Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.
Thank you to our substitute organist, Connie Schmalz.
2022 Pledge Update To date, we have received 65 pledges totaling $348,930 toward our goal of $450,000. If you have not submitted your 2022 pledge, please do so today by submitting a pledge card to the church office or online.
Dinner Church TONIGHT, 6:00 PM. Join us for Word and sacrament in an intimate dinner setting.
LSMNJ Christmas Gifts: This holiday season, we are again joining with Lutheran Social Ministries NJ (LSMNJ) to support children and seniors. Detailed instructions will be provided in next week’s announcements.
ARC Book Discussion on The Color of Law has been cancelled.
Youth Group Meeting: November 21, 7:00 PM. Middle and High School youth welcome.
The Advent Sale, November 28–December 19 in the chapel. We are feeling nostalgic this Advent Season so our theme for this year is “Awaiting Nostalgia,” bringing back memories of the past. We will have items from the past, handmade crafts, a few traditional things, and ELCA Good Gifts will also be available. All proceeds will go toward local food ministries.
Advent is coming, November 28! Devotional books are now available.
Jehu Jones Bishop Challenge: Every congregation has been challenged to help the NJ Synod raise $50,000 to support the lives of emerging leaders of African descent in our church today. Our council has set our goal at $3,750 by the end of 2021 and the Anti-Racism Committee will match our goal dollar for dollar. Please make donations to St. John’s, memo “Jehu Jones.”
Appalachia Service Project 2022 Update: We have six youth and four adults committed so far to ASP 2022 (July 2–9, 2022) to Virginia or West Virginia. Youth AND adults can still sign up for this awesome service opportunity. Due to the pandemic, the need in Appalachia is so great, (over 6000 applications for home repairs), ASP is permitting some all-adults teams for the summer program, usually geared to youth. This is a unique year and a great opportunity for adults to try ASP. Whether you are a potential youth or adult volunteer, please contact Laura Snyder ASAP to reserve or ask questions:
Giving Is Important. We count on your generous offerings to continue to do our robust ministry. Please give generously. You may give online or mail checks to the church.
Summit Feeding Ministries: Loaves and Fishes is always in need shelf-stable food items such as canned goods, cereals, and boxed foods. Please leave your donations in the rear entry.