May 26, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of Harvey Peters 65th ordination anniversary by the Peters family.

Luther Ringers, TODAY at 11:45.

Summit Has Pride, Saturday, June 1, 5:00–9:00 PM. St. John’s is a sponsor for events at Summit’s community programs. Please sign up in the weekly email to represent our congregation and get to know our neighbors.

Music Sunday, June 2 at the 10:30 AM service. We give thanks for the gifts of all of our musicians throughout the congregation as we celebrate Music Sunday on June 2nd. The liturgy will include contributions from all of our ensembles and various soloists, including the Saint John’s Choir, the Children’s Choir, the Luther Ringers, the Drumming Ensemble, Luke Tomlinson, trumpet, and Terrence Rindler, bass.

2024 Graduates: If you have a graduate in the family, please send a recent photo and a brief sentence about their upcoming plans for the future to Jama Bowman by May 31.We will be recognizing and praying for our graduates in church on June 9.

ASP Fundraiser, Sundays in June: Our Appalachia Service Project volunteers will be holding a sponsorship event in the narthex Sundays in June. Sponsorship items include: van rentals, tanks of gas, hardware store purchases, ice cream runs, first aid supplies, and more. Full or partial sponsorships are welcomed; cash or check accepted.

Church Picnic, Sunday, June 9: There will be a single service at 10:30 AM followed by our church picnic. Sign-up in the rear entryway or online, so we can plan on food and set-up. Please also sign up to bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share.

Summer Fun Nights: Join us for monthly Summer Fun Nights, starting Sunday, June 23 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Each month’s meeting will center on the theme “What We All Need.” These gatherings are for ALL PEOPLE–kids, youth, adults, seniors, families, singles, friends, YOU! Each event includes dinner, a Bible story, activities, service projects, and closing worship with a hymn-sing. Sign-up online or in the entryway for planning purposes. Additional evenings will be July 21 and August 18.

Midwest Tornadoes Lutheran Disaster Response: Support relief efforts with a donation to St. John’s by check or online, designating the donation for Lutheran Disaster Response–Midwest Tornadoes in the memo line. Gifts for any disaster are used 100% for the designated purpose.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


May 19, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of David by the Coble family.

Pentecost and Confirmation, TODAY, celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit and the birthday of the church. Liam Johnson, Juliette Medenica, Grace Miller, Alexa Reeves, Luke Tomlinson, and Will Young will be affirming their baptism. Join us at 9:00 AM for a Confirmation Celebration and the Rite of Confirmation at the 10:30 AM service.

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Summit Has Pride, Saturday, June 1, 5:00–9:00 PM. St. John’s is a sponsor for events at Summit’s community programs. Please sign up in the weekly email to represent our congregation and get to know our neighbors.

Music Sunday, June 2 at the 10:30 AM service. We give thanks for all of our musicians throughout the congregation as we celebrate their gifts and talents. The liturgy will include contributions from all of our ensembles and various soloists, including the St. John’s Choir, Children’s Choir, Luther Ringers, Drumming Ensemble, and Luke Tomlinson, trumpet.

2024 Graduates: If you have a graduate in the family, please send a recent photo and a brief sentence about their upcoming plans for the future to Jama Bowman by May 31.We will be recognizing and praying for our graduates in church on June 9.

Church Picnic, Sunday, June 9: There will be a single service at 10:30 AM followed by our church picnic. Sign-up in the rear entryway or online, so we can plan on food and set-up. Please also sign up to bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share.

Midwest Tornadoes Lutheran Disaster Response: Support relief efforts with a donation to St. John’s by check or online, designating the donation for Lutheran Disaster Response–Midwest Tornadoes in the memo line. Gifts for any disaster are used 100% for the designated purpose.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


May 12, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God in memory of their mothers, Marie and Maxine by Russ & Chris McIntyre.

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Luther Ringers, TODAY at 11:45.

Council Q&A, TODAY at 9:00 AM to provide the congregation with updates on several ongoing projects, overall ministry, and answer questions.

Harlem Renaissance Trip, hosted by the Anti-Racism Committee on Saturday, May 18. We will have a guided tour of The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism at the Metropolitan Museum of Art followed by soul food in Harlem. Sign up in the rear entry.

Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Saturday, May 18, 4:00 - 8:00 PM. St. John’s is a sponsor for events at Summit’s community programs. Please sign up in the weekly email to represent our congregation and get to know our neighbors.

Pentecost and Confirmation, May 19, celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit and the birthday of the church. Six of our young people will be affirming their baptism. Join us at 9:00 AM for a Confirmation Celebration and the Rite of Confirmation at the 10:30 AM service. Wear red!

