Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of Joan Patterson Hartmann by Beverly Sharpe.
Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.
Confirmation, TONIGHT at 5:30 PM.
ASP 2024: We are heading to a county in Virginia June 30–July 6, 2024! Interested youth (at least 13 years old and graduated 8th grade by the time of the trip) as well as potential adult leaders/chaperones, see or email Laura Snyder, ASP Coordinator:
We need food donations for our fellowship time: Store-bought or homemade–baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers are just some ideas. See the weekly email to sign up.
Family Promise Collection, through November 19: We are collecting at least 100 cleaning items to support homeless families through. Bring in items such as: disinfectant wipes/spray, dish soap, sponges, toilet cleaner, kitchen spray cleaner, bathroom cleaners, and window cleaner.
Forum, November 12 at 9:00 AM: Leaders from SAGE Eldercare will share information about their Meals on Wheels program which our congregation has long supported and provides vital feeding ministry throughout our community.
Meal Prep for Summit Warm Hearts: We will be making meals to freeze on Sunday, November 12 immediately following the 10:30 AM service. Contact Jama Bowman if you are interested in joining us or helping us to cover the cost of these meals.
The Summit Interfaith Council Anti-Racism Committee is having a virtual book discussion on Under the Skin: The Hidden Toll of Racism on American Lives and on the Health of Our Nation by Linda Villarosa on Thursday, November 16 at 7:00 PM. See the weekly email to register.
We are having a Christmas Market on December 2 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM to support the Bethlehem Builds affordable housing project. There will be many outside craft vendors set up. Our congregation also plans to have a large array of items for sale with all profits going to Bethlehem Builds. Here’s how you can help: Donations of Christmas crafts, baked goods for the bake sale, Christmas wrap, bows, tissue paper, bags, tape, volunteers to help prepare sale items, set-up, clean-up, and work the event. Please contact Jane Bowman if you are interested.