October 13, 2024

For the weekly email, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of their 20th wedding anniversary by Lois & Rodger Kopf.

Forum, TODAY at 9:00: 500 years of Lutheran Hymnody. Come learn about our musical heritage.

Lutheran Disaster Response: There is a great need in the southeast due to recent hurricanes You can donate through St. John’s, including “Lutheran Disaster Response” in the note field.

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6). Both choirs rehearse Sundays 9:30–10:00 AM. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings for more information.

Children’s Faith Formation TODAY for children ages PreK through 6th Grade. All are welcome Sundays at 10:00–10:30 AM. Contact Deacon Walker for more information.

Luther Ringers TODAY at 11:45-12:45 PM.

Confirmation Class, TODAY at 5:30.

Worship Matters Join us Tuesdays in October at 7:00 PM in the Library as we take a deep dive into the central aspects of Lutheran worship.

Foundations in Faith Series, Interweave Residency, October 14 at 7:00 PM at St. John’s: Join us for this yearlong series where ministers and faith leaders will share about someone who has served as such a beacon in their lives. Light Refreshments, free will offering.

Next Lunch Bunch, October 16 from Noon-2:00 PM in the library: Bring a lunch, come for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, and prayer. We are delving into the Gospel of John.

Care Packages: If you have a college student, please send their mailing address to Jama Bowman to make sure they get their care package!

SJSM Forum: Housing, October 20 at 9:00 AM will be the second of three forums to focus on deepening our discussions on housing and dignity.

Race for the Children, October 20 at 9:00 AM: The Union County Child Advocacy Center supports and protects young victims of crime. Join them for a 5K-Run/2-Mile Walk  at Warinanco Park in Roselle. See the weekly email to donate and/or register.

Hymn Festival, October 20, 4:00 PM. 2024 marks the 500th anniversary of the first Lutheran hymnals. “A New Song Shall Now Begin: A Festival of Hymns,” will celebrate 500 years of Lutheran hymnody. This will be a wonderful service of music and commentary about our Lutheran hymn heritage. Led by Saint John’s Choir and other visiting musicians.

Aging Grace-fully Author Series, Tuesday, October 22 at 1:15 in the our library along with the United Lutheran Seminary to watch the author livestream from the Gettysburg campus with our own discussion to follow. We will hear from Rabbi Steve Elder, author of “The Beauty of What Remains.” See the weekly email for additional upcoming livestreams.

All Saints Day, November 3 we remember those who have died in the past year. You are invited to submit names of any loved ones or friends to the Church Office by October 27.


October 6, 2024

For the weekly email, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of their wedding anniversary by Glenn and Paula Wey.

We welcome the Rev. Bruce H. Davidson as our guest preacher TODAY.

Lutheran Disaster Response: There is a new need in the southeast due to Hurricane Helene which resulted in severe destruction and flooding. You can donate through St. John’s, including “Lutheran Disaster Response” in the note field.

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6). Both choirs rehearse Sundays 9:30–10:00 AM. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings for more information.

Children’s Faith Formation TODAY for children ages PreK through 6th Grade. All are welcome Sundays at 10:00–10:30 AM. Contact Deacon Walker for more information.

Luther Ringers begin TODAY at 11:45 - 12:45 PM.

Partnership Sunday: St. Stephan’s Grace Community in Newark is celebrating their annual Partnership Sunday on TODAY at 3:00 PM, 7 Wilson Avenue, Newark. Carpooling is encouraged. Contact Pastor Blake if interested.

Worship Matters Join us Tuesdays in October at 7:00 PM in the Library as we take a deep dive into the central aspects of Lutheran worship.

Foundations in Faith Series, part of our Interweave Residency, October 14 at 7:00 PM at St. John’s: Join us for this yearlong series where ministers and faith leaders will share about someone who has served as such a beacon in their lives. Light Refreshments, free will offering.

Next Lunch Bunch, October 16 from Noon-2:00 PM in the library: Bring a lunch, come for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, and prayer. We are delving into the Gospel of John.

Hymn Festival, October 20. 2024 marks the 500th anniversary of the printing of the first Lutheran hymnals. “A New Song Shall Now Begin: A Festival of Hymns,” will celebrate 500 years of Lutheran hymnody. This will be a wonderful service of music and commentary about our Lutheran hymn heritage. Led by Saint John’s Choir and other visiting musicians.

All Saints Day, November 3 we remember those who have died in the past year. You are invited to submit names of any loved ones or friends to the Church Office by October 27.

Care Packages: We are looking for donations for our college students’ care packages. Sign up in the weekly email. Donations are due by October 20. If you have a college student, please send their mailing address to Jama Bowman to make sure they get their care package! 