Music Sunday, June 2 at the 10:30 AM service. We give thanks for all of our musicians throughout the congregation as we celebrate their gifts and talents. The liturgy will include contributions from all of our ensembles and various soloists, including the St. John’s Choir, Children’s Choir, Luther Ringers, Drumming Ensemble, and Luke Tomlinson, trumpet.

2024 Graduates: If you have a graduate in the family, please send a recent photo and a brief sentence about their upcoming plans for the future to Jama Bowman by May 31.We will be recognizing and praying for our graduates in church on June 9.

Church Picnic, Sunday, June 9: There will be a single service at 10:30 AM followed by our church picnic. Sign-up in the rear entryway or online, so we can plan on food and set-up. Bring a side dish, salad or dessert to share.

Midwest Tornadoes Lutheran Disaster Response: Support relief efforts with a donation to St. John’s by check or online, designating the donation for Lutheran Disaster Response–Midwest Tornadoes in the memo line. Gifts for any disaster are used 100% for the designated purpose.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up help with this community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


May 5, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

We welcome the Rev. Dr. Carol Lindsay as our guest pastor today.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Luther Ringers, TODAY at 11:45.

ASP Training Blitz, TODAY at Noon.

Council Q&A, Sunday, May 12 at 9:00 AM to provide the congregation with updates on several ongoing projects, overall ministry, and answer questions.

Harlem Renaissance Trip, hosted by the Anti-Racism Committee on Saturday, May 18. We will have a guided tour of The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism at the Metropolitan Museum of Art followed by soul food in Harlem. Sign up in the rear entry.

Community Events: We will be a sponsor for events at Summit’s community programs. The Evangelism committee is organizing members to represent our congregation and get to know our neighbors. See the weekly email to sign up for any of the upcoming events: Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Saturday, May 18, 4:00 - 8:00 PM, Summit Has Pride, Saturday, June 1, 5:00 - 9:00 PM, Juneteenth Celebration, Friday, June 21, 5:00 - 9:00 PM, Community Night, Tuesday, July 16, 7:00 PM, Fiesta Latina, Friday, September 20, 6:00 -9:00 PM.

The Rev. Bruce H. Davidson 50th Ordination Anniversary, May 19 at 3:00 PM, Festival Worship Service at the United Lutheran Seminary Chapel (7301 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia,). A buffet dinner will follow at the Seminary Brossman Center. RSVP for the dinner to No gifts, please! An offering will be received at the service for the World Hunger Appeal of the ELCA.

2024 Graduates: If you have a graduate in the family, please send a recent photo and a brief sentence about their upcoming plans for the future to Jama Bowman by May 31.We will be recognizing and praying for our graduates in church on June 9.

Grant Requests: A reminder that all Saint John’s members can submit a grant request for a charitable organization that they are involved with and whose mission is aligned with Saint John’s mission. Contact the church office or Janet Onnen-Wright for a grant request form.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up to provide homemade or store-bought baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers, etc. This is a major community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


April 28, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

A big THANK YOU to The Reverend Gladys Moore for filling in for Pastor Blake today. Pastor Moore will be presiding at both services, as well as the Choral Vespers at 4:00.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of Jean Wheeler Hughes by Karen & Bill Feezer.

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Bridges Lunches Assembly, TODAY, 9:00 AM for the Bridges Run on May 4.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up to provide homemade or store-bought baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers, etc. This is a major community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.

Choral Vespers for Eastertide, TODAY at 4:00 PM. Celebrated at the close of the day, this service of candlelight, chant, hymns, and choral music is the perfect way to start the week. Join us for contemplative reflection and moving singing by the Saint John’s Choir.

Council Q&A, Sunday, May 12 at 9:00 AM to provide the congregation with updates on several ongoing projects, overall ministry, and answer questions.

The Rev. Bruce H. Davidson 50th Ordination Anniversary, May 19 at 3:00 PM, Festival Worship Service at the United Lutheran Seminary Chapel (7301 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia,). A buffet dinner will follow at the Seminary Brossman Center. RSVP for the dinner to No gifts, please! An offering will be received at the service for the World Hunger Appeal of the ELCA.

Grant Requests: A reminder that all Saint John’s members can submit a grant request for a charitable organization that they are involved with and whose mission is aligned with Saint John’s mission. Contact the church office or Janet Onnen-Wright for a grant request form.


April 21, 2024

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Luther Ringers, TODAY @ 11:45 AM.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Bridges Collection Ends TODAY: We are preparing 200 sustainable lunches for the Bridges Run on May 4. On April 28 at 9:00 AM, we will pack the lunches. Sign up in the weekly email.

