June 4, 2023

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome.

ASP Stock Sale: Sundays in June, our ASP volunteers will be on hand to purchase stock to support our teams and our neighbors in Blountville, Sullivan County, TN. Help us equip our teams to rent vans, pay for gas, purchase food and supplies, etc. Stock is available for purchase starting at $10, but any donation, cash or check, is welcome. Shares available in increments of $1.

In Search of Paul Forum: Pastor Blake will share what he learned on his trip TODAY at 9:00 AM.

Psomi’s Ordination Celebration: We will be hosting a luncheon celebration in honor of our own beloved, the Reverend Psomi Psomas-Jackloski TODAY at Noon. Psomi was ordained and installed as the pastor of St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Parsippany.

Summit’s AAPI Celebration has been rescheduled for Saturday, June 10 on the Village Green from 5:00–10:00 PM. The Evangelism committee is organizing members to be representatives of our congregation, to meet our neighbors, and to enjoy a fun night out! 


Music Sunday, June 11. All our ensembles will lead in worship. Join us as we will give thanks for the gift of music, all our musicians, and our Director of Music, Christopher Harlow-Jennings.

Church Picnic, Sunday, June 11 after the 10:30 AM service. Sign-up in the rear entryway or online to help set up, bring a side dish, salad or dessert to share.

The Cross Roads Bishops’ Cup will be held on June 12 at the Copper Hill Country Club in Ringoes, NJ. You can sign up as an individual golfer ($250) or as a foursome ($1,000). There are also many opportunities to become a sponsor. See the weekly email to sign up.

CPR AED Training June 17: Sign up with Jane Bowman by TODAY.

Summer Worship begins June 18: We will worship at one service at 9:15 AM.

Sprucing Up Help Needed: Our property needs some landscaping projects that are in need of funding. Please direct questions to Jane Bowman or give, noting “landscaping” in the memo.

Rummage Sale, July 14 & 15 to support Youth Missions. Donations accepted starting July 9.

Family Promise and Share My Meals are partnering to help fight food insecurity by recovering and delivering healthy meals locally. Bristol Myers Squibb will be donating meals from their cafeterias and volunteers are needed to deliver the food to Family Promise. Please see the weekly email to find out how you can support this mission.

We are hiring a Livestream Coordinator for Sunday services from 7:45–Noon, including religious holidays, approximately 5 hours a week. Open to high school and college students with TV production experience. Contact Linda Mesenbrink at 973-202-2773 or Linda.mesenbrink@verizon.net.