Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of loved ones and in thanksgiving for family by Christine & Russell McIntyre.
Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.
Handbells TODAY at 11:45 AM.
Holy Communion instruction will meet TODAY at 12:00 Noon in the Youth Lounge.
Confirmation Class, TODAY at 5:30 PM.
Pastor Blake and Shai Dromi invite all members of St. John’s to their wedding on Sunday, July 2 at 5:00 PM at St. John’s. For the complete details, please visit their website You MUST RSVP by May 15. Please see the weekly email for more details.
Cross Roads Open House, May 13 or June 10: Take a tour of camp, hear stories, ask questions, and finish with a delicious lunch in the dining hall. To learn more, visit:
The Caritas Chamber Chorale present two concerts of sacred a cappella choral music, entitled Sacred Tribute, for the benefit of Adorno Fathers’ African Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa, Saturday, May 20, 2023, 7:30 PM Christ Church, 561 Springfield Ave., Summit. The concerts are free and open to the public. For more details, visit
Organ Concert, Sunday, May 21 at 4:00 PM: St. John's Director of Music, Christopher
Harlow-Jennings, will play a solo organ concert on the Holtkamp pipe organ entitled “Toccatas and Flourishes.” A reception will follow. The concert is free and open to the public.
Bethlehem Build Collection. Our partner congregation, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, New Orleans, is building the 2nd affordable house on their property. We are about $5,000 away from our $25,000 goal. Give online or by check, payable to St. John’s, “Bethlehem Build” in the memo line.
We are hiring a Livestream Coordinator for Sunday services from 7:45–Noon including religious holidays. Approximately 5 hours a week. Experience with livestream and audio equipment. Open to high school and college students with TV production experience. Please contact Linda Mesenbrink at or 973-202-2773.
The Gathering Place, Monthly Dementia Care Lunch: The Memory Café is re-starting their program of lunch for patients with dementia and their caregivers on the first Wednesday of each month from Noon–2:00 PM at Christ Church 561 Springfield Ave., Summit. People eat together and participate in an appropriate socializing program while giving caregivers the opportunity to talk with others. Call (908) 273-5549 to RSVP. Suggested donation is $5/person.