The Anti-Racism Committee is hosting “The Black Experience - Portrayed in Opera,” TONIGHT at 7:00 PM. Heinz D. Roth will lead us on a journey from Verdi’s Aida to Terence Blanchard’s Fire Shut Up in My Bones. Wine and cheese will be served.

Council Update and Q&A: Our Congregation Council will be holding two forums, the first on Sunday, April 21 & May 12 at 9:00 AM to provide the congregation with updates on several ongoing projects, overall ministry, and answer questions.

Summit Interfaith Council ARC Race Discussion on Zoom, Wednesday, April 24 at 7:30 PM, based on Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man video series. Register in the weekly email.

Choral Vespers for Eastertide, Sunday April 28 at 4:00 PM. Join us for contemplative reflection and moving singing by the Saint John’s Choir.

Harlem Renaissance Trip, hosted by the Anti-Racism Committee on Saturday, May 18. We will have a guided tour of The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism at the Metropolitan Museum of Art followed by soul food in Harlem. Watch for more information!

The Rev. Bruce H. Davidson 50th Ordination Anniversary, May 19 at 3:00 PM, Festival Worship Service at the United Lutheran Seminary Chapel (7301 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia,). A buffet dinner will follow at the Seminary Brossman Center. RSVP for the dinner to No gifts, please! An offering will be received at the service for the World Hunger Appeal of the ELCA.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up to provide homemade or store-bought baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers, etc. See the weekly email to sign up.

Worship Volunteers are Needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.


April 14, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of loved ones by Janet Onnen.

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Bridges Collection, April 7–21: We are preparing 200 sustainable lunches for the Bridges Run on May 4. On April 28 at 9:00 AM, we will pack the lunches. Sign up in the weekly email.

The Anti-Racism Committee is hosting “The Black Experience - Portrayed in Opera” on Sunday, April 21 at 7:00 PM. Heinz D. Roth will lead us on a journey from Verdi’s Aida to Terence Blanchard’s Fire Shut Up in My Bones. Wine and cheese will be served.

Council Update and Q&A: Our Congregation Council will be holding two forums, the first on Sunday, April 21 & May 12 at 9:00 AM to provide the congregation with updates on several ongoing projects, overall ministry, and answer questions.

Summit Interfaith Council ARC Race Discussion on Zoom, Wednesday, April 24 at 7:30 PM, based on Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man video series. Register in the weekly email.

Afternoon Tea for Cross Roads, April 27 at 3:00 PM: All are welcome. Recommended donation of $50 per person. See the weekly email to register by April 19.

Choral Vespers for Eastertide, Sunday April 28 at 4:00 PM. Join us for contemplative reflection and moving singing by the Saint John’s Choir.

Harlem Renaissance Trip, hosted by the Anti-Racism Committee on Saturday, May 18. We will have a guided tour of The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism at the Metropolitan Museum of Art followed by soul food in Harlem. Watch for more information!

The Rev. Bruce H. Davidson 50th Ordination Anniversary, May 19 at 3:00 PM, Festival Worship Service at the United Lutheran Seminary Chapel (7301 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia,). A buffet dinner will follow at the Seminary Brossman Center. RSVP for the dinner to No gifts, please! An offering will be received at the service for the World Hunger Appeal of the ELCA.

Summit Warm Hearts Wrap Up: Through this program, 51 individuals were served, averaging 14 persons each evening and several individuals have been able to move into permanent housing. Thank you to everyone who helped our guests!

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up to provide homemade or store-bought baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers, etc. See the weekly email to sign up.


April 7, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of Kevin Gahan’s birthday by the Gahan family.

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Reminder: If you signed up to dedicate Easter flowers, please be sure to send your payment of $25-$50 at your earliest convenience. Designate your contribution as “Easter Flowers”.

Confirmation Class TODAY, 5:30-7:30 PM. Pray for our young people as they continue to prepare to affirm their baptism.

Worship volunteers needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship by reading scripture and helping serve at the altar. Sign up in the weekly email.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up to provide homemade or store-bought baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers, etc. This is a major community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.

Bridges Collection, April 7–21: We will be preparing 200 sustainable lunches for the May Bridges Run on May 4. On April 28 at 9:00 AM during Faith Formation, we will pack up the lunches. Sign up in the weekly email to donate items.

Council Update and Q&A: Our Congregation Council will be holding two forums, the first on Sunday, April 21 at 9:00 AM to provide the congregation with updates on several ongoing projects, overall ministry, and answer questions. the second forum will be held on May 12 at 9:00 AM.

