Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.
Forum TODAY at 9:00 AM with member Katie Sharpe, behavioral therapist on the Opioid Crisis.
Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.
Reformation Choral Vespers, TODAY at 4:00 PM. Join us for contemplative reflection and moving singing by the St. John’s Choir on this festival day.
All Saints Day: Names of loved ones or friends who have died in the past year can be submitted to the church office by TODAY to be included in the November 5 bulletin.
ASP 2024: We are heading to a county in Virginia June 30–July 6, 2024! Interested youth (at least 13 years old and graduated 8th grade by the time of the trip) as well as potential adult leaders/chaperones, see or email Laura Snyder, ASP Coordinator: Laura will also be available between and after services TODAY to answer any questions.
We need food donations for our fellowship time: Store-bought or homemade–baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers are just some ideas. See the weekly email to sign up.
Family Promise Collection, October 29–November 19: We are collecting at least 100 cleaning items to support homeless families through Family Promise. Bring in items such as: disinfectant wipes/spray, dish soap, sponges, toilet cleaner, kitchen spray cleaner, bathroom cleaners, and window cleaner.
Summit Warm Hearts hosting begins November 2 on Thursday and Friday evenings.
Meal Prep for Summit Warm Hearts: We will be making meals to freeze on Sunday, November 12 immediately following the 10:30 AM service. Contact Jama Bowman if you are interested in joining us or helping us to cover the cost of these meals.
The Summit Interfaith Council Anti-Racism Committee is having a virtual book discussion on Under the Skin: The Hidden Toll of Racism on American Lives and on the Health of Our Nation by Linda Villarosa on Thursday, November 16 at 7:00 PM. See the weekly email to register.
We are having a Christmas Market on December 2 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM to support the Bethlehem Builds affordable housing project. There will be many outside craft vendors set up. Our congregation also plans to have a large array of items for sale with all profits going to Bethlehem Builds. Here’s how you can help: Donations of Christmas crafts, baked goods for the bake sale, Christmas wrap, bows, tissue paper, bags, tape, volunteers to help prepare sale items, set-up, clean-up, and work the event. Please contact Jane Bowman if you are interested.