October 16, 2022

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of Bob Groote and in honor of Lindsay Groote’s birthday by Carol Groote.

Please give to Lutheran Disaster Response to aid those impacted by the most recent disasters. Checks can be made out to Saint John’s, “LDR” in the memo line.

Dinner Church, TODAY at 6:00 PM: Join us for Word and Sacrament in an intimate dinner setting. Pastor Groth will be our special guest.

Join us for a Consecration Brunch, Sunday, October 23 at 9:00 AM with Summit mayor, Nora Radest, as our special guest and speaker. Every member is asked to prayerfully consider how they will commit to the work of this congregation.

College Care Packages: The Caring Cards & Calls Committee is looking for donations of $10 gift cards to Dunkin’ or Starbucks for college student care. Cards can be placed in the envelope marked College Gift Cards in the office by October 23. Also if you have a college student, please send their mailing address to Jama Bowman to make sure they get their care package!

Youth Group Meeting, October 23 at 7:00 PM on Zoom. Contact Kirsten Meyer or Stephanie Rothman with questions.

All Saints Day, November 6: Names of loved ones or friends who have died in the past year can be submitted to the church office by October 28.

High on the Hog Feast, October 28 at 7:00 PM: Our ARC Committee invites you to an evening soul food celebration, featuring Chef Sed. This builds on our spring High on the Hog events, but even if you did not attend all are welcome. Sign up in the entryway.

The Youth Group Trip to “Jack O Lantern Experience” on Saturday, October 29. We will meet at the church at 6:15 PM. Advance reservations required. Contact Kirsten Meyer or Stephanie Rothman for more information.

Market Street Mission Coat Drive: Please donate new and gently used coats, scarves, and gloves by leaving them in collection box in the narthex by October 30.

RIC Forum, October 30 at 9:00 AM: We are thrilled to welcome nationally-regarded speaker and LBGTQ advocate, Jamie Bruesehoff. In her role as a mother of a trans youth and a trans rights educator, as well as a life-long Lutheran in our synod, Jamie will share with us her unique insights about inclusion and justice for queer people.

Reformation Sunday, October 30: Join us as we commemorate the founding of the Lutheran Church, and pray for our continued renewal by the Holy Spirit. Don’t forget to wear red!

Worship Assistants Needed! Fall brings the return of two services and the Worship Committee needs YOU to serve as Ushers, Greeters, Readers, Assisting Ministers or to be on Altar Guild. All these jobs are essential to worship. Please reach out to Bev Kaczmarski.