“The Black Experience - Portrayed in Opera” on Sunday, April 21 at 7:00 PM, hosted by the Anti-Racism Committee. Heinz D. Roth will lead us on a journey from Verdi’s Aida to Terence Blanchard’s Fire Shut Up in My Bones. American composers, both people of color and white, have written operas dealing with slavery, African folklore and history, the travails of marginalized people, and today’s black experience.

Afternoon Tea for Cross Roads, April 27 at 3:00 PM: All are welcome and fancy dress is encouraged. Recommended donation for the fundraiser is $50 per person. See the weekly email to register by April 12.

Choral Vespers for Eastertide, Sunday April 28 at 4:00 PM. Celebrated at the close of the day, this service of candlelight, chant, hymns, and choral music is the perfect way to start the week. Join us for contemplative reflection and moving singing by the Saint John’s Choir.


March 31, 2024

To sign up for our weekly email announcements, visit

Children’s Choir, Sundays at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Council Update and Q&A: Our Congregation Council will be holding two forums, the first on Sunday, April 21 at 9:00 AM to provide the congregation with updates on several ongoing projects, overall ministry, and answer questions. the second forum will be held on May 12 at 9:00 AM.

“The Black Experience - Portrayed in Opera” on Sunday, April 21 at 7:00 PM, hosted by the Anti-Racism Committee. Heinz D. Roth will lead us on a journey from Verdi’s Aida to Terence Blanchard’s Fire Shut Up in My Bones. American composers, both people of color and white, have written operas dealing with slavery, African folklore and history, the travails of marginalized people, and today’s black experience

Bridges Collection, April 7–21: We will be preparing 200 sustainable lunches for the May Bridges Run on May 4  to feed our homeless neighbors in Newark. On April 28 at 9:00 AM during Faith Formation, we will pack up the lunches. Sign up in the weekly email to donate items and to participate in the run.

Afternoon Tea for Cross Roads, April 27 at 3:00 PM: All are welcome and fancy dress is encouraged. Recommended donation for the fundraiser is $50 per person. See the weekly email to register by April 12.

Choral Vespers for Eastertide, Sunday April 28 at 4:00 PM. Celebrated at the close of the day, this service of candlelight, chant, hymns, and choral music is the perfect way to start the week. Join us for contemplative reflection and moving singing by the Saint John’s Choir.

May 19, Pentecost Confirmation Sunday: Six of our youth will affirm their baptisms at the 10:30 AM service. Remember to wear red–Come Holy Spirit! 

June 2, Music Sunday, 10:30 AM: We will give thanks for Saint John’s music ministry. All ensembles will participate at this service. 

There will be One Service on June 9 at 10:30 AM with our annual Spring congregation picnic immediately following the service to kick-off the summer.


March 24, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Lent Collections Update: Thank you to everyone who brought in items for our Lenten collections. We collected 217 boxes of cereal for Loaves and Fishes and 160 bottles of shampoo and conditioner for GRACE.

Help needed for Holy Week services - 9 services in 8 days! We still have a few vital Holy Week worship volunteer slots to be filled. Please sign up today! Ushers—Palm Sunday 10:30 AM and Acolytes—All services (Youth or Adult). Please sign-up in the weekly email.

Time & Talent Census due TODAY: Each member is being asked to reflect on their participation in the work of the congregation. Please fill out a Time & Talent Census in the weekly email. For more information about ways to serve, see our Ministry Opportunities Booklet.

Easter Brunch Food Donations: Baked goods are needed by March 30 and casseroles on March 31 by 8:45 AM. Gluten free, nut free, etc. are also needed. Sign up in the rear entry.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up to provide homemade or store-bought baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers, etc. This is a major community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.

Afternoon Tea for Cross Roads, April 27 at 3:00 PM: All are welcome and fancy dress is encouraged. Recommended donation for the fundraiser is $50 per person. See the weekly email to register by April 12.

Easter Offering: Your regular offerings and special offerings are essential to this congregation’s ministry and the fulfillment of God’s mission. Your gifts allow this congregation to thrive as a vibrant place of worship, education, service, and community. We are counting on you to be generous. 


March 17, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

SJSM Forum: TODAY at 9:00 AM, Where Do We Go from Here: A discussion about how as Christian citizens we work for housing justice.

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Lenten Soup Suppers and Midweek Services, Wednesdays in Lent. Soup Supper at 6:00 PM followed by Services at 7:00 PM.

Soup for a Cause, LAST DAY to buy homemade soups and breads!

Cereal Collection Update: We have 167 boxes so far. Boxes are due TODAY.

Shampoo Collection Update: We’ve currently collected 143 bottles of our goal of 100 bottles each of shampoo and conditioner for GRACE. Last day of collection is TODAY.