Race for the Children, October 20 at 9:00 AM: The Union County Child Advocacy Center supports and protects young victims of crime. Join them for a 5K-Run/2-Mile Walk  at Warinanco Park in Roselle. See the weekly email to donate and/or register.


September 29, 2024

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in celebration of Rick Coble’s birthday by the Coble family.

New Members: At today’s 10:30 service, join us in welcoming new members Barbara Hines and Rosemary Guttormsson. Be sure to introduce yourself and get to know these new members.

Special Congregation Meeting, TODAY, immediately following the 10:30 service:

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6). Both choirs rehearse Sundays 9:30–10:00 AM. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings for more information.

Children’s Faith Formation TODAY for children ages PreK through 6th Grade. All are welcome Sundays at 10:00–10:30 AM. Contact Deacon Walker for more information.

Luther Ringers begin TODAY after the meeting: Handbells is open to middle/high school youth and adults and is a wonderful introduction to music and score reading for those who like to make a joyful noise. They rehearse on Sundays at 11:45 - 12:45 PM.

Worship Matters Join us Tuesday, October 1 at 7:00 PM in the Library as we take a deep dive into the central aspects of Lutheran worship. We will look at the foundations and principles of our worship service. This class will meet Tuesday nights in October from 7:00–9:00 PM.

Lunch Bunch: Bring a lunch, come for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, and prayer. Our initial sessions will begin delving into the Gospel of John. We will meet every other Wednesday starting on October 2 from 12:00–2:00 PM in the library.

Guest Preacher, October 6: As part of his celebration of his 50th Ordination Anniversary year, one of our former pastors, The Rev. Bruce H. Davidson will join us for worship as our guest preacher at both services.

SJSM Forum: Housing, October 6 at 9:00 AM will be the first of three forums to focus on deepening our discussions on housing and dignity. This forum will seek to challenge the dominant narratives about housing and homelessness.

Partnership Sunday: St. Stephan’s Grace Community in Newark is celebrating their annual Partnership Sunday on October 6 at 3:00 PM, 7 Wilson Avenue, Newark, and to celebrate their 150th Anniversary of the St. Stephan’s building and their 15th Anniversary of the St. Stephan’s Grace Community. Carpooling is encouraged. Contact Pastor Blake if interested.

Fall 2024 semester of Dialogue Circles on Race has opened registration. The course will begin the week of October 13 through November 21. Register by September 23 in the weekly email.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.

Race for the Children, October 20 at 9:00 AM: The Union County Child Advocacy Center supports and protects young victims of crime. Join them for a 5K-Run/2-Mile Walk  at Warinanco Park in Roselle. See the weekly email to donate and/or register.


September 22, 2024

For the weekly email, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.

Latiné Ministry Information, TODAY at 9:00 AM. The Bishop’s office has proposed anchoring a Synod Approved Outreach Ministry (SAOM) at Saint John’s. The focus of this outreach is the Latiné community centered in Summit, with the working name: Camino de Vida, Way of Life. The Synod has identified a candidate to lead this ministry, and the Congregation Council is recommending that Saint John’s move forward. The Rev. Maristela Freiberg, our Synod's Director of Evangelical Mission will be with us along with Council Members and our Treasurer to provide information.

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6). Both choirs rehearse Sundays 9:30–10:00 AM. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings for more information.

Children’s Faith Formation TODAY for children ages PreK through 6th Grade. All are welcome Sundays at 10:00–10:30 AM. Contact Deacon Walker for more information.

Luther Ringers begin TODAY at 11:45: Handbells is open to middle/high school youth and adults and is a wonderful introduction to music and score reading for those who like to make a joyful noise. They rehearse on Sundays at 11:45 - 12:45 PM.

Fall 2024 semester of Dialogue Circles on Race has opened registration. The course will begin the week of October 13 through November 21. Register by September 23 in the weekly email.

Candidate Meet and Greet, Saturday, September 28. Details will be in this week’s email.

Special Congregational Meeting, September 29, following the 10:30 AM service.

Worship Matters Join us Tuesday, October 1 at 7:00 PM in the Library as we take a deep dive into the central aspects of Lutheran worship. We will look at the foundations and principles of our worship service. This class will meet Tuesday nights in October from 7:00–9:00 PM.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


September 15, 2024

For the weekly email, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.

Holy Baptism and New Members TODAY at 10:30 service: The whole church joins in welcoming Kieran Jaeger into the family of God at his baptism. Please also join us in welcoming his parents, Max and Annie, as new members. Take a moment to introduce yourself and get to know these new members.

