For this week’s email announcements, click here.
Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of their parents by Lois and Rodger Kopf.
Souper Bowl of Caring, TODAY. We will have our “Noisy Offering” to collect donations to combat hunger in our community through the work of GRACE.
Annual Congregation Meeting, TODAY, immediately following the 9:30 AM service.
The 2024 Lenten brochure “What Wondrous Love” has been mailed to members’ homes.
The Lenten devotional “Psalms Anatomy of the Soul” is available in the narthex. This year’s daily devotional is based on the Psalms.
February 14—Ash Wednesday: Join us at 8:00 AM for imposition of ashes with a brief spoken service, Noon for Holy Communion with imposition of ashes with sermon and hymns, or 7:00 PM for Holy Communion with imposition of ashes and choral liturgy. Please note the new time for the evening service.
Soup Suppers: Join us for Wednesdays in Lent for Lenten Soup & Supper at 6:00 PM followed by Lenten Midweek Services at 7:00 PM, beginning February 21. Volunteers are needed to provide soup, salad, bread or dessert and to help with set-up/clean-up. Sign up in the weekly email or in the entryway.
Forum, Sunday, February 18, 9:00 AM: The Anti-Racism Committee will be showing episodes from the series Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man by Emmanuel Acho, inviting us to have challenging conversations about racism in America. Each episode will be followed by group discussion. Other upcoming forums: February 25: Understanding the Housing Situation with Vito Gallo (Housing Part 1); March 3: St. John’s Visiting Professor: The. Rev. Dr. Nelson Rivera (see the weekly email for more information); March 10: A Faithful Foundation for Discussing Housing (Housing Part 2); March 17: Where Do We Go from Here? (Housing Part 3)
Duo Organists Concert, February 25 at 4:00 PM: Christopher & Brian Harlow-Jennings will present a concert for four hands, two pipe organs, and piano with music by Calvin Hampton, Francis Jackson, and Charles Callahan. A light reception will follow. Please invite friends and neighbors to this exciting event.
Worship Volunteers Needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship between now and Easter. Please see the weekly email to sign up today!
Fellowship Time Help Needed: Food donations for our fellowship time (Sundays from 9:00 AM–Noon). They can be homemade or store-bought—baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers are just some ideas. See the weekly email to sign up.
Time to think about Summer Camp: See the weekly email to register for Cross Roads many available options for grades 2–8, Middle School, and High School age youth.