For this week’s email announcements, click here.
Lenten Soup Suppers and Midweek Services: Join us for Wednesdays in Lent for Soup Supper at 6:00 PM followed by Services at 7:00 PM, beginning February 21. Help is needed to provide soup, salad, bread or dessert and to help with set-up/clean-up. Sign up in the entryway.
Forum, Sunday, TODAY, 9:00 AM: The Anti-Racism Committee will be showing episodes from the series, “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man” by Emmanuel Acho, followed by discussion. Other upcoming forums: February 25: Understanding the Housing Situation with Vito Gallo (Housing Part 1); March 3: St. John’s Visiting Professor; March 10: A Faithful Foundation for Discussing Housing (Housing Part 2); March 17: Where Do We Go from Here? (Housing Part 3).
Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.
St. John’s Visiting Professor, March 2-3: The. Rev. Dr. Nelson Rivera. Our 2024 Saint John’s Visiting Professor is The Rev. Dr. Nelson Rivera. There will be a social gathering on the evening of Saturday, March 2. Then on Sunday, March 3, Pastor Rivera will be our guest preacher and lead the adult forum, “Lutheran Identity and Commitments in an Ecumenical Context.”
Soup for a Cause, through March 17: We will be selling homemade soups and breads between Sunday services during Lent. All proceeds will go toward the St. Stephan’s-Grace Community’s outreach programs in the Ironbound neighborhood of Newark. If you are interested in making soup or bread for the sale contact Jane Bowman.
Duo Organists Concert, February 25 at 4:00 PM: Christopher & Brian Harlow-Jennings will present a concert for four hands, two pipe organs, and piano with music by Calvin Hampton, Francis Jackson, and Charles Callahan. A light reception will follow. Please invite friends and neighbors to this exciting event.
Cereal Collection: A traditional Lenten discipline is to give to those in need. We have been asked to collect boxed cereal for Loaves and Fishes. We ask everyone to bring at least one box of cereal each week of Lent. Can we collect 200 boxes? More? Collection ends March 17.
Lenten Collection: Summit’s GRACE helps to meet community needs for our vulnerable and underserved neighbors. They have asked for shampoo and conditioner which aren’t covered by SNAP. We have set a goal to collect 100 bottles each by March 17.
The Lenten devotional “Psalms Anatomy of the Soul” is available in the narthex. This year’s daily devotional is based on the Psalms.
Easter Decorations: To have your dedications or memorials included in the Easter bulletins, you must sign up or contact the church office by March 17.
Time to think about Summer Camp: See the weekly email to register for Cross Roads many available options for grades 2–8, Middle School, and High School age youth.