Council Information Sessions, TODAY and September 22 at 9:00 AM. Council members will share information and hear your feedback about the proposed Latine Ministry, Camino de Vida.

Children’s Choir: (Grades 1–6) Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6). Both choirs rehearse Sundays 9:30–10:00 AM. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings for more information.

Children’s Faith Formation TODAY for children ages PreK through 6th Grade. All are welcome Sundays at 10:00–10:30 AM. Contact Deacon Walker for more information.

Confirmation Orientation, TONIGHT at 5:30: 7th–9th graders will meet as we begin another year of learning as they prepare to affirm their baptisms. Please pray for our confirmands. 

What Is Home? Christ Church, 561 Springfield Ave., hosts author Wendy Pearlman TODAY at 3:00 PM who will discuss her book, The Home I Worked to Make, in which Syrian refugees share stories of leaving, losing, searching and finding home.

Family Promise Grocery Gift Card Collection due TODAY.

Lunch Bunch: Bring a lunch, come for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, and prayer. Our initial sessions will begin delving into the Gospel of John. We will meet every other Wednesday starting on September 18 from 12:00– 2:00 PM in the library.

Fiesta Latina, September 20 at 6:00 PM on the Village Green. We will join the City of Summit at the annual Fiesta Latina event to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. We need members to be representatives of our congregation and to meet our neighbors. See the weekly email to sign up and for more information.

Fall 2024 semester of Dialogue Circles on Race has opened registration. The course will begin the week of October 13 through November 21. Register by September 23 in the weekly email.

Special Congregational Meeting, September 29, following the 10:30 AM service.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


September 8, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of Nick’s grandmother by Nick & Kirsten Meyer..

Homecoming Sunday Picnic, TODAY at Noon.

Children’s Faith Formation resumes TODAY: Faith Formation is for children ages PreK through 6th Grade. There will be two classes, PreK–1st Grade and 2nd–6th Grade. Each class will hear Bible stories, do hands on learning activities and become part of a caring community of young learners. All are welcome. Join us Sundays at 10:00–10:30 AM beginning September 8. Contact Deacon Walker for more information.

Children’s Music Ministry: Children’s Choir  (Grades 1–6) Learn basic vocal techniques and musical fundamentals, and be a part of a great musical team with other youth, singing the first Sunday of the month at the 10:30 AM service. Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6) This new choir is designed to build the foundation of positive, healthful singing habits and have fun with other young singers. Sings occasionally as announced. Both choirs rehearse Sundays 9:30–10:00 AM beginning TODAY. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings for more information.

Family Promise Grocery Gift Card Collection: Social Ministry is collecting Shoprite gift cards until September 15 instead of preparing meals for guests during our hosting week. Suggested minimum amount is $25. Please leave in the envelope in the church office.

Council Information Sessions, September 15 & 22 at 9:00 AM. Council members will share information and hear your feedback about the proposed Latine Ministry, Camino de Vida.

Lunch Bunch: Bring a lunch, come for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, and prayer. Our initial sessions will begin delving into the Gospel of John. We will meet every other Wednesday starting on September 18 from 12:00– 2:00 PM in the library.

Thinking of becoming a member? Have you been worshipping at St. John’s for a while now? Do you consider St. John’s your spiritual home? Maybe it’s time to become a member! Contact Pastor Blake to schedule a meeting.

Are you receiving our weekly email? If not, visit our website to sign up and stay in touch.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


September 1, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.

Choir Resumes on September 4: We welcome new singers, former choir members, and current singers to join the choir. The choir is open to high school students through adults and rehearses Wednesdays at 7:30–9:00 PM beginning September 4. They sing most Sundays (September–June) at the 10:30 AM service. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings for more information.

Homecoming Sunday, September 8: Join us as we kick off the fall program year. This is an exciting time to reengage in worship, education, music, and service. Services will be held at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM followed by a picnic at Noon. Sign up in the weekly email or on the sheet in the entryway. We ask that you bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share.

Children’s Faith Formation resumes September 8: Faith Formation is for children ages PreK through 6th Grade. There will be two classes, PreK–1st Grade and 2nd–6th Grade. Each class will hear Bible stories, do hands on learning activities and become part of a caring community of young learners. All are welcome. Join us Sundays at 10:00–10:30 AM beginning September 8. Contact Deacon Walker for more information.

Children’s Music Ministry: Children’s Choir  (Grades 1–6) Learn basic vocal techniques and musical fundamentals, and be a part of a great musical team with other youth, singing the first Sunday of the month at the 10:30 AM service. Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6) This new choir is designed to build the foundation of positive, healthful singing habits and have fun with other young singers. Sings occasionally as announced. Both choirs rehearse Sundays 9:30–10:00 AM beginning September 8. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings for more information.

