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Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of their 20th wedding anniversary by Lois & Rodger Kopf.
Forum, TODAY at 9:00: 500 years of Lutheran Hymnody. Come learn about our musical heritage.
Lutheran Disaster Response: There is a great need in the southeast due to recent hurricanes You can donate through St. John’s, including “Lutheran Disaster Response” in the note field.
Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6). Both choirs rehearse Sundays 9:30–10:00 AM. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings for more information.
Children’s Faith Formation TODAY for children ages PreK through 6th Grade. All are welcome Sundays at 10:00–10:30 AM. Contact Deacon Walker for more information.
Luther Ringers TODAY at 11:45-12:45 PM.
Confirmation Class, TODAY at 5:30.
Worship Matters Join us Tuesdays in October at 7:00 PM in the Library as we take a deep dive into the central aspects of Lutheran worship.
Foundations in Faith Series, Interweave Residency, October 14 at 7:00 PM at St. John’s: Join us for this yearlong series where ministers and faith leaders will share about someone who has served as such a beacon in their lives. Light Refreshments, free will offering.
Next Lunch Bunch, October 16 from Noon-2:00 PM in the library: Bring a lunch, come for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, and prayer. We are delving into the Gospel of John.
Care Packages: If you have a college student, please send their mailing address to Jama Bowman to make sure they get their care package!
SJSM Forum: Housing, October 20 at 9:00 AM will be the second of three forums to focus on deepening our discussions on housing and dignity.
Race for the Children, October 20 at 9:00 AM: The Union County Child Advocacy Center supports and protects young victims of crime. Join them for a 5K-Run/2-Mile Walk at Warinanco Park in Roselle. See the weekly email to donate and/or register.
Hymn Festival, October 20, 4:00 PM. 2024 marks the 500th anniversary of the first Lutheran hymnals. “A New Song Shall Now Begin: A Festival of Hymns,” will celebrate 500 years of Lutheran hymnody. This will be a wonderful service of music and commentary about our Lutheran hymn heritage. Led by Saint John’s Choir and other visiting musicians.
Aging Grace-fully Author Series, Tuesday, October 22 at 1:15 in the our library along with the United Lutheran Seminary to watch the author livestream from the Gettysburg campus with our own discussion to follow. We will hear from Rabbi Steve Elder, author of “The Beauty of What Remains.” See the weekly email for additional upcoming livestreams.
All Saints Day, November 3 we remember those who have died in the past year. You are invited to submit names of any loved ones or friends to the Church Office by October 27.