For this week’s email announcements, click here.
Although no flowers adorn our chancel during Lent, a donation to the Flower Fund was made by Paula Cerdas in celebration of her birthday.
SJSM Forums: TODAY, A Faithful Foundation for Discussing Housing: March 17: Where Do We Go from Here: A discussion about how as Christian citizens we work for housing justice.
Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.
Lenten Soup Suppers and Midweek Services, Wednesdays in Lent. Soup Supper at 6:00 PM followed by Services at 7:00 PM.
Property Day, March 16 at 9:00 AM: There will be jobs for all skill levels and abilities. Sign up in the entryway or in the weekly email. Questions? Contact Jane Bowman (908) 447-8865.
Soup for a Cause, through March 17: Buy homemade soups and breads between Sunday services during Lent. If you are interested in making soup or bread for the sale contact Jane Bowman.
Cereal Collection Update: We have 139 boxes so far. Can we collect 200 boxes by March 17?
Shampoo Collection Update: We’ve currently collected 119 bottles of our goal of 100 bottles each of shampoo and conditioner for GRACE by March 17.
Help needed for Holy Week services - 9 services in 8 days! We need ushers, assisting ministers, readers, candle preparers, chair arrangers, and more! All skill levels welcome. Please check out the sign-up sheet located in the narthex or in the weekly email.
Easter Decorations: To have your dedications or memorials included in the Easter bulletins, you must sign up or contact the church office by March 17.
Warm Hearts Meal needed for March 21 to serve 16 people and contain no pork. You can bring an entire meal or just a portion. See the weekly email to sign up.
Time & Talent Census due March 24: Each member is being asked to reflect on their participation in the work of the congregation. Please fill out a Time & Talent Census in the weekly email. For more information about ways to serve, see our Ministry Opportunities Booklet.
Easter Brunch Food Donations: Baked goods are needed by March 30 and casseroles on March 31 by 8:45 AM. Gluten free, nut free, etc. are also needed. Sign up in the rear entry.
Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up to provide homemade or store-bought baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers, etc. This is a major community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.