Pie Contest, September 8: Throw your apron into the ring and see who bakes the best pie at Saint John’s!   Bring two pies (one for judging and one for sharing). Pies will be judged by a panel of judges. Prizes for several different categories. Sign up in the entryway at church.

Family Promise Grocery Gift Card Collection: Social Ministry is collecting Shoprite gift cards until September 15 instead of preparing meals for guests during our hosting week. Suggested minimum amount is $25. Please leave in the envelope in the church office.

Thinking of becoming a member? Have you been worshipping at St. John’s for a while now? Do you consider St. John’s your spiritual home? Maybe it’s time to become a member! Contact Pastor Blake to schedule a meeting.

Are you receiving our weekly email? If not, visit our website to sign up and stay in touch.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


August 25, 2024

We welcome Wayne Dietterick as our guest organist today.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of Betty Foreman by the Foreman family and in memory Don and Miriam Peterson by the Peterson families.

Hinman Scholarships: Saint John’s has scholarships funds available to all members to help with education costs. Applications are now being accepted for The Hinman Scholarship Fund. The application is available in the weekly email. Contact Linda Mesenbrink with any questions.   

Choir Resumes on September 4: We welcome new singers, former choir members, and current singers to join the choir. The choir is open to high school students through adults and rehearses Wednesdays at 7:30–9:00 PM beginning September 4. They sing most Sundays (September–June) at the 10:30 AM service. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings for more information.

Homecoming Sunday, September 8: Join us as we kick off the fall program year. This is an exciting time to reengage in worship, education, music, and service. Services will be held at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM followed by a picnic at Noon. Sign up in the weekly email or on the sheet in the entryway. We ask that you bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share.

Children’s Faith Formation resumes September 8: Faith Formation is for children ages PreK through 6th Grade. There will be two classes, PreK–1st Grade and 2nd–6th Grade. Each class will hear Bible stories, do hands on learning activities and become part of a caring community of young learners. All are welcome. Join us Sundays at 10:00–10:30 AM beginning September 8. Contact Deacon Walker for more information.

Children’s Music Ministry: Children’s Choir  (Grades 1–6) Learn basic vocal techniques and musical fundamentals, and be a part of a great musical team with other youth, singing the first Sunday of the month at the 10:30 AM service. Ye Little Saints & Singers (ages 4–6) This new choir is designed to build the foundation of positive, healthful singing habits and have fun with other young singers. Sings occasionally as announced. Both choirs rehearse Sundays 9:30–10:00 AM beginning September 8. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings for more information.

Family Promise Grocery Gift Card Collection: Social Ministry is collecting Shoprite gift cards until September 15 instead of preparing meals for guests during our hosting week. Suggested minimum amount is $25. Please leave in the envelope in the church office.

Thinking of becoming a member? Have you been worshipping at St. John’s for a while now? Do you consider St. John’s your spiritual home? Maybe it’s time to become a member! Contact Pastor Blake to schedule a meeting.

Are you receiving our weekly email? If not, visit our website to sign up and stay in touch.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


August 18, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

We welcome Wayne Dietterick as our guest organist today.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of Jean Grabinsky by the Cristino family.

Summer Fun Night is Sunday, TONIGHT from 5:30 to 7:30 PM.

Bridges Run: The Social Justice Social Ministry Committee is looking for 8-10 volunteers to hand out lunches on a Bridges Run on Saturday, August 24. Contact Amy Tomlinson to sign up.

Hinman Scholarships: Saint John’s has scholarships funds available to all members to help with education costs. Applications are now being accepted for The Hinman Scholarship Fund. The application is available in the weekly email. Contact Linda Mesenbrink with any questions.   

Christmas Market Crafters Needed: Our 2nd annual Christmas Market is Saturday, November 30. We are looking for crafters to donate crafts that we can sell. All money raised this year will go to Summit Warm Hearts. If you are interested in donating crafts or wish to help volunteer and plan the event, please contact Jama Bowman.

Are you receiving our weekly email? If not, visit our website to sign up and stay in touch.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


August 11, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

We welcome the Rev. Arden Krych as our supply pastor today

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of loved ones by Bill and Karen Feezer.

LSMNJ Backpacks due TODAY.

Last Summer Fun Night is Sunday, August 18 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Each month’s meeting will center on the theme “What We All Need.” These gatherings are for ALL PEOPLE—kids, youth, adults, seniors, families, singles, friends, YOU! Each event includes dinner, a Bible story, activities, service project, and closing worship with a hymn-sing. Sign up in the weekly email.

