Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.
The 2023 Congregation Council Members will be installed TODAY at both services.
Turkey/Syria Earthquake Relief: Donations can be made to St. John’s with gifts designated for “Turkey Earthquake” in the memo line. Your gifts will be used entirely (100%) to provide long-lasting support for those whose lives have been impacted by disasters in the region.
Shrove Sunday Breakfast, TODAY, 9:00 AM: We will celebrate with pancakes, bacon, and sausage before our Lenten fast begins. Come hungry!
Dinner Church, TONIGHT, 6:00 PM. Join us for Word and Sacrament in a dinner setting.
Ash Wednesday, February 22 services at Noon and 7:30 PM with the Imposition of Ashes.
The Lenten devotional, Seeking: Honest Questions for Deeper Faith, is available in the narthex. The Lenten brochure was mailed to members’ homes or can be downloaded from the weekly email.
Soup for a Cause, February 26 - March 26: We will be selling homemade soups and breads between Sunday services during Lent. All proceeds will go toward the Bethlehem Build Project. If you are interested in making soup or bread for the sale contact Jane Bowman at (908) 447-8865.
Lenten Midweek Worship: Beginning March 1, services on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM, Soup Suppers and Fellowship at 6:00 PM. Please sign up on the rear entry bulletin board to bring food to ensure we have enough.
ARC Theater Outing: The Anti-Racism Committee has purchased a block of 16 tickets for The Old Settler play for Friday, March 3 at 8:00 PM at The Summit Playhouse at a discounted price of $22.50. Featuring an all black cast, The Old Settler paints a poignant picture of two women testing the bonds of sisterhood and finding the strength and forgiveness only family can offer. Contact Pat Bennett to reserve your tickets by February 27 at 973-600-9256 or via email.
Still I Rise, Sunday, March 5 at 4:00 PM: Christ Church and Fountain Baptist are presenting Still I Rise: A Musical Celebration of Black History Month at Christ Church, 561 Springfield Ave., Summit. Suggested donation is $20 for adults and $10 for children (12 and under).
Cereal for Loaves & Fishes Lent Collection. A traditional Lenten discipline is to give to those in need. We have been asked to collect boxed cereal for Loaves and Fishes. We ask everyone to bring at least one box of cereal for each of the six weeks of Lent. Can we collect 200 boxes?
Bethlehem Build Lent Collection. Our partner congregation, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, New Orleans, is building the 2nd affordable house on their property in partnership with Tulane University. Our Council has challenged us to raise $25,000 between now and Easter Give online or by check, payable to St. John’s, “Bethlehem Build” in the memo line.