July 24, 2022

We welcome The Rev. Robert Kriesat as our guest pastor today and Connie Schmalz as our guest musician.

Pastor Blake is on vacation until August 5. Contact the church office with pastoral emergencies.

Reconciling in Christ: The Social Justice Social Ministry (SJSM) Committee is proposing that St. John’s becomes a “Reconciling in Christ” church. For nearly 50 years, ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation has advocated for the full welcome, inclusion, and equity of LGBTQIA+ Lutherans in the life of their Church, congregation, and community. Over the next several months, our congregation will offer several educational opportunities. Their goal is to present a motion at the February congregational meeting to adopt a welcome statement and officially become an RIC church. More details to come!

It is with great pleasure that we announce the appointment of Christopher Harlow-Jennings as our next Director of Music. Christopher has impeccable credentials—a Bachelor of Music from the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University and a Master of Music from the Institute of Sacred Music at Yale University. Christopher's first Sunday leading us in worship will be Homecoming Sunday, September 11. During the month of August, he will begin his work among us planning/preparing for the program year. Join us in welcoming Christopher and his family to our community. This is a moment of celebration and excitement for our congregation!

Many library books are overdue or missing from our church library. Please check your shelves and return the books to the library or the church office. Thank you.

Monday Movie Nights: The SJSM committee will hold two evening movie nights this summer, in Hinman Hall to watch LGBTQIA+ themed movies. Our next movie will be on Monday, August 15 at 7:00 PM to watch Pride (2014). Popcorn and post-movie discussion included!

LSMNJ School Supplies due August 16: Purchase school supplies for students in the LSMNJ’s affordable housing program at Amazon and have them delivered to the LSMNJ Burlington office by Monday, August 16, 3 Manhattan Drive, Burlington, NJ 08016, M–F only. Contact Helen Dachowicz at dackpack@aol.com with questions. Shopping lists are in the narthex.

Anti-Racism Committee Summer reading books available with discussions after Labor Day. Small Great Things, recommended donation $10. Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together recommended donation $15. Books available in the church office.

The Hinman Scholarship Fund applications are now being accepted. Applications can be found in the church office. Contact Linda Mesenbrink with questions.

Congregational Retreat—September 30–October 2: Join us for a fun weekend at Cross Roads for activities for all ages, faith formation, building connections with other church members, or simply to connect with nature. We have reserved the entire Christ Center, a modern hotel-like retreat space with private bathrooms. Speak to Pastor Scalet or Jane Bowman with questions.

Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected by the crisis in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. You can mail or drop off a check at the church office, or donate online and type “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.


July 17, 2022

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of Bertha and Paul Reiling by Joy Petzinger.

We welcome The Rev. Bruce H. Davidson as our guest pastor today and Lisa Wichman as our guest musician.

Reconciling in Christ: The Social Justice Social Ministry (SJSM) Committee is proposing that St. John’s becomes a “Reconciling in Christ” church. For nearly 50 years, ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation has advocated for the full welcome, inclusion, and equity of LGBTQIA+ Lutherans in the life of their Church, congregation, and community. Over the next several months, our congregation will offer several educational opportunities. Their goal is to present a motion at the February congregational meeting to adopt a welcome statement and officially become an RIC church. More details to come!

Many library books are overdue or missing from our church library. Please check your shelves and return the books to the library or the church office. Thank you.

Monday Movie Nights: The SJSM committee will hold two evening movie nights this summer, in Hinman Hall to watch LGBTQIA+ themed movies. Our next movie will be on Monday, August 15 at 7:00 PM to watch Pride (2014). Popcorn and post-movie discussion included! Hope to see you there!

Pastor Blake will be on vacation until August 5. Please reach out to Jane Bowman, Council President, with any pastoral emergencies.

Anti-Racism Committee Summer reading books available with discussions after Labor Day. Small Great Things, recommended donation $10. Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together recommended donation $15. Books available in the church office.

The Hinman Scholarship Fund applications are now being accepted. Applications can be found in the church office. Contact Linda Mesenbrink with questions.

Congregational Retreat—Save the date, September 30–October 2: Join us for a fun weekend at Cross Roads for activities for all ages, faith formation, building connections with other church members, or simply recharge by connecting to nature. We have reserved the entire Christ Center, a modern hotel-like retreat space with private bathrooms. Speak to Pastor Scalet or Jane Bowman with questions or put your name on the list.

Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected by the crisis in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. You can mail or drop off a check at the church office, or donate online and type “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.

July 10, 2022

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in celebration of their wedding anniversary by Linda and Craig Clark.

We welcome Kim Kanefke as our guest musician today.

Reconciling in Christ: The Social Justice Social Ministry (SJSM) Committee is proposing that St. John’s becomes a “Reconciling in Christ” church. For nearly 50 years, ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation has advocated for the full welcome, inclusion, and equity of LGBTQIA+ Lutherans in the life of their Church, congregation, and community. Over the next several months, our congregation will offer several educational opportunities. Their goal is to present a motion at the February congregational meeting to adopt a welcome statement and officially become an RIC church. More details to come!

Many library books are overdue or missing from our church library. Please check your shelves and return the books to the library or the church office. Thank you.

Monday Movie Nights: The SJSM committee will hold two evening movie nights this summer, in Hinman Hall to watch LGBTQIA+ themed movies. The first movie will be on Monday, July 11 at 7:00 PM to watch Saved! (2004). Popcorn and post-movie discussion included! Our second movie night will be on Monday, August 15, also at 7:00 PM. Hope to see you there!  

