November 6, 2022

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of loved ones by Karen and Bill Feezer.

2023 Pledge Update: We have received 56 pledges for a total of $284,330 toward our goal of $480,000, and  World Hunger pledges are $8,540. If you have not yet submitted a pledge for 2023, please do so today!

Book Discussion: Join the Anti-Racism Committee on TODAY at 9:00 AM for their second book discussion on The Sum of Us by Heather McGhee.

Children’s Choir rehearsal TODAY, 9:30 to 10:00 AM in the Choir Room. All children ages 4 and up are welcome and invited to join us. We are singing again in worship on Sunday December 4 for Advent Lessons & Carols. Choir is followed by Faith Formation in the Youth Lounge at 10:00 AM. For more  information, contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings.

Appalachia Service Project Youth Mission Trip to repair substandard housing to make it warmer, safer, and drier, is being planned for July 8–15, 2023 (one week later than usual), and we hope to be assigned to Tennessee (9-10 hours from Summit). At this time we are looking for interested youth who have completed 8th grade and are at least 14 years old by the time of the trip, and adults who have an interest in home repair and leading our youth. Contact Laura Snyder for more information and to express interest.

Thanksgiving Potluck, November 20: Join us after the 10:30 AM service to celebrate Thanksgiving. We will provide the turkeys, you bring your favorite Thanksgiving dish to share with your church family.

Lutheran Summer Music (LSM), June 25–July 23. As the nation’s premier faith-based music academy this four-week, immersive residential performance and training program is for grades  8-12. Students participate in large ensembles (band, choir, orchestra) and chamber music; receive lessons on primary and secondary instruments; and enroll in electives such as chapel choir, church music, handbells, composition, jazz band, conducting, musical theatre, and more. The daily schedule includes morning and evening prayer, classes, recreation activities, and concerts by faculty and guest artists. For more information, visit

Worship Assistants Needed! Fall brings the return of two services and the Worship Committee needs YOU to serve as Ushers, Greeters, Readers, Assisting Ministers or to be on Altar Guild. All these jobs are essential to worship. Please reach out to Bev Kaczmarski.

Loaves & Fishes: Help support Summit’s food pantry by dropping off shelf-stable foods in the narthex.