Bridges Run: The Social Justice Social Ministry Committee is looking for 8-10 volunteers to hand out lunches on a Bridges Run on Saturday, August 24. Contact Amy Tomlinson to sign up.

Hinman Scholarships: Saint John’s has scholarships funds available to all members to help with education costs. Applications are now being accepted for The Hinman Scholarship Fund. The application is available in the weekly email. Contact Linda Mesenbrink with any questions.   

Christmas Market Crafters Needed: Our 2nd annual Christmas Market is Saturday, November 30. We are looking for crafters to donate crafts that we can sell. All money raised this year will go to Summit Warm Hearts. If you are interested in donating crafts or wish to help volunteer and plan the event, please contact Jama Bowman.

Are you receiving our weekly email? If not, visit our website to sign up and stay in touch.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


August 4, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

We welcome  Deacon Linda Walker as our guest preacher today.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.

Pastor Blake will be enjoying a well-deserved vacation through August 15. In the event of a pastoral emergency, please contact Steve Neiman, Council President, or the church office.

LSMNJ Backpacks: Please shop for the supplies and return filled backpacks to Saint John’s by Sunday, August 11. Contact Helen Dachowicz if you have any questions. Shopping lists are available in the narthex or in the weekly email.

Bridges Run: The Social Justice Social Ministry Committee is looking for 8-10 volunteers to hand out lunches on a Bridges Run on Saturday, August 24. Contact Amy Tomlinson to sign up.

Hinman Scholarships: Saint John’s has scholarships funds available to all members to help with education costs. Applications are now being accepted for The Hinman Scholarship Fund. The application is available in the weekly email. Contact Linda Mesenbrink with any questions.   

Christmas Market Crafters Needed: Our 2nd annual Christmas Market is Saturday, November 30. We are looking for crafters to donate crafts that we can sell. All money raised this year will go to Summit Warm Hearts. If you are interested in donating crafts or wish to help volunteer and plan the event, please contact Jama Bowman.

Are you receiving our weekly email? If not, visit our website to sign up and stay in touch.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


July 28, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

We welcome the Rev. Fred Lentz as our supply pastor today and Wayne Dietterick as our guest organist.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God by the Snyder family.

Electrical Work/Building Closure: Beginning on July 29, Saint John’s will be undergoing major electrical repairs. The scope of the work is extensive including a full team of electricians and JCP&L. Power will be shut off to the entire property for at least two days, but weather and other circumstances may prolong this outage. The office is scheduled for closure through at least Tuesday, August 6. Staff members will be working remotely and can be reached by email. Any circumstances that would require changes to the Sunday, August 4 Worship Service will be sent via email. Be vigilant in checking your email for any worship or building use announcements.

Calling All Knitters: There will be yarn project bags for making hats and scarves for the Christmas at Sea project, a ministry for sailors at the NY/NJ port and often far from home. The bags with instructions and needles will be located on a table in the narthex TODAY. If you are interested in learning how to knit, please contact Linda Walker.

Pastor Blake will be enjoying a well-deserved vacation through August 15. In the event of a pastoral emergency, please contact Steve Neiman, Council President, or the church office.

LSMNJ Backpacks: Please shop for the supplies and return filled backpacks to Saint John’s by Sunday, August 11. Contact Helen Dachowicz if you have any questions. Shopping lists are available in the narthex or in the weekly email.

Bridges Run: The Social Justice Social Ministry Committee is looking for 8-10 volunteers to hand out lunches on a Bridges Run on Saturday, August 24. Contact Amy Tomlinson to sign up.

Hinman Scholarships: Saint John’s has scholarships funds available to all members to help with education costs. Applications are now being accepted for The Hinman Scholarship Fund. The application is available in the weekly email. Contact Linda Mesenbrink with any questions.   

Christmas Market Crafters Needed: Our 2nd annual Christmas Market is Saturday, November 30. We are looking for crafters to donate crafts that we can sell. All money raised this year will go to Summit Warm Hearts. If you are interested in donating crafts or wish to help volunteer and plan the event, please contact Jama Bowman.

Are you receiving our weekly email? If not, visit our website to sign up and stay in touch.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


July 21, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Peter Larsen and Robin Larsen by the Larsen family.

Summer Fun Night, TONIGHT 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Each month’s meeting will center on the theme “What We All Need.” These gatherings are for ALL PEOPLE—kids, youth, adults, seniors, families, singles, friends, YOU! Each event includes dinner, a Bible story, activities, service project, and closing worship with a hymn-sing. Sign up in the entryway for planning purposes. Our last Summer Fun Night will be on August 18.