Pastor Blake will be on vacation July 17–August 5. Please reach out to Jane Bowman, Council President, with any pastoral emergencies.

Anti-Racism Committee Summer reading books available with discussions after Labor Day. Small Great Things, recommended donation $10. Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together recommended donation $15. Books available in the church office.

The Hinman Scholarship Fund applications are now being accepted. Applications can be found in the church office. Contact Linda Mesenbrink with questions.

Congregational Retreat—Save the date, September 30–October 2: Join us for a fun weekend at Cross Roads for activities for all ages, faith formation, building connections with other church members, or simply recharge by connecting to nature. We have reserved the entire Christ Center, a modern hotel-like retreat space with private bathrooms. Speak to Pastor Scalet or Jane Bowman with questions or put your name on the list.

Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected by the crisis in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. You can mail or drop off a check at the church office, or donate online and type “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.


July 3, 2022

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of their parents by Mike and Bev Kaczmarski.

Our Appalachia Service Project volunteers are overwhelmed by the response of St. John’s members and visitors to our “Peace by Piece” fundraiser. You all helped us ‘repair’ our model house and raised $5040 for our upcoming trip to McDowell County, WV. Thank you very much for your generosity and ongoing support of 22 years for this worthwhile and rewarding mission trip. You can view all McDowell County, WV projects at https://www.facebook.com/ASPMcDowellWV, and you may even see a few photos of us at work! 

Celebration of Completion of Ministry: Join us TODAY at 10:30 AM out on the front lawn to give thanks for Donna Garzinsky’s tenure among us as she steps down as our Director of Music.

The Church Office will be closed on July 4 & 5 in observance of July 4th.

Rummage Sale, July 8–9: Donations will be accepted starting TODAY. If you would like to drop off items over the holiday, please make arrangements with Jane Bowman or the church office. All money raised supports the Youth Missions Fund. Then, make sure to come to the Rummage Sale on July 8 & 9 from 9–4:00 to buy some new treasures!

Reconciling in Christ: The Social Justice Social Ministry (SJSM) Committee is proposing that St. John’s becomes a “Reconciling in Christ” church. For nearly 50 years, ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation has advocated for the full welcome, inclusion, and equity of LGBTQIA+ Lutherans in the life of their Church, congregation, and community. Over the next several months, our congregation will offer several educational opportunities. Their goal is to present a motion at the February congregational meeting to adopt a welcome statement and officially become an RIC church. More details to come!

Monday Movie Nights: The SJSM committee will hold two evening movie nights this summer, in Hinman Hall to watch LGBTQIA+ themed movies. The first movie will be on Monday, July 11 at 7:00 PM to watch Saved! (2004). Popcorn and post-movie discussion included! Our second movie night will be on Monday, August 15, also at 7:00 PM. Hope to see you there!  

Anti-Racism Committee Summer reading books available with discussions after Labor Day. Small Great Things, recommended donation $10. Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together recommended donation $15. Books available in the church office.

The Hinman Scholarship Fund applications are now being accepted. Applications can be found in the church office. Contact Linda Mesenbrink with questions.

Congregational Retreat—Save the date, September 30–October 2: Join us for a fun weekend at Cross Roads for activities for all ages, faith formation, building connections with other church members, or simply recharge by connecting to nature. We have reserved the entire Christ Center, a modern hotel-like retreat space with private bathrooms. Speak to Pastor Scalet or Jane Bowman with questions or put your name on the list.


June 26, 2022

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God. Sign up in the rear entry to sponsor the weekly altar flowers.

Guest Musician: We welcome Diane Pivarnik as our organist today.

ASP Training, TODAY, 11:00 AM, in the parking lot.

ASP Fundraiser: For the month of June, ASP volunteers will be on hand on Sundays to assist you in participating in the Piece by Peace Fundraiser, our only fundraiser this year. Come help us “repair a house” (model) by “purchasing” siding, windows, decking, roofing, etc. to make it warmer, safer, and drier! Items are $10 and up, but any donation will be accepted.

Celebration of Completion of Ministry: Join us July 3 at 10:30 AM out on the front lawn to give thanks for Donna Garzinsky’s tenure among us as she steps down as our Director of Music. The congregation is invited to submitted notes of appreciation for Donna’s ministry either by email staff@stjohnssummit.org or to the church office by July 1.

The Church Office will be closed on July 4 & 5 in observance of July 4th.

Rummage Sale, July 8–9: Donations will be accepted starting July 3. If you would like to drop off items any earlier or over the holiday, please make prior arrangements with Jane Bowman or the church office. All money raised supports the Youth Missions Fund. Then, make sure to come to the Rummage Sale on July 8 & 9 from 9–4:00 to buy some new treasures!

Anti-Racism Committee Summer reading books available with discussions after Labor Day. Small Great Things, recommended donation $10. Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together recommended donation $15. Books available in the church office.

Congregational Retreat—Save the date, September 30–October 2: Join us for a fun weekend at Cross Roads for activities for all ages, faith formation, building connections with other church members, or simply recharge by connecting to nature. We have reserved the entire Christ Center, a modern hotel-like retreat space with private bathrooms. Speak to Pastor Scalet or Jane Bowman with questions or put your name on the list.


June 19, 2022

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in celebration of Oslo’s birth by Darcy & John Tierney.

Dinner Church, TODAY at 6:00 PM: Join us for Word and sacrament in an intimate dinner setting.

Youth Group Meeting, Monday, June 20 at 7:00 PM: This is the last meeting of the year so please join us!