Help needed for Holy Week services - 9 services in 8 days! We need ushers, assisting ministers, readers, candle preparers, chair arrangers, and more! All skill levels welcome. Please check out the sign-up sheet located in the narthex or in the weekly email.

Easter Decorations: To have your dedications or memorials included in the Easter bulletins, you must sign up or contact the church office by TODAY.

Time & Talent Census due March 24: Each member is being asked to reflect on their participation in the work of the congregation. Please fill out a Time & Talent Census in the weekly email. For more information about ways to serve, see our Ministry Opportunities Booklet.

Easter Brunch Food Donations: Baked goods are needed by March 30 and casseroles on March 31 by 8:45 AM. Gluten free, nut free, etc. are also needed. Sign up in the rear entry.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up to provide homemade or store-bought baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers, etc. This is a major community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.

Afternoon Tea for Cross Roads, April 27 at 3:00 PM: All are welcome and fancy dress is encouraged. Recommended donation for the fundraiser is $50 per person. See the weekly email to register by April 12.


March 10, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Although no flowers adorn our chancel during Lent, a donation to the Flower Fund was made by Paula Cerdas in celebration of her birthday.

SJSM Forums: TODAY, A Faithful Foundation for Discussing Housing: March 17: Where Do We Go from Here: A discussion about how as Christian citizens we work for housing justice.

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Lenten Soup Suppers and Midweek Services, Wednesdays in Lent. Soup Supper at 6:00 PM followed by Services at 7:00 PM.

Property Day, March 16 at 9:00 AM: There will be jobs for all skill levels and abilities. Sign up in the entryway or in the weekly email. Questions? Contact Jane Bowman (908) 447-8865.

Soup for a Cause, through March 17: Buy homemade soups and breads between Sunday services during Lent. If you are interested in making soup or bread for the sale contact Jane Bowman.

Cereal Collection Update: We have 139 boxes so far. Can we collect 200 boxes by March 17?

Shampoo Collection Update: We’ve currently collected 119 bottles of our goal of 100 bottles each of shampoo and conditioner for GRACE by March 17.

Help needed for Holy Week services - 9 services in 8 days! We need ushers, assisting ministers, readers, candle preparers, chair arrangers, and more! All skill levels welcome. Please check out the sign-up sheet located in the narthex or in the weekly email.

Easter Decorations: To have your dedications or memorials included in the Easter bulletins, you must sign up or contact the church office by March 17.

Warm Hearts Meal needed for March 21 to serve 16 people and contain no pork. You can bring an entire meal or just a portion. See the weekly email to sign up.

Time & Talent Census due March 24: Each member is being asked to reflect on their participation in the work of the congregation. Please fill out a Time & Talent Census in the weekly email. For more information about ways to serve, see our Ministry Opportunities Booklet.

Easter Brunch Food Donations: Baked goods are needed by March 30 and casseroles on March 31 by 8:45 AM. Gluten free, nut free, etc. are also needed. Sign up in the rear entry.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Sign up to provide homemade or store-bought baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers, etc. This is a major community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy and requires all of us to help. See the weekly email to sign up.


March 3, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Although no flowers adorn our chancel during Lent, a donation to the Flower Fund was made by the Coble family in celebration of Julia’s birthday.

Please welcome Rev. Dr. Nelson Rivera as our guest preacher this morning. He will be leading a forum at 9:00 AM “Lutheran Identity and Commitments in an Ecumenical Context.’’ 

Confirmation Class TODAY from 5:30-7:30 PM. Pray for our young people as they continue to prepare to affirm their baptism.

Lenten Soup Suppers and Midweek Services: Join us for Wednesdays in Lent for Soup Supper at 6:00 PM followed by Services at 7:00 PM. Help is needed to provide soup, salad, bread or dessert and to help with set-up/clean-up. Sign up in the entryway.

Upcoming Forums: March 10: A Faithful Foundation for Discussing Housing (Housing Part  2); March 17: Where Do We Go from Here? (Housing Part 3).

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Property Day, March 16 at 9:00 AM: It is time to spruce up the church before Easter and make some small repairs to the building. There will be jobs for all skill levels and abilities. Sign up in the entryway or in the weekly email. Questions? Contact Jane Bowman (908) 447-8865.

Soup for a Cause, through March 17: We will be selling homemade soups and breads between Sunday services during Lent with proceeds going to the St. Stephan’s-Grace Community in Newark. If you are interested in making soup or bread for the sale contact Jane Bowman.

Cereal Collection for Loaves and Fishes. Can we collect 200 boxes by March 17?

