Center, a modern hotel-like retreat space with private bathrooms. Speak to Pastor Scalet or Jane Bowman with questions or put your name on the list.