Blood Drive at St. John’s! On June 24, St. John’s will host a blood drive from 12:00 to 6:00 PM. Please sign up at nybc.org using sponsor code 12199. See the rear entry bulletin board.

Pride Sunday, June 26: Next Sunday we will be honoring Pride month in worship. We serve an inclusive God who call us to fully embrace LGBTQIA+ people in the life of the Church. Our Social Justice Social Ministry Committee will be making a special announcement.

ASP Training, June 26, 11:00 AM, in the parking lot.

ASP Fundraiser: For the month of June, ASP volunteers will be on hand on Sundays to assist you in participating in the Piece by Peace Fundraiser, our only fundraiser this year. Come help us “repair a house” (model) by “purchasing” siding, windows, decking, roofing, etc. to make it warmer, safer, and drier! Items are $10 and up, but any donation will be accepted.

The Church Office will be closed on July 4 & 5 in observance of July 4th.

Rummage Sale, July 8–9: Donations will be accepted starting July 3. If you would like to drop off items any earlier, please make prior arrangements with Jane Bowman or the church office. All money raised supports the Youth Missions Fund. Then, make sure to come to the Rummage Sale on July 8 & 9 from 8-4:00 to buy some new treasures!

Anti-Racism Committee Summer reading books available with discussions after Labor Day. Small Great Things, recommended donation $10. Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together recommended donation $15. Books available in the church office.

Congregational Retreat—Save the date, September 30–October 2: Join us for a fun weekend at Cross Roads for activities for all ages, faith formation, building connections with other church members, or simply recharge by connecting to nature. We have reserved the entire Christ Center, a modern hotel-like retreat space with private bathrooms. Speak to Pastor Scalet or Jane Bowman with questions or put your name on the list.


June 12, 2022

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God. Please sign up to sponsor flowers.

We welcome our new intern, Vicar Naeem Harry, who begins his ministry among us today. Vicar Naeem, a candidate for minister of Word and Sacrament in the New Jersey Synod, will be completing his internship part-time over two years as he continues as a hospice chaplain. Join us at the picnic TODAY to welcome him!

Music Sunday, TODAY: St. John's ensembles will lead in worship and we will give thanks for the gift of the Triune God that is music. A special thanks to Wayne Dietterick as interim Director of Music and Linda Clark as interim Director of the Lutherringers and recorders.

Summit Juneteenth Celebration, June 17, 5–8:30 PM: St. John’s is an official sponsor of Summit’s first Juneteenth Celebration at the Summit Aquatic Center (100 Ashwood Avenue).

Summer Worship Schedule, June 19 through September 4, we will be worshiping together at ONE service beginning at 9:15 AM. During the summer when attendance is lighter, a single service makes better use of our worship volunteers and makes for a fuller assembly. It will be wonderful to worship as one congregation!

Commemoration of The Emanuel 9 & Juneteenth, Sunday, June 19, St. John’s will observe the commemoration of the Emanuel 9 and Juneteenth. These two observances are recent national and ELCA additions to our church calendar.

Blood Drive at St. John’s! On June 24, St. John’s will host a blood drive from 12:00 to 6:00 PM. Please sign up at nybc.org using sponsor code 12199. See the rear entry bulletin board.

ASP Fundraiser: For the month of June, ASP volunteers will be on hand on Sundays to assist you in participating in the Piece by Peace Fundraiser, our only fundraiser this year. Come help us “repair a house” (model) by “purchasing” siding, windows, decking, roofing, etc. to make it warmer, safer, and drier! Items are $10 and up, but any donation will be accepted.

Rummage Sale, July 8–9: Donations will be accepted starting July 3. If you would like to drop off items any earlier, please make prior arrangements with Jane Bowman or the church office. All money raised supports the Youth Missions Fund.

Anti-Racism Committee Summer reading books available with discussions after Labor Day. Small Great Things, recommended donation $10. Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together recommended donation $15. Books available in the church office.

Congregational Retreat—Save the date, September 30–October 2: Join us for a fun weekend at Cross Roads for activities for all ages, faith formation, building connections with other church members, or simply recharge by connecting to nature. We have reserved the entire Christ Center, a modern hotel-like retreat space with private bathrooms. Speak to Pastor Scalet or Jane Bowman with questions or put your name on the list.


June 5, 2022

Emanuel 9 & Juneteenth Forum, TODAY at 9:00 AM in Hinman Hall. Our Anti-Racism Committee will also be hosting a conversation about the commemoration of the Emanuel 9–
the nine people killed at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Carolina and Juneteenth, the national celebration of Emancipation and the end of slavery. Please join us.

Livestream Training, June 9, 7:00 PM: A simple and brief training to learn how to run our weekly livestream is available for anyone to attend. Contact Stephanie Rothman at stephanierothman9@gmail.com.

Registration for all Cross Roads Summer Camp Programs: Come to an open house on June 11 to visit camp, ask all your questions, and enjoy a delicious lunch! Learn more and register at crossroadsretreat.com. Hinman Scholarship funds are available to church members attending Lutheran camps.

2022 Graduates We will be recognizing and praying for our graduates in church on June 12.

Music Sunday, June 12: St. John's ensembles will lead in worship and we will give thanks for the gift of the Triune God that is music. We especially want to thank Wayne Dietterick as interim Director of Music and Linda Clark as interim Director of the Lutherringers and recorders.

Church Picnic, June 12. Please sign up in the rear entry to bring a side dish or to help set up.

Summit Juneteenth Celebration, June 17, 5–8:30 PM: St. John’s is an official sponsor of Summit’s first Juneteenth Celebration at the Summit Aquatic Center (100 Ashwood Avenue). Please join us!

