June 12, 2022

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God. Please sign up to sponsor flowers.

We welcome our new intern, Vicar Naeem Harry, who begins his ministry among us today. Vicar Naeem, a candidate for minister of Word and Sacrament in the New Jersey Synod, will be completing his internship part-time over two years as he continues as a hospice chaplain. Join us at the picnic TODAY to welcome him!

Music Sunday, TODAY: St. John's ensembles will lead in worship and we will give thanks for the gift of the Triune God that is music. A special thanks to Wayne Dietterick as interim Director of Music and Linda Clark as interim Director of the Lutherringers and recorders.

Summit Juneteenth Celebration, June 17, 5–8:30 PM: St. John’s is an official sponsor of Summit’s first Juneteenth Celebration at the Summit Aquatic Center (100 Ashwood Avenue).

Summer Worship Schedule, June 19 through September 4, we will be worshiping together at ONE service beginning at 9:15 AM. During the summer when attendance is lighter, a single service makes better use of our worship volunteers and makes for a fuller assembly. It will be wonderful to worship as one congregation!

Commemoration of The Emanuel 9 & Juneteenth, Sunday, June 19, St. John’s will observe the commemoration of the Emanuel 9 and Juneteenth. These two observances are recent national and ELCA additions to our church calendar.

Blood Drive at St. John’s! On June 24, St. John’s will host a blood drive from 12:00 to 6:00 PM. Please sign up at nybc.org using sponsor code 12199. See the rear entry bulletin board.

ASP Fundraiser: For the month of June, ASP volunteers will be on hand on Sundays to assist you in participating in the Piece by Peace Fundraiser, our only fundraiser this year. Come help us “repair a house” (model) by “purchasing” siding, windows, decking, roofing, etc. to make it warmer, safer, and drier! Items are $10 and up, but any donation will be accepted.

Rummage Sale, July 8–9: Donations will be accepted starting July 3. If you would like to drop off items any earlier, please make prior arrangements with Jane Bowman or the church office. All money raised supports the Youth Missions Fund.

Anti-Racism Committee Summer reading books available with discussions after Labor Day. Small Great Things, recommended donation $10. Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together recommended donation $15. Books available in the church office.

Congregational Retreat—Save the date, September 30–October 2: Join us for a fun weekend at Cross Roads for activities for all ages, faith formation, building connections with other church members, or simply recharge by connecting to nature. We have reserved the entire Christ Center, a modern hotel-like retreat space with private bathrooms. Speak to Pastor Scalet or Jane Bowman with questions or put your name on the list.