September 25, 2022

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor and memory of Jim Gahan by the Gahan family.

Hurricane Fiona LDR: Please give to Lutheran Disaster Relief to aid those impacted by this devastating storm. Checks can be made out to St. John’s, “Hurricane Fiona” in the memo line. Your gifts will support survivors of Hurricane Fiona and will be used in full to assist them until the response is complete.

Children’s Choir TODAY, 9:30-10:00 AM, in the Choir Room. Open to all children ages 5 and up. September 25, October 2, & 9; and we will sing on October 16 at the 10:30 AM service. Have fun, learn basic vocal technique and musical fundamentals, and sing in worship!

Children’s Faith Formation TODAY at 10:00 AM in the Youth Lounge.

Lutherringers TODAY 11:45 AM in the loft, and is open to middle school through adults. 

RIC Forum: The SJSM Committee will be hosting a forum TODAY at 9:00 AM as part of the RIC process, addressing definitions, terminology, and some key historical events. Come learn about this ever-evolving topic and bring your questions!

Shirley Paulson is turning 100! Please send a birthday card for this momentous occasion to: 93 Colfax Road, Springfield, NJ 07081. All are invited to an open house at her home, TODAY from 12:00 - 3:00 PM. A group will head over around 1:00 PM to visit and sing for Shirley.

Family Promise, TODAY–October 1: Meals or gift cards (groceries or Uber/Lyft) are needed. Sign up to volunteer at, scroll to the bottom of the page to Volunteer Opportunities. Amy Jones, volunteer coordinator, will email you details. Digital gift cards can be emailed to Physical cards can be mailed to Family Promise Union County, Attn: Amy Jones, 402 Union Ave., Elizabeth, NJ 07208. Questions may be directed to Marifel Calis

Congregational Retreat—September 30–October 1, at Cross Roads. We are looking forward to seeing everyone for activities, faith formation, building connections with other church members, and to connect with nature. Speak to Pastor Scalet or Jane Bowman with questions.

Back to the Basics in the ELCA Class: Pastor Blake will be offering an adult education class, Tuesdays at 7:00 PM for six weeks, beginning September 27. Join us for a lively discussion.

Bethlehem NOLA Visit: Pastor Ben Groth will be visiting with us October 15–16.

Worship Assistants Needed! Fall brings the return of two services and the Worship Committee needs YOU to serve as Ushers, Greeters, Readers, Assisting Ministers or to be on Altar Guild. All these jobs are essential to worship. Please reach out to Bev Kaczmarski.