Summer Worship Schedule, June 19 through September 4, we will be worshiping together at ONE service beginning at 9:15 AM. During the summer when attendance is lighter, a single service makes better use of our worship volunteers and makes for a fuller assembly. It will be wonderful to worship as one congregation!

Commemoration of The Emanuel 9 & Juneteenth, Sunday, June 19, St. John’s will observe the commemoration of the Emanuel 9 and Juneteenth. These two observances are recent national and ELCA additions to our church calendar. They complement our ongoing work of racial reconciliation.

Blood Drive at St. John’s! On June 24, St. John’s will host a blood drive from 12:00 to 6:00 PM. Please sign up at nybc.org using sponsor code 12199. More information on the rear entry bulletin board.

ASP Fundraiser: For the month of June, ASP volunteers will be on hand on Sundays to assist you in participating in the Piece by Peace Fundraiser, our only fundraiser this year. Come help us “repair a house” (model) by “purchasing” siding, windows, decking, roofing, etc. to make it warmer, safer, and drier! Items are $10 and up, but any donation will be accepted.

 Rummage Sale, July 8–9: Start cleaning out the closets, the attic, the garage! Donations will be accepted starting July 3. If you would like to drop off items any earlier, please make prior arrangements with Jane Bowman or the church office. All money raised supports the Youth Missions Fund.

Anti-Racism Committee Summer reading books available in the church office with discussions after Labor Day. Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult, recommended donation $10. Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together by Heather McGhee, recommended donation $15.

Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. Send a check to the church office, or donate online with “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.


May 29, 2022

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.

On Gun Violence Prevention Rally, Friday June 3, 5-6:00 PM, Summit Village Green, 365 Broad Street: Summit Interfaith Council and others invite you to help to pass Governor Murphy's Gun Safety Package 3.0. Learn how gun violence continues to be an issue of social and racial justice, and focus on how we as a community can make a difference.

Summit Has Pride, Saturday June 4, at 6:00 PM on the Village Green. St. John’s will join the City of Summit by showing their pride in their community with educational and non-profit displays from organizations serving the LGBTQ+ community. The event is free and open to all.

Next Sunday, June 5 is Pentecost WEAR RED!

Emanuel 9 & Juneteenth Forum, June 5 at 9:00 AM in Hinman Hall. Our Anti-Racism Committee will also be hosting a conversation about the commemoration of the Emanuel 9 – the nine people killed at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Carolina and Juneteenth, the national celebration of Emancipation and the end of slavery. Please join us.

Livestream Training, June 9, 7:00 PM: A simple and brief training to learn how to run our weekly livestream is available for anyone to attend. Contact Stephanie Rothman at stephanierothman9@gmail.com.

Registration for all Cross Roads Summer Camp Programs: Come to an open house on June 11 to visit camp, ask all your questions, and enjoy a delicious lunch! Learn more and register at crossroadsretreat.com. Hinman Scholarship funds are available to church members attending Lutheran camps.

2022 Graduates If you have a graduate in the family, send a recent photo and a brief sentence or two about their upcoming plans for the future. We'd love to share the good news with the St. John's community! Materials can be emailed to jamabowman@stjohnssummit.org. We will be recognizing and praying for our graduates in church on June 12.

Music Sunday, June 12: This year June 12 will be both Trinity Sunday AND Music Sunday. St. John's ensembles will lead in worship and we will give thanks for the gift of the Triune God that is music. We especially want to thank Wayne Dietterick as interim Director of Music and Linda Clark as interim Director of the Lutherringers and recorders.

Church Picnic, June 12. Please sign up in the rear entry to bring a side dish or to help set up.

Summit Juneteenth Celebration, June 17, 5–8:30 PM: St. John’s is an official sponsor of Summit’s first Juneteenth Celebration at the Summit Aquatic Center (100 Ashwood Avenue). Please join us!

Summer Worship Schedule, June 19 through September 4, we will be worshiping together at ONE service beginning at 9:15 AM. During the summer when attendance is lighter, a single service makes better use of our worship volunteers and makes for a fuller assembly. It will be wonderful to worship as one congregation!

 Commemoration of The Emanuel 9 & Juneteenth, Sunday, June 19, St. John’s will observe the commemoration of the Emanuel 9 and Juneteenth. These two observances are recent national and ELCA additions to our church calendar. They complement our on-going work of racial reconciliation.

Blood Drive at St. John’s! On June 24, St. John’s will host a blood drive from 12:00 to 6:00 PM. Please sign up at nybc.org using sponsor code 12199. More information on the rear entry bulletin board.

ASP Fundraiser: For the month of June, ASP volunteers will be on hand on Sundays to assist you in participating in the Piece by Peace Fundraiser, our only fundraiser this year. Come help us “repair a house” (model) by “purchasing” siding, windows, decking, roofing, etc. to make it warmer, safer, and drier! Items are $10 and up, but any donation will be accepted.

Rummage Sale, July 8–9: Start cleaning out the closets, the attic, the garage! Donations will be accepted starting July 3. If you would like to drop off items any earlier, please make prior arrangements with Jane Bowman or the church office. All money raised supports the Youth Missions Fund.

Anti-Racism Committee Summer reading books available with discussions after Labor Day. Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult is based on the true story of a labor and delivery nurse who was prohibited by a baby’s father from any Black nurses caring for his baby. Recommended donation $10. Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together by Heather McGhee examines the damage caused by racism in policymaking and proposes a path forward to combat these challenges. Recommended donation $15.

Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. Send a check to the church office, or donate online with “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.


