Appalachia Service Project Meeting: TODAY from Noon to 3:00 PM in Hinman Hall. There will be theme training (“Rooted in Love”) as well as sensitivity training through large and small group activities. Since this is our main training session, ALL volunteers should plan to attend.
Bethlehem Build: Thanks to your generosity, we exceed our fundraising goal and collected more than $25,000!
Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected by the crisis in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. You can mail or drop off a check at the church office, or donate online and type “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.
The Anti-Racism Committee is hosting a viewing of the 4-part Netflix docuseries, High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America. Viewings will be on Mondays, May 2, 9, 16 & 23 from 7:00–9:00 PM, and will be followed by a food sampling related to the series.
The 2022 New Jersey Synod Assembly will take place May 6–7. Attending the assembly as St. John's voting members will be Pastor Scalet, Deacon Linda Walker, Rodger Kopf, Jane Bowman and Thomas Neiman.
On May 8, Jessica Sherman will be stepping down as Director of Communications to begin a full-time position as Director of Marketing at Two River Theater. She will continue to be an active member of St. John's and a volunteer for livestream crew. We wish her well!
Registration for all Cross Roads Summer Camp Programs is open. Come to one of the Cross Roads open houses on May 14 or June 11 to visit camp, ask all your questions, and even enjoy a delicious lunch! Learn more and register at
Save the Date–Blood Drive at St. John’s! On June 24, St. John’s will host a blood drive from 12:00 to 6:00 PM. Details and registration information coming soon!