Shampoo Collection: We have set a goal to collect 100 bottles each of shampoo and conditioner for GRACE by March 17.

NJ Synod Zoom Listening Sessions, Commission for a Renewed Church: March 17 at 6:00 PM. You must register in advance via the weekly email.

Help needed for Holy Week services - 9 services in 8 days! We need ushers, assisting ministers, readers, candle preparers, chair arrangers, and more! All skill levels welcome. Please check out the sign-up sheet located in the narthex or in the weekly email.

Easter Decorations: To have your dedications or memorials included in the Easter bulletins, you must sign up or contact the church office by March 17.

February 25, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Lenten Soup Suppers and Midweek Services: Join us for Wednesdays in Lent for Soup Supper at 6:00 PM followed by Services at 7:00 PM. Help is needed to provide soup, salad, bread or dessert and to help with set-up/clean-up. Sign up in the entryway.

Forum, Sunday, TODAY, 9:00 AM: Understanding the Housing Situation with Vito Gallo (Housing Part 1); March 3: St. John’s Visiting Professor; March 10: A Faithful Foundation for Discussing Housing (Housing Part 2); March 17: Where Do We Go from Here? (Housing Part 3).

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Duo Organists Concert, TODAY at 4:00 PM: Christopher & Brian Harlow-Jennings will present a concert for four hands, two pipe organs, and piano with music by Calvin Hampton, Francis Jackson, and Charles Callahan. A light reception will follow. Please invite friends and neighbors!

St. John’s Visiting Professor, March 2-3: We will gather at 7:00 PM on Saturday, March 2 at the Semlers (30 Myrtle Ave. Summit). Please bring a dish to share. Sign up in the entryway. On Sunday, March 3, Pastor Rivera will be our guest preacher and lead the adult forum, “Lutheran Identity and Commitments in an Ecumenical Context.”

Property Day, March 16 at 9:00 AM: It is time to spruce up the church before Easter and make some small repairs to the building. There will be jobs for all skill levels and abilities. Sign up in the entryway or in the weekly email. Questions? Contact Jane Bowman (908) 447-8865.

Soup for a Cause, through March 17: We will be selling homemade soups and breads between Sunday services during Lent. All proceeds will go toward the St. Stephan’s-Grace Community’s outreach programs in the Ironbound neighborhood of Newark. If you are interested in making soup or bread for the sale contact Jane Bowman.

Cereal Collection: We are collecting boxed cereal for Loaves and Fishes. Can we collect 200 boxes? More? Collection ends March 17.

Shampoo Collection: We have set a goal to collect 100 bottles each of shampoo and conditioner for GRACE by March 17.

Easter Decorations: To have your dedications or memorials included in the Easter bulletins, you must sign up or contact the church office by March 17.

Time to think about Summer Camp: See the weekly email to register for Cross Roads many available options for grades 2–8, Middle School, and High School age youth.


February 18, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Lenten Soup Suppers and Midweek Services: Join us for Wednesdays in Lent for Soup Supper at 6:00 PM followed by Services at 7:00 PM, beginning February 21. Help is needed to provide soup, salad, bread or dessert and to help with set-up/clean-up. Sign up in the entryway.

Forum, Sunday, TODAY, 9:00 AM: The Anti-Racism Committee will be showing episodes from the series, “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man” by Emmanuel Acho, followed by discussion. Other upcoming forums: February 25: Understanding the Housing Situation with Vito Gallo (Housing Part 1); March 3: St. John’s Visiting Professor; March 10: A Faithful Foundation for Discussing Housing (Housing Part 2); March 17: Where Do We Go from Here? (Housing Part 3).

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

St. John’s Visiting Professor, March 2-3: The. Rev. Dr. Nelson Rivera. Our 2024 Saint John’s Visiting Professor is The Rev. Dr. Nelson Rivera. There will be a social gathering on the evening of Saturday, March 2. Then on Sunday, March 3, Pastor Rivera will be our guest preacher and lead the adult forum, “Lutheran Identity and Commitments in an Ecumenical Context.”

Soup for a Cause, through March 17: We will be selling homemade soups and breads between Sunday services during Lent. All proceeds will go toward the St. Stephan’s-Grace Community’s outreach programs in the Ironbound neighborhood of Newark. If you are interested in making soup or bread for the sale contact Jane Bowman.

Duo Organists Concert, February 25 at 4:00 PM: Christopher & Brian Harlow-Jennings will present a concert for four hands, two pipe organs, and piano with music by Calvin Hampton, Francis Jackson, and Charles Callahan. A light reception will follow. Please invite friends and neighbors to this exciting event.