Calling All Knitters: There will be yarn project bags for making hats and scarves for the Christmas at Sea project, a ministry for sailors at the NY/NJ port and often far from home. The bags with instructions and needles will be located on a table in the narthex on July 21 and July 28. If you are interested in learning how to knit, please contact Linda Walker.

Pastor Blake will be enjoying a well-deserved vacation from July 22–August 15. In the event of a pastoral emergency, please contact Steve Neiman, Council President, or the church office.

Summit’s Community Night Evangelism Opportunity, Tuesday, July 23 at 6:30 PM: Join us for Summit’s 13th Annual Community Night on the Village Green. Community Night is a part of the “Hot Summer Nights” Concert Series. We need volunteers to be representatives of our congregation, to meet our neighbors. See the weekly email to sign up for this fun night out.

LSMNJ Backpacks: This year the physical collection of backpacks at church has returned. Please shop for the supplies and return filled backpacks to Saint John’s by Sunday, August 11. Contact Helen Dachowicz if you have any questions. Drop off starts today. Shopping lists are available in the narthex or in the weekly email.

Bridges Run: The Social Justice Social Ministry Committee is looking for 8-10 volunteers to hand out lunches on a BRIDGES Run on Saturday, August 24. Contact Amy Tomlinson to sign up.

Christmas Market Crafters Needed: Our 2nd annual Christmas Market is Saturday, November 30. We are looking for crafters to donate crafts that we can sell. All money raised this year will go to Summit Warm Hearts. If you are interested in donating crafts or wish to help volunteer and plan the event, please contact Jama Bowman.

Our you receiving our weekly email? If not, visit our website to sign up and stay in touch.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


July 14, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

We welcome Wayne Dietterick as our guest organist today.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary by Linda and Craig Clark.

Rummage Sale Clean-Up Help Needed: We are looking for volunteers who can help box the remaining items from the rummage sale after worship TODAY. We also are looking for people who can drop-off leftover rummage items to their favorite charities following the sale. Contact Jane Bowman.

Summer Fun Night, July 21 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Each month’s meeting will center on the theme “What We All Need.” These gatherings are for ALL PEOPLE—kids, youth, adults, seniors, families, singles, friends, YOU! Each event includes dinner, a Bible story, activities, service project, and closing worship with a hymn-sing. Sign up in the entryway for planning purposes. Our last Summer Fun Night will be on August 18.

Summit’s Community Night Evangelism Opportunity, Tuesday, July 23 at 6:30 PM: Join us for Summit’s 13th Annual Community Night on the Village Green. Community Night is a part of the “Hot Summer Nights” Concert Series. We need volunteers to be representatives of our congregation, to meet our neighbors, and to enjoy a fun night out! See the weekly email to sign up for this or any of the upcoming events.

LSMNJ Backpacks: This year the physical collection of backpacks at church has returned. Please shop for the supplies and return filled backpacks to Saint John’s by Sunday, August 11. Contact Helen Dachowicz if you have any questions. Drop off starts today. Shopping lists are available in the narthex or in the weekly email.

Christmas Market Crafters Needed: Our 2nd annual Christmas Market is Saturday, November 30. We are looking for crafters to donate crafts that we can sell. All money raised this year will go to Summit Warm Hearts. If you are interested in donating crafts or wish to help volunteer and plan the event, please contact Jama Bowman.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


July 7, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

We welcome Wayne Dietterick as our guest organist today.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of loved ones by Susan, Chris, and John Leelike.

Rummage Sale, July 12–13: Start cleaning out the closets! Donations will be accepted starting TODAY through Wednesday, July 10. All money raised supports the Youth Missions Fund. If you would like to help, please contact Jama Bowman.

Rummage Sale Clean-Up Help Needed: We are looking for volunteers who can help box the remaining items from the rummage sale after worship on Sunday, July 14. We also are looking for people who can drop-off leftover rummage items to their favorite charities following the sale. Contact Jane Bowman.

Summer Fun Night, Sunday, July 21 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Each month’s meeting will center on the theme “What We All Need.” These gatherings are for ALL PEOPLE—kids, youth, adults, seniors, families, singles, friends, YOU! Each event includes dinner, a Bible story, activities, service project, and closing worship with a hymn-sing. Our July Collection: Toiletry supplies for our Summit Warm Hearts guests. See the weekly email to sign up by July 21. If you wish to attend, please sign up online or in the entryway for planning purposes. Our last Summer Fun Night will be on August 18.

