December 19, 2021

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of Roy Patterson by Beverly Sharpe.

The 2022 Flower Chart is up! Please sign up for dedication in the coming year. Multiple people can sign up each week. Weekly flowers cost St. John’s $80. Please donate as you are able.

2022 Pledge Update To date, we have received 82 pledges totaling $470,470 toward our goal of $450,000. Please be sure to submit your 2022 pledge card to the church office or online.

Jehu Jones Bishop’s Challenge Update: Thus far we have received $2,535. Our challenge is to raise $3,750 which will be matched dollar for dollar by our Antiracism Committee.

Facebook Advent Calendar: Check out our online Advent calendar on our Facebook page, where we will post each day of Advent through Epiphany, recipes, memories, fun facts & more.

The church office will be closed December 25 through January 4.

Advent Intergenerational Time! TODAY at 9:00 AM in Hinman Hall. Please join us!

The Advent Sale ends TODAY. All proceeds will go toward local food ministries.

Church Decorating is planned for TODAY. Join us after the 10:30 service to ready St. John’s for Christmas Eve. Pizza will be served! There are tasks for all skill sets. We need your help!

Caroling, TODAY at 4:00 PM! Join us as we carol through town spreading Christmas joy.

Blood Drive at St. John’s, Friday, January 7 from Noon–6:00 PM here at St. John’s. Please sign up at and use sponsor code 12199.

Year-End Giving: Please remember to honor your 2021 financial pledges and World Hunger giving. All financial contributions, Christmas offerings, and special giving must be received before year’s end for 2021 accounting purposes. Thank you for your generosity!

Lutheran Disaster Response Tornado Relief: Gifts to LDR designated for “U.S. tornadoes” will be used entirely (100%) to assist those affected by tornadoes until the response is complete. Together, we can support those who are on the long road to recovery. You may give to St. John's with the memo: “LDR Tornadoes” or you may give online at

Appalachia Service Project July 2–9, 2022 Update: Youth AND adults can still sign up for this awesome service opportunity. The need in Appalachia is so great, ASP is permitting some all-adults teams for the summer program usually geared to youth. This is a unique year and a great opportunity for adults to try ASP. Contact Laura Snyder ASAP:

Lutheran Summer Music Winter Session will run January 9–February 11, 2022 and will be held completely via Zoom. The LSM Winter Session aims to remove the barriers of distance, tuition cost, and time commitment so that we can welcome even more young musicians into our community! For more information about the program, visit