Cereal Collection: A traditional Lenten discipline is to give to those in need. We have been asked to collect boxed cereal for Loaves and Fishes. We ask everyone to bring at least one box of cereal each week of Lent. Can we collect 200 boxes? More? Collection ends March 17.

Lenten Collection: Summit’s GRACE helps to meet community needs for our vulnerable and underserved neighbors. They have asked for shampoo and conditioner which aren’t covered by SNAP. We have set a goal to collect 100 bottles each by March 17.

The Lenten devotional “Psalms Anatomy of the Soul” is available in the narthex. This year’s daily devotional is based on the Psalms.

Easter Decorations: To have your dedications or memorials included in the Easter bulletins, you must sign up or contact the church office by March 17.

Time to think about Summer Camp: See the weekly email to register for Cross Roads many available options for grades 2–8, Middle School, and High School age youth.


February 11, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of their parents by Lois and Rodger Kopf.

Souper Bowl of Caring, TODAY. We will have our “Noisy Offering” to collect donations to combat hunger in our community through the work of GRACE.

Annual Congregation Meeting, TODAY, immediately following the 9:30 AM service.

The 2024 Lenten brochure “What Wondrous Love” has been mailed to members’ homes.

The Lenten devotional “Psalms Anatomy of the Soul” is available in the narthex. This year’s daily devotional is based on the Psalms.

February 14—Ash Wednesday: Join us at 8:00 AM for imposition of ashes with a brief spoken service, Noon for Holy Communion with imposition of ashes with sermon and hymns, or 7:00 PM for Holy Communion with imposition of ashes and choral liturgy. Please note the new time for the evening service.

Soup Suppers: Join us for Wednesdays in Lent for Lenten Soup & Supper at 6:00 PM followed by Lenten Midweek Services at 7:00 PM, beginning February 21. Volunteers are needed to provide soup, salad, bread or dessert and to help with set-up/clean-up. Sign up in the weekly email or in the entryway.

Forum, Sunday, February 18, 9:00 AM: The Anti-Racism Committee will be showing episodes from the series Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man by Emmanuel Acho, inviting us to have challenging conversations about racism in America. Each episode will be followed by group discussion. Other upcoming forums: February 25: Understanding the Housing Situation with Vito Gallo (Housing Part 1); March 3: St. John’s Visiting Professor: The. Rev. Dr. Nelson Rivera (see the weekly email for more information); March 10: A Faithful Foundation for Discussing Housing (Housing Part 2); March 17: Where Do We Go from Here? (Housing Part 3) 

Duo Organists Concert, February 25 at 4:00 PM: Christopher & Brian Harlow-Jennings will present a concert for four hands, two pipe organs, and piano with music by Calvin Hampton, Francis Jackson, and Charles Callahan. A light reception will follow. Please invite friends and neighbors to this exciting event.

Worship Volunteers Needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship between now and Easter. Please see the weekly email to sign up today!

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Food donations for our fellowship time (Sundays from 9:00 AM–Noon). They can be homemade or store-bought—baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers are just some ideas. See the weekly email to sign up.

Time to think about Summer Camp: See the weekly email to register for Cross Roads many available options for grades 2–8, Middle School, and High School age youth.


February 4, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of her mother, Viola Bishop by Carol Groote.

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Luther Ringers, TODAY at 11:45.

Budget Forum, TODAY at 9:00 AM: Please join us to review the 2024 Proposed Ministry Spending Plan and ask any questions in preparation for the Annual Meeting on February 11.

Confirmation Class, TODAY at 5:30 PM.

Meals Needed for Summit Warm Hearts on February 8. Meals need to serve 16 people and contain no pork. They should be dropped off in the kitchen by 7:30 PM. You can bring an entire meal or just a portion. See the weekly email to sign up.

Souper Bowl of Caring, Sunday, February 11 We will have our “Noisy Offering” collection for ELCA World Hunger. Don’t forget to bring your change, although we will also take larger denominations if you forget!

Annual Congregation Meeting, February 11, immediately following the 9:30 AM service. Please note that there is only one service on this Sunday.

The 2024 Lenten brochure “What Wondrous Love” has been mailed to members’ homes.

February 14—Ash Wednesday: Join us at 8:00 AM for imposition of ashes with a brief spoken service, Noon for Holy Communion with imposition of ashes with sermon and hymns, or 7:00 PM for Holy Communion with imposition of ashes and choral liturgy. Please note the new time for the evening service.

Worship Volunteers Needed: We have many opportunities for members to help lead in worship between now and Easter. Please see the weekly email to sign up today!

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Food donations for our fellowship time (Sundays from 9:00 AM–Noon). They can be homemade or store-bought—baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers are just some ideas. See the weekly email to sign up.

