Christmas Eve
First Sunday after Christmas
A busy weekend lies ahead! First, in winter’s deepest night, we welcome the light of the Christ child. Isaiah declares that the light of the long-promised king will illumine the world and bring endless peace and justice. Paul reminds us that the grace of God through Jesus Christ brings salvation to all people. The angels declare that Jesus’ birth is good and joyful news for everyone, including lowly shepherds. Filled with the light that shines in our lives, we go forth to share the light of Christ with the whole world.
On the first Sunday of Christmas, we return to the house of God “to sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God,” who has gifted us with a savior. As the festival continues, “let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.” It is Christmas, still.
Christmas Eve
3 PM Children's Service
5 PM & 10 PM Candlelight Communion
5 PM service will be livestreamed here.
Christmas Day
10:30 AM Communion Service with Carol Sing
12/26 First Sunday after Christmas
8:00 AM
10:30 AM Lessons & Carols
Masks must be worn. All are welcome.
COVID Christmas Precautions
With the rise in cases of COVID, we have made some additional precautions for our Christmas services. We are glad we are able to have in-person Christmas services this year; and for the love of each other, we will abide by these precautions as Christian community.
Everyone MUST wear a mask arriving, during, and leaving worship. There can be no exceptions. You must wear a mask properly covering your nose and mouth. We have been told by medical professionals this is the single best thing we can all do to keep ourselves and our community safe and healthy.
We will be having only a single trumpeter at 5 & 10 PM, using instrument PPE, rather than the originally planned brass quintet.
The 3 PM Children's Service will not include communion or candlelighting and will have an abbreviated timeframe.
Following the lighting of candles during "Silent Night" please do not blow out your candle. You will keep it lit through the end of the service and place it in the sand-filled containers near the exit.
We have 4 Christmas services, with 5 PM, also being livestreamed. Please use this variety to best suit you and your family's health concerns and comfort levels.
Pastor Blake was exposed to COVID last week and Shai did test positive. Pastor Blake has been quarantined since Friday. He never had any symptoms and has received four negative tests; thus he will be able to lead Christmas services.
If you have been exposed to COVID or have any symptoms please do not attend in-person services.
The church office will be closed
December 25 through January 4.
Blood Drive at St. John’s, Friday, January 7 from Noon–6:00 PM here at St. John’s. Please sign up at and use sponsor code 12199.
Year-End Giving: Please remember to honor your 2021 financial pledges and World Hunger giving. All financial contributions, Christmas offerings, and special giving must be received before year’s end for 2021 accounting purposes. Thank you for your generosity!
Lutheran Disaster Response Tornado Relief: Gifts to LDR designated for “U.S. tornadoes” will be used entirely (100%) to assist those affected by tornadoes until the response is complete. Together, we can support those who are on the long road to recovery. You may give to St. John's with the memo: “LDR Tornadoes” or you may give online at
Appalachia Service Project July 2–9, 2022 Update: Youth AND adults can still sign up for this awesome service opportunity. The need in Appalachia is so great, ASP is permitting some all-adults teams for the summer program usually geared to youth. This is a unique year and a great opportunity for adults to try ASP. Contact Laura Snyder ASAP:
Lutheran Summer Music Winter Session will run January 9–February 11, 2022 and will be held completely via Zoom. The LSM Winter Session aims to remove the barriers of distance, tuition cost, and time commitment so that we can welcome even more young musicians into our community! For more information about the program, visit