Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God by Beverly Sharpe in memory of Joan Hartmann.
2022 Pledge Update To date, we have received 60 pledges totaling $331,980 toward our goal of $450,000. If you have not submitted your 2022 pledge, please do so today by submitting a pledge card to the church office or online.
All Saints Sunday Lunch: Along with our celebration liturgy on this day, we will have a luncheon following the 10:30 service.
Confirmation Class TONIGHT AT 5:30 PM.
ARC Book Discussion on The Color of Law has been cancelled.
Dinner Church: November 14 at 6:00 PM. Everyone is welcome.
Youth Group Meeting: November 21 at 7:00 PM. Middle School and High School youth welcome.
Thank you for your generous winter clothing contributions! The Market Street Mission was thrilled to receive from St. John’s a total of 80 coats, plus 63 scarves, gloves, and hats. Saturday, November 6, the MSM Thrift Store will hold its 32nd annual coat giveaway, providing warm clothing for those people most in need. Many thanks to the members of St. John’s for lending a helping hand!
Jehu Jones Bishop Challenge: Every congregation has been challenged to help the NJ Synod raise $50,000 to support the lives of emerging leaders of African descent in our church today. Our council has set our goal at $3,750 by the end of 2021 and the Anti-Racism Committee will match our goal dollar for dollar. Please make donations to St. John’s, memo “Jehu Jones.”
Appalachia Service Project (ASP) 2022! We have requested the week of July 3–9, 2022 in either West Virginia or Virginia. We are currently looking for teens and college students to participate. Youth volunteers must be at least 13 years old and have graduated 8th grade by the time of the trip. Please email Laura Snyder for more information or to sign up your child. Visit ASP’s website to learn more about this organization that strives to make homes warmer, safer, and drier for Appalachian families!
Giving Is Important. We count on your generous offerings to continue to do our robust ministry. Please give generously. You may give online or mail checks to the church.
Summit Feeding Ministries: Loaves and Fishes is always in need shelf-stable food items such as canned goods, cereals, and boxed foods. Please leave your donations in the rear entry.