Christmas Market Crafters Needed: Our 2nd annual Christmas Market is Saturday, November 30. We are looking for crafters to donate crafts that we can sell. All money raised this year will go to Summit Warm Hearts. If you are interested in donating crafts or wish to help volunteer and plan the event, please contact Jama Bowman.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


June 30, 2024

For this week’s email announcements click here.

We welcome Wayne Dietterick as our guest organist today.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.

Pride Sunday, TODAY. June is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month and Saint John’s has made a public commitment as an RIC congregation to affirm that LGBTQIA+ persons are queerfully and wonderfully made by God. We believe that diversity was God’s idea first, following God’s example we seek to include ALL people!

ASP Thank You: On behalf of all the youth and adult ASP volunteers (20) for the 2024 mission trip to Wise County, VA, we would like to thank all the members, friends, and visitors of Saint John’s for the amazing outpouring of donations toward our 24th trip with Appalachia Service Project. With your help, we raised $4650! Coupled with the $1000 raised by the five volunteers from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Glen Rock, that brings our grand total to $5650, which is an all-time record for this type of fundraiser. Thank you again for your generosity, prayers, and support.

The Church Office will be closed, July 4 & 5 for Independence Day.

Rummage Sale, July 12–13: Start cleaning out the closets! Donations will be accepted starting July 7. All money raised supports the Youth Missions Fund. If you would like to help, please contact Jama Bowman.

Rummage Sale Clean-Up Help Needed: We are looking for volunteers who can help box the remaining items from the rummage sale after worship on Sunday, July 14. We also are looking for people who can drop-off leftover rummage items to their favorite charities following the sale. Contact Jane Bowman.

Summer Fun Night, Sunday, July 21 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Each month’s meeting will center on the theme “What We All Need.” These gatherings are for ALL PEOPLE—kids, youth, adults, seniors, families, singles, friends, YOU! Each event includes dinner, a Bible story, activities, service project, and closing worship with a hymn-sing. Our July Collection: Toiletry supplies for our Summit Warm Hearts guests. See the weekly email to sign up by July 21. If you wish to attend, please sign up online or in the entryway for planning purposes. Our last Summer Fun Night will be on August 18.

Christmas Market Crafters Needed: Our 2nd annual Christmas Market is Saturday, November 30. We are looking for crafters to donate crafts that we can sell. All money raised this year will go to Summit Warm Hearts. If you are interested in donating crafts or wish to help volunteer and plan the event, please contact Jama Bowman.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


June 23, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of George Aaron Moser by the Moser family.

ASP Fundraiser, Sundays in June: Our Appalachia Service Project volunteers will be holding a sponsorship event in the narthex Sundays in June. Sponsorship items include: van rentals, tanks of gas, hardware store purchases, ice cream runs, first aid supplies, and more. Full or partial sponsorships are welcomed; cash or check accepted.

Summer Fun Nights: Join us for monthly Summer Fun Nights, TONIGHT from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Each month’s meeting will center on the theme “What We All Need.” These gatherings are for ALL PEOPLE–kids, youth, adults, seniors, families, singles, friends, YOU! Each event includes dinner, a Bible story, activities, service projects, and closing worship with a hymn-sing. Sign-up online or in the entryway for planning purposes. Additional evenings will be July 21 and August 18.

Rummage Sale, July 12–13: Start cleaning out your closets! Donations will be accepted starting July 7. All money raised supports the Youth Missions Fund.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


June 16, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of George Leelike by Susan, Christopher, and John Leelike.

ASP Skills Training, TODAY after church.

ASP Fundraiser, Sundays in June: Our Appalachia Service Project volunteers will be holding a sponsorship event in the narthex Sundays in June. Sponsorship items include: van rentals, tanks of gas, hardware store purchases, ice cream runs, first aid supplies, and more. Full or partial sponsorships are welcomed; cash or check accepted.

Summer Worship Schedule: Starting June 16 through September 1, we will be worshiping together at ONE service beginning at 9:15 AM. During the summer when attendance is lighter, a single service makes better use of our worship volunteers and makes for a fuller assembly. It will be wonderful to worship as one congregation!

Summit’s Juneteenth Celebration, June 21 from 5:00–9:00 PM on the Summit Green. Activities, food trucks, Black-owned businesses and non-profit displays will be present throughout the day. See the weekly email to sign-up to be a representative at our tent.

George Aaron Moser Funeral: The funeral for Aaron Moser, son of Deacon George Moser (former Director of Music), will be held at the church on Saturday, June 22 at 11:00 AM. A luncheon will follow. Please hold the entire family in your prayers.