May 22, 2022

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.

Guest Preacher and leader of our forum TODAY, the Rev. Ben Hogue from ELCA World Hunger. Pastor Hogue will share how the ELCA is funding World Hunger, Disaster Response, and other worldwide missions we support.

Youth Group Meeting, TODAY at 7:00 PM.

The Anti-Racism Committee is hosting a viewing of the 4-part Netflix docuseries, High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America. Our last viewing is May 23 from 7:00–9:00 PM, and will be followed by a food sampling related to the series.

Summit Has Pride, Saturday June 4, at 6:00 PM on the Village Green. St. John’s will join the City of Summit by showing their pride in their community with educational and non-profit displays from organizations serving the LGBTQ+ community. The event is free and open to all.

Livestream Training, June 9, 7:00 PM: A simple and brief training to learn how to run our weekly livestream is available for anyone to attend. Questions? Contact Stephanie Rothman.

ASP Fundraiser:  For the month of June, ASP volunteers will be on hand on Sundays to assist you in participating in the Piece by Peace Fundraiser, our only fundraiser this year. Come help us “repair a house” (model) by “purchasing” siding, windows, decking, roofing, etc. to make it warmer, safer, and drier! Items are $10 and up, but any donation will be accepted.

Church Picnic will be June 12. Mark your calendars!

Save the Date–Blood Drive at St. John’s! On June 24, St. John’s will host a blood drive from 12:00 to 6:00 PM. Details and registration information coming soon!

Registration for all Cross Roads Summer Camp Programs is open. Come to one of the Cross Roads  open house on June 11 to visit camp, ask all your questions, and even enjoy a delicious lunch! Learn more and register at crossroadsretreat.com. Hinman Scholarship funds are available to church members attending Lutheran camps.

Anti-Racism Committee Summer reading books available with discussions after Labor Day. Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult is based on the true story of a labor and delivery nurse who was prohibited by a baby’s father from any Black nurses caring for his baby. Recommended donation $10. Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together by Heather McGhee examines the damage caused by racism in policymaking and proposes a path forward to combat these challenges. Recommended donation $15.

Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected by the crisis in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. You can mail or drop off a check at the church office, or donate online and type “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.


May 15, 2022

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Theresa Alleyne by her daughters Pat Bennett and Marilyn DeFreitas and their families, and in loving memory of David Coble by Rick, Alana, & Julia Coble.

Cross Roads Camp Visit TODAY: Helen and Dylan Payanzo, the new Program Directors at Cross Roads will be with us in worship.

Dinner Church, TONIGHT at 6:00 PM: Join us for Word and sacrament in an intimate dinner setting.

First Communion Reception: Charlotte Ngo and Merel Ngo celebrate their reception of Holy Communion during our 10:30 AM service. Welcome to the Lord’s table.

Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected by the crisis in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. You can mail or drop off a check at the church office, or donate online and type “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.

The Anti-Racism Committee is hosting a viewing of the 4-part Netflix docuseries, High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America. Viewings are on Monday, May  16 & 23 from 7:00–9:00 PM, and will be followed by a food sampling related to the series.

Memorial Service for Erma Colvin May 21 at 11:00 AM.

Guest Preacher and Forum May 22: The Rev. Benjamin Hogue, ELCA Mission Fund Director, will be with us and his role relating to ELCA World Hunger. Forum will be at 9:00 AM.

Youth Group Meeting, May 22 at 7:00 PM.

Registration for all Cross Roads Summer Camp Programs is open. Come to one of the Cross Roads  open houses on May 14 or June 11 to visit camp, ask all your questions, and even enjoy a delicious lunch! Learn more and register at crossroadsretreat.com. Hinman Scholarship funds are available to church members attending Lutheran camps.

ASP Fundraiser:  For the month of June, ASP volunteers will be on hand on Sundays to assist you in participating in the Piece by Peace Fundraiser, our only fundraiser this year. Come help us “repair a house” (model) by “purchasing” siding, windows, decking, roofing, etc. to make it warmer, safer, and drier! Items are $10 and up, but any donation will be accepted.

Church Picnic will be June 12. Mark your calendars!

Save the Date–Blood Drive at St. John’s! On June 24, St. John’s will host a blood drive from 12:00 to 6:00 PM. Details and registration information coming soon!


May 8, 2022

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and with blessings for Logan Justin González’s baptism by Beth & Jay van de Beek.

Please welcome our guest preacher today, Janet Maulbeck, Executive Director of Interweave, Integrated Spirituality for Daily Living.

Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected by the crisis in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. You can mail or drop off a check at the church office, or donate online and type “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.

The Anti-Racism Committee is hosting a viewing of the 4-part Netflix docuseries, High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America. Viewings will be on Mondays, May 9, 16 & 23 from 7:00–9:00 PM, and will be followed by a food sampling related to the series.

Many thanks to our knitters and crocheters! Linda and Bill Walker delivered 25 hats and 12 scarves to the Seaman’s Institute for their Christmas at Sea program.

Cross Roads Camp Visit May 15: Helen and Dylan Payanzo, the new Program Directors at Cross Roads will be with us in worship.

Memorial Service for Erma Colvin May 21 at 11:00 AM.

Dinner Church, May 15 at 6:00 PM. Join us for Word and sacrament in an intimate dinner setting.

Guest Preacher and Forum May 22: The Rev. Benjamin Hogue, ELCA Mission Fund Director, will be with us and his role relating to ELCA World Hunger. Forum will be at 9:00 AM.

Youth Group Meeting, May 22 at 7:00 PM.