2024 Flower Chart is posted on the rear bulletin board and available for you to sign up. Weekly flowers cost St. John’s $85 per week. Please give as you are able.


January 28, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God by Lois and Rodger Kopf.

Forum, TODAY at 9:00 AM: Beth Gebhardt, Director of Community Relations & Volunteers at Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey, will be leading a forum about the robust and diverse ministries of Lutheran Social Ministries—a ministry partner of which our congregation has long supported. 

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Luther Ringers, TODAY at 11:45.

Budget Forum, February 4 at 9:00 AM: Please join us to review the 2024 Proposed Ministry Spending Plan and ask any questions in preparation for the Annual Meeting on February 11.

Meals Needed for Summit Warm Hearts on February 8. Meals need to serve 16 people and contain no pork. They should be dropped off in the kitchen by 7:30 PM. You can bring an entire meal or just a portion. See the weekly email to sign up.

Souper Bowl of Caring, Sunday, February 11 We will have our “Noisy Offering” collection for ELCA World Hunger. Don’t forget to bring your change, although we will also take larger denominations if you forget!

Annual Congregation Meeting, February 11, immediately following the 9:30 AM service. Please note that there is only one service on this Sunday.

Fellowship Time Help Needed: Food donations for our fellowship time (Sundays from 9:00 AM–Noon). They can be homemade or store-bought — baked goods/bagels, fruit/veggies, and cheese & crackers are just some ideas. This is a major community building endeavor of the church that we all enjoy — therefore, we all need to pitch in and support this ministry. See the weekly email to sign up.

2024 Flower Chart is posted on the rear bulletin board and available for you to sign up. Weekly flowers cost St. John’s $85 per week. Please give as you are able.


January 21, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God by the Snyder family.

Guest Preacher, TODAY: The Rev. Maristela Freiberg, Assistant to the Bishop and Director for Evangelical Mission of the NJ Synod, will be our guest preacher and forum leader. A native of Brazil, Pastor Freiberg helps congregations think about growth and evangelism, with a particular emphasis on reaching out to immigrant and minority communities.

Forum, TODAY at 9:00 AM, led by Rev. Frieberg, Joining God’s Invitation, Actions, and New Adventures of Hope will explore where we see potential for mission and evangelism at St. John’s.

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Holy Baptism, TODAY at 10:30. The whole church joins in welcoming Mason Rodriguez into the family of God.

Luther Ringers, TODAY at 11:45.

Sign Up by January 22 for Dialogue Circles on Race: Summit Interfaith Council Anti-Racism Committee is offering another semester of Dialogue Circles on Race beginning the week of February 11. Please see the weekly email to sign up by January 22.

LSMNJ Forum, January 28, 9:00 AM: Beth Gebhardt, Director of Community Relations & Volunteers at Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey, will be leading a forum about the robust and diverse ministries of Lutheran Social Ministries, a ministry partner of which our congregation has long supported. 

Budget Forum, February 4 at 9:00 AM: Please join us to review the 2024 Proposed Ministry Spending Plan and ask any questions in preparation for the Annual Meeting on February 11.

Annual Congregation Meeting, February 11, immediately following the 9:30 AM service. Please note that there is only one service on this Sunday.

2024 Flower Chart is posted on the rear bulletin board and available for you to sign up. Weekly flowers cost St. John’s $85 per week. Please give as you are able.


January 14, 2024

For this week’s email announcements, click here.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.

Children’s Choir TODAY at 9:30 AM and Faith Formation at 10:00 AM. All children are welcome. Contact Christopher Harlow-Jennings or Deacon Walker for more information.

Luther Ringers, TODAY at 11:45.

Confirmation Class, TODAY at 5:30 PM.

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Evening Service, tomorrow at 7:00 PM, Fountain Baptist Church, 116 Glenside Ave. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Otis Moss III, senior pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, IL.

MLK Day of Service: Please see the bulletin board for a full listing of all the activities taking place in and around Summit tomorrow.

Guest Preacher and Forum, January 21: The Rev. Maristela Freiberg, Assistant to the Bishop and Director of Evangelical Mission of the NJ Synod, will be our guest preacher and forum leader. A native of Brazil, Pastor Freiberg helps congregations think about growth and evangelism, with a particular emphasis on reaching out to immigrant and minority communities.

Annual Congregation Meeting, February 11, immediately following the 9:30 AM service. Please note that there is only one service on this Sunday.

2024 Flower Chart is posted on the rear bulletin board and available for you to sign up. Weekly flowers cost St. John’s $85 per week. Please give as you are able.