November 17, 2024

For the weekly email, click here.

Worship Volunteers Needed: Ushers, Livestream, Acolytes, Assisting Ministers, and Readers.

TODAY we welcome new members George Moser & Mary Lou Burde and Becky Johnsen at the 10:30 AM service. Please introduce yourself and get to know these new members.

 SJSM Forum: Housing, TODAY at 9:00 AM we welcome Summit resident and local housing advocate Ellen Boylan who will share with us practical ways to address the housing crisis.

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6), Sundays, 9:30–10:00 AM.

Children’s Faith Formation for children ages PreK–6th Grade, Sundays, 10:00–10:30 AM

Luther Ringers TODAY, 11:45-12:45 PM.

GRACE Hot Drink Collection items due TODAY.

Wharton Arts Chamber Music Concert, TONIGHT at 7:00 PM. A free concert at St. John’s.

Summit Interfaith Thanksgiving Concert: Thursday, November 21, 7:30 PM at Congregation Ohr Shalom, 67 Kent Place Blvd. St. John's Choir will sing and Pastor Blake will offer remarks.

Summit Warm Hearts Meals: Please sign up in the weekly email to provide meals for 12 people, dropped off by 7:30 PM. Beginning November 21.

Church Thanksgiving, November 24, after the 10:30 AM service to celebrate Thanksgiving with your church family. We provide the turkeys, you bring a Thanksgiving dish to share.

St. John’s Christmas Market, November 30, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM to support Summit Warm Hearts. There will be outside craft vendors, a bake sale, a petting zoo, a carol-sing, and a visit from St. Nicholas! Help with donations of Christmas crafts, due November 24-29, baked goods, due November 29. volunteer to work the event. Contact Jane Bowman to help.

LSMNJ Christmas Gifts: Donations are due Sunday, December 8. Gift for a child (card in narthex); gift cards for Walmart, Target, ShopRite, or CVS; pajamas, night shirts, fuzzy socks for hospice patients.

Mitten Tree beginning November 24. Bring new or gently used hats, coats, gloves, or winter apparel items to help our friends at St. Stephan’s Grace in Newark. Items due December 15.

Christmas Bridges Collection begins November 24. See the weekly email to sign up. All items are due by December 22.The Bridges Run will be December 28.

Christmas Decorations: Recommended donations of $25-$100 or any amount. To be included in the Christmas worship bulletins, dedications must be received in the church office by December 12. Sign up in the rear entryway.

New Chair Appeal: We are asking everyone to consider buying a chair (or more) or buying a portion of a chair ($430 each) by January 12. Include “chairs” in the note field. See the weekly email for more information or to give online. To date, we have collected $14,890.