Registration for all Cross Roads Summer Camp Programs is open. Come to one of the Cross Roads  open houses on May 14 or June 11 to visit camp, ask all your questions, and even enjoy a delicious lunch! Learn more and register at crossroadsretreat.com. Hinman Scholarship funds are available to church members attending Lutheran camps.

Church Picnic will be June 12. Mark your calendars!

Save the Date–Blood Drive at St. John’s! On June 24, St. John’s will host a blood drive from 12:00 to 6:00 PM. Details and registration information coming soon!


May 1, 2022

Appalachia Service Project Meeting: TODAY from Noon to 3:00 PM in Hinman Hall. There will be theme training (“Rooted in Love”) as well as sensitivity training through large and small group activities. Since this is our main training session, ALL volunteers should plan to attend.

Bethlehem Build: Thanks to your generosity, we exceed our fundraising goal and collected more than $25,000!

Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected by the crisis in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. You can mail or drop off a check at the church office, or donate online and type “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.

The Anti-Racism Committee is hosting a viewing of the 4-part Netflix docuseries, High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America. Viewings will be on Mondays, May 2, 9, 16 & 23 from 7:00–9:00 PM, and will be followed by a food sampling related to the series.

The 2022 New Jersey Synod Assembly will take place May 6–7.  Attending the assembly as St. John's voting members will be Pastor Scalet, Deacon Linda Walker, Rodger Kopf, Jane Bowman and Thomas Neiman. 

On May 8, Jessica Sherman will be stepping down as Director of Communications to begin a full-time position as Director of Marketing at Two River Theater. She will continue to be an active member of St. John's and a volunteer for livestream crew. We wish her well!

Registration for all Cross Roads Summer Camp Programs is open. Come to one of the Cross Roads  open houses on May 14 or June 11 to visit camp, ask all your questions, and even enjoy a delicious lunch! Learn more and register at crossroadsretreat.com

Save the Date–Blood Drive at St. John’s! On June 24, St. John’s will host a blood drive from 12:00 to 6:00 PM. Details and registration information coming soon!


April 10, 2022

Intergenerational Faith Formation continues TODAY at 9:00 AM! Everyone is invited to enjoy some fellowship time, while we explore the role of Lent in our spiritual lives through crafting, music and maybe a snack. Join us today as we Walk Through Holy Week. 

Holy Work for Holy Week: Sign up in the narthex to help with the many tasks during this holy season. There are a variety of time commitments and skill requirements. Lots of helpers are needed!

Boxes of Cereal for Loaves & Fishes: today is the last day for our special collection, but the need for food continues year round. We collected approximately 320 boxes!

Let Us Build a House–Bethlehem Build: Our partner congregation, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, New Orleans, is building new affordable housing rentals on their property in partnership with Tulane University. Our Council has challenged St. John’s to raise $22,500 of the needed funds to make this project possible during Lent. Give online or by check payable to St. John’s with “Bethlehem Build” in the memo line. Currently, we have collected $22,591!

Baby Drive Collection: Robin Taylor Roth is co-sponsoring a baby drive for GRACE to collect food, diapers, pull-ups, wipes through the end of April. A collection box is in the rear entryway.

Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected by the crisis in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. You can mail or drop off a check at the church office, or donate online and type “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.

The Church Office will be closed from Monday, April 18 through Friday, April 22.

Registration for all Cross Roads Summer Camp Programs is open. Come to one of the Cross Roads  open houses on May 14 or June 11 to visit camp, ask all your questions, and even enjoy a delicious lunch! Learn more and register at crossroadsretreat.com

Save the Date–Blood Drive at St. John’s! On June 24, St. John’s will host a blood drive from 12:00 to 6:00 PM. Details and registration information coming soon!


April 3, 2022

Please welcome our guest organist today, Lisa Wichman.

Intergenerational Faith Formation continues TODAY at 9:00 AM! Everyone is invited to enjoy some fellowship time, while we explore the role of Lent in our spiritual lives through crafting, music and maybe a snack. TODAY’S theme is, “The Shape of the Cross.” 

Easter Flowers: We are collecting donations for Easter flowers; suggested donations of $25–50 All dedications must be received by TODAY Sign up in the entryway.

Lent midweek services, Wednesdays at 7:00 PM. Join us each week for Evening Prayer .

Worship Assistants Needed: Altar Guild volunteers, Greeters, Counters, Readers, Ushers and Livestream Crew members. MANY hands are needed to offer the worship services and events that we do. Please email Pastor Blake or Bev Kaczmarski.

Boxes of Cereal for Loaves & Fishes: We have been asked to collect boxed cereal for Loaves and Fishes during Lent. We ask everyone to bring at least one box of cereal each week of Lent to reach our goal of 300+ boxes. We have collected approximately 225 boxes so far!

Let Us Build a House–Bethlehem Build: Our partner congregation, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, New Orleans, is building new affordable housing rentals on their property in partnership with Tulane University. Our Council has challenged St. John’s to raise $22,500 of the needed funds to make this project possible during Lent. Give online or by check payable to St. John’s with “Bethlehem Build” in the memo line. Currently, we have collected $21,3331!

Missing our Lenten soup suppers? We will be selling homemade soups and breads between services for you and your family to purchase and enjoy during Lent. All proceeds will go toward the Bethlehem Build Project. If you are interested in making soup or bread for the sale – please contact Jane Bowman or Jama Bowman.

Baby Drive Collection: Robin Taylor Roth is co-sponsoring a baby drive for GRACE to collect food, diapers, pull-ups, wipes through the end of April. A collection box is in the rear entryway.

Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected by the crisis in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. You can mail or drop off a check at the church office, or donate online and type “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.

Registration for all Cross Roads Summer Camp Programs is open. Come to one of the Cross Roads  open houses on May 14 or June 11 to visit camp, ask all your questions, and even enjoy a delicious lunch! Learn more and register at crossroadsretreat.com

Save the Date–Blood Drive at St. John’s! On June 24, St. John’s will host a blood drive from 12:00 to 6:00 PM. Details and registration information coming soon!


March 27, 2022

Intergenerational Faith Formation continues TODAY at 9:00 AM! Everyone is invited to enjoy some fellowship time, while we explore the role of Lent in our spiritual lives through crafting, music and maybe a snack. TODAY’S theme is, “The Parables of Jesus.” 

Anti-Racism Committee Forum, TODAY at 9:00 AM to discuss Redlining.

Lent midweek services, Wednesdays at 7:00 PM. Join us each week for Evening Prayer .

Worship Assistants Needed: Altar Guild volunteers, Greeters, Counters, Readers, Ushers and Livestream Crew members. MANY hands are needed to offer the worship services and events that we do. Please email Pastor Blake or Bev Kaczmarski.

Boxes of Cereal for Loaves & Fishes: We have been asked to collect boxed cereal for Loaves and Fishes during Lent. We ask everyone to bring at least one box of cereal each week of Lent to reach our goal of 300+ boxes. We have collected approximately 225 boxes so far!

Let Us Build a House–Bethlehem Build: Our partner congregation, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, New Orleans, is building new affordable housing rentals on their property in partnership with Tulane University. Our Council has challenged St. John’s to raise $22,500, or 10% of the needed funds to make this project possible during Lent. Give online or by check payable to St. John’s with “Bethlehem Build” in the memo line.

Missing our Lenten soup suppers? We will be selling homemade soups and breads between services for you and your family to purchase and enjoy during Lent. All proceeds will go toward the Bethlehem Build Project. If you are interested in making soup or bread for the sale – please contact Jane Bowman or Jama Bowman.

Easter Flowers: We are collecting donations for Easter flowers; suggested donations of $25–50 All dedications must be received by April 3. Sign up in the entryway.

Baby Drive Collection: Robin Taylor Roth is co-sponsoring a baby drive for GRACE to collect food, diapers, pull-ups, wipes through the end of April. A collection box is in the rear entryway.

Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected by the crisis in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. You can mail or drop off a check at the church office, or donate online and type “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.

Registration for all Cross Roads Summer Camp Programs is open. Come to one of the Cross Roads  open houses on May 14 or June 11 to visit camp, ask all your questions, and even enjoy a delicious lunch! Learn more and register at crossroadsretreat.com


March 20, 2022

Intergenerational Faith Formation continues TODAY at 9:00 AM: Everyone is invited! This Sunday’s theme is “The Practices of Lent.”

Lent midweek services, Wednesdays at 7:00 PM. Join us each week for Evening Prayer .

Worship Assistants Needed: Altar Guild volunteers, Greeters, Counters, Readers, Ushers and Livestream Crew members. MANY hands are needed to offer the worship services and events that we do. Please email Pastor Blake or Bev Kaczmarski.

First Communion instruction begins in Lent, with new communicants receiving their first communion on Easter Sunday. Contact Pastor Blake for more information!

Boxes of Cereal for Loaves & Fishes: We have been asked to collect boxed cereal for Loaves and Fishes during Lent. We ask everyone to bring at least one box of cereal each week of Lent to reach our goal of 300+ boxes. We have collected approximately 180 boxes so far!

Let Us Build a House–Bethlehem Build: Our partner congregation, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, New Orleans, is building new affordable housing rentals on their property in partnership with Tulane University. Our Council has challenged St. John’s to raise $22,500, or 10% of the needed funds to make this project possible during Lent. Give online or by check payable to St. John’s with “Bethlehem Build” in the memo line. Our current total: $8700!

Missing our Lenten soup suppers? We will be selling homemade soups and breads between services for you and your family to purchase and enjoy during Lent. All proceeds will go toward the Bethlehem Build Project. If you are interested in making soup or bread for the sale – please contact Jane Bowman or Jama Bowman.

Easter Flowers: We are collecting donations for Easter flowers; suggested donations of $25–50 All dedications must be received by April 3. Sign up in the entryway.

Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected by the crisis in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. You can mail or drop off a check at the church office, or donate online and type “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.


March 13, 2022

Guest Pastor: We welcome Pastor Gladys G. Moore as our supply pastor today.

Intergenerational Faith Formation continues TODAY at 9:00 AM: Everyone is invited! Today’s theme is, “Images of Lent,” and as part of the morning’s activities, the Antiracism Committee will host the first of its two Lent forums - this one featuring race cards. Our next forum will be on March 27 with a conversation about red-lining and housing. Join us.

Dinner Church, TODAY at 6:00 PM. Join us for Word and sacrament in an intimate dinner setting.

Lent midweek services, Wednesdays at 7:00 PM. Join us each week for Evening Prayer .

Worship Assistants Needed: Altar Guild volunteers, Greeters, Counters, Readers, Ushers and Livestream Crew members. MANY hands are needed to offer the worship services and events that we do. Please email Pastor Blake or Bev Kaczmarski.

First Communion instruction begins in Lent, with new communicants receiving their first communion on Easter Sunday. Contact Pastor Blake for more information!

Boxes of Cereal for Loaves & Fishes: We have been asked to collect boxed cereal for Loaves and Fishes during Lent. We ask everyone to bring at least one box of cereal each week of Lent to reach our goal of 300+ boxes.

