Intergenerational Faith Formation continues TODAY at 9:00 AM! Everyone is invited to enjoy some fellowship time, while we explore the role of Lent in our spiritual lives through crafting, music and maybe a snack. Join us today as we Walk Through Holy Week.
Holy Work for Holy Week: Sign up in the narthex to help with the many tasks during this holy season. There are a variety of time commitments and skill requirements. Lots of helpers are needed!
Boxes of Cereal for Loaves & Fishes: today is the last day for our special collection, but the need for food continues year round. We collected approximately 320 boxes!
Let Us Build a House–Bethlehem Build: Our partner congregation, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, New Orleans, is building new affordable housing rentals on their property in partnership with Tulane University. Our Council has challenged St. John’s to raise $22,500 of the needed funds to make this project possible during Lent. Give online or by check payable to St. John’s with “Bethlehem Build” in the memo line. Currently, we have collected $22,591!
Baby Drive Collection: Robin Taylor Roth is co-sponsoring a baby drive for GRACE to collect food, diapers, pull-ups, wipes through the end of April. A collection box is in the rear entryway.
Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected by the crisis in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. You can mail or drop off a check at the church office, or donate online and type “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.
The Church Office will be closed from Monday, April 18 through Friday, April 22.
Registration for all Cross Roads Summer Camp Programs is open. Come to one of the Cross Roads open houses on May 14 or June 11 to visit camp, ask all your questions, and even enjoy a delicious lunch! Learn more and register at
Save the Date–Blood Drive at St. John’s! On June 24, St. John’s will host a blood drive from 12:00 to 6:00 PM. Details and registration information coming soon!