Summer Fun Nights: Join us for monthly Summer Fun Nights, starting Sunday, June 23 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Each month’s meeting will center on the theme “What We All Need.” These gatherings are for ALL PEOPLE–kids, youth, adults, seniors, families, singles, friends, YOU! Each event includes dinner, a Bible story, activities, service projects, and closing worship with a hymn-sing. Sign-up online or in the entryway for planning purposes. Additional evenings will be July 21 and August 18.

Rummage Sale, July 12–13: Start cleaning out your closets! Donations will be accepted starting July 7. All money raised supports the Youth Missions Fund.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


July 9, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of her parents by Joy Petzinger.

ASP Fundraiser, Sundays in June: Our Appalachia Service Project volunteers will be holding a sponsorship event in the narthex Sundays in June. Sponsorship items include: van rentals, tanks of gas, hardware store purchases, ice cream runs, first aid supplies, and more. Full or partial sponsorships are welcomed; cash or check accepted.

Church Picnic, TODAY!

All Ages Pride Celebration, TODAY at 4:00 PM at Beacon UUC, 4 Waldron Ave., Summit.

Support Needed for Housing Project, Tuesday, June 11 at 7:30 PM: All community members, especially Summit residents, who are concerned about housing justice are urged to attend a special meeting of the Common Council and express their support of At Home in Summit’s proposal for an affordable housing project, held at City Hall (512 Springfield Ave.) in the Common Council Chamber. You are encouraged to arrive by 7:15 PM and receive a purple ribbon to wear in support of housing justice.

Summer Worship Schedule: Starting June 16 through September 1, we will be worshiping together at ONE service beginning at 9:15 AM. During the summer when attendance is lighter, a single service makes better use of our worship volunteers and makes for a fuller assembly. It will be wonderful to worship as one congregation!

Summit’s Juneteenth Celebration, June 21 from 5:00–9:00 PM on the Summit Green. Activities, food trucks, Black-owned businesses and non-profit displays will be present throughout the day. See the weekly email to sign-up to be a representative at our tent.

Summer Fun Nights: Join us for monthly Summer Fun Nights, starting Sunday, June 23 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Each month’s meeting will center on the theme “What We All Need.” These gatherings are for ALL PEOPLE–kids, youth, adults, seniors, families, singles, friends, YOU! Each event includes dinner, a Bible story, activities, service projects, and closing worship with a hymn-sing. Sign-up online or in the entryway for planning purposes. Additional evenings will be July 21 and August 18.

Rummage Sale, July 12–13: Start cleaning out your closets! Donations will be accepted starting July 7. All money raised supports the Youth Missions Fund.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


June 2, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.

Music Sunday, TODAY. We give thanks for the gifts of all of our musicians throughout the congregation. The liturgy will include contributions from all of our ensembles and various soloists, including the Saint John’s Choir, the Children’s Choir, the Luther Ringers, the Drumming Ensemble, Luke Tomlinson, trumpet, and Terrence Rindler, bass.

Holy Baptism and New Members, TODAY at 10:30. The whole church joins in welcoming Layla Gonzalez into the family of God. Please also  join us in welcoming her parents, Andrew Gonzalez and Amber van de Beek as new members. Please take a moment to introduce yourself and get to know these new members.

2024 Graduates: If you have a graduate in the family, please send a recent photo and a brief sentence about their upcoming plans for the future to Jama Bowman by May 31.We will be recognizing and praying for our graduates in church on June 9.

ASP Fundraiser, Sundays in June: Our Appalachia Service Project volunteers will be holding a sponsorship event in the narthex Sundays in June. Sponsorship items include: van rentals, tanks of gas, hardware store purchases, ice cream runs, first aid supplies, and more. Full or partial sponsorships are welcomed; cash or check accepted.

Church Picnic, Sunday, June 9: There will be a single service at 10:30 AM followed by our church picnic. Sign-up in the rear entryway or online, so we can plan on food and set-up. Please also sign up to bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share.

Summer Worship Schedule: Starting June 16 through September 1, we will be worshiping together at ONE service beginning at 9:15 AM. During the summer when attendance is lighter, a single service makes better use of our worship volunteers and makes for a fuller assembly. It will be wonderful to worship as one congregation!

Summer Fun Nights: Join us for monthly Summer Fun Nights, starting Sunday, June 23 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Each month’s meeting will center on the theme “What We All Need.” These gatherings are for ALL PEOPLE–kids, youth, adults, seniors, families, singles, friends, YOU! Each event includes dinner, a Bible story, activities, service projects, and closing worship with a hymn-sing. Sign-up online or in the entryway for planning purposes. Additional evenings will be July 21 and August 18.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.