Let Us Build a House–Bethlehem Build: Our partner congregation, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, New Orleans, is building new affordable housing rentals on their property in partnership with Tulane University. Our Council has challenged St. John’s to raise $22,500, or 10% of the needed funds to make this project possible during Lent. Give online or by check payable to St. John’s with “Bethlehem Build” in the memo line.

Missing our Lenten soup suppers? Beginning March 13, we will be selling homemade soups and breads between services for you and your family to purchase and enjoy during Lent. All proceeds will go toward the Bethlehem Build Project. If you are interested in making soup or bread for the sale – please contact Jane Bowman or Jama Bowman.

Easter Flowers: We are collecting donations for Easter flowers; suggested donations of $25–50 All dedications must be received by April 3. Sign up in the entryway.

Lutheran Disaster Response is providing refugees and those affected by the crisis in Ukraine with immediate financial support (100% of all donations are given) as well as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. You can mail or drop off a check at the church office, or donate online and type “Ukraine” under the “Special Giving” field or in the memo line.



March 6, 2022

Lenten Intergenerational Faith Formation activities TODAY at 9:00 AM in Hinman Hall. All are welcome!

Lent midweek services begin this Wednesday, March 9 at 7:00 PM.  Please join us each week for Evening Prayer on the theme care of the neighbor.

We are in dire need of Worship Assistants! We need Altar Guild volunteers, Greeters, Counters, Readers, Ushers and Livestream Crew members. MANY hands are needed to offer the worship services and events that we do. Please email Pastor Blake or Bev Kaczmarski.

Want to join our Social Justice/Social Ministry Committee? Visit St. John’s YouTube Channel for recent interviews with leaders of some of our partner organizations, Bridges Outreach and Family Promise of Union County. Hear how St. John’s work has helped our community.

First Communion instruction begins in Lent, with new communicants receiving their first taste of the Eucharist on Easter Sunday. Contact Pastor Blake for more information!

Dinner Church, March 13 at 6:00 PM. Join us for Word and sacrament in an intimate dinner setting.

Boxes of Cereal for Loaves & Fishes: A traditional Lenten discipline is to give to those in need. We have been asked to collect boxed cereal for Loaves and Fishes. There are six Sundays from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday, and we ask everyone to bring at least one box of cereal each week of Lent. Can we collect 300+ boxes?

Easter Flowers: We are collecting donations for Easter flowers; suggested donations of $25–50 All dedications must be received by April 3. Sign up in the entryway.

Let Us Build a House–Bethlehem Build: Our partner congregation, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, New Orleans, is building new affordable housing rentals on their property in partnership with Tulane University. Our Council has challenged St. John's to raise $22,500, or 10% of the needed funds to make this project possible during Lent. Give online or by check payable to St. John’s with “Bethlehem Build” in the memo line.

Fun WALK/RUN with Lutheran Social Ministries of NJ on March 26 to fill food pantries across New Jersey. The Fun Walk/Run will be at the South County Mountain Recreation Complex across from the Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange. Visit the LSMNJ website to register.

African American Museum Tour/Mask & Wig Club Tour, April 2: As part of the Jehu Jones Bishop’s Challenge, visit two museums in Philadelphia, the African American Museum and the Mask & Wig Club, originally built by the Rev. Jehu Jones as the first African American Lutheran Church in the U.S. Cost is $25 for bus and museum ticket. Lunch is on your own. If traveling on your own you will still need to sign up for your museum ticket ($9). Register by March 25 (see weekly email for link).

Cross Roads Upcoming Events: Youth Retreats for Elementary, Middle and High School students, Summer camp registration now open, and summer staff opportunities are all available. Visit crossroadsretreat.com for information on all the great programs being offered.


February 27, 2022

Please welcome our guest organist today, Lisa Wichman.

Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God by Alana & Rick Coble in honor of Julia Coble’s birthday.

We are in dire need of Worship Assistants! We need Altar Guild volunteers, Greeters, Counters, Readers, Ushers and Livestream Crew members. MANY hands are needed to offer the worship services and events that we do. Please email Pastor Blake or Bev Kaczmarski.

Additional Counters Needed: The time commitment is about one hour every other month after the 10:30 service. No prior experience required. Please contact Linda Mesenbrink.

Want to join our Social Justice/Social Ministry Committee? Visit St. John’s YouTube Channel for recent interviews with leaders of some of our partner organizations, Bridges Outreach and Family Promise of Union County. Hear how St. John’s work has helped our community.

Ash Wednesday services will be this Wednesday, March 2 at 12:00 PM and 7:30 PM.

Two different Lenten Devotionals are now available!

Lenten Intergenerational Faith Formation activities begin on March 6 at 9:00 AM in Hinman Hall. All are welcome!

Boxes of Cereal for Loaves & Fishes: A traditional Lenten discipline is to give to those in need. We have been asked to collect boxed cereal for Loaves and Fishes. There are six Sundays from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday, and we ask everyone to bring at least one box of cereal each week of Lent. Can we collect 300+ boxes?

Funeral Service for Norma Engelhardt, March 4 at 11:00 AM: Masks are required. The service will also be livestreamed for those who are unable to attend in person. 

Let Us Build a House–Bethlehem Build: Our partner congregation, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, New Orleans, is building new affordable housing rentals on their property in partnership with Tulane University. Our Council has challenged St. John's to raise $22,500, or 10% of the needed funds to make this project possible during Lent. Give online or by check payable to St. John’s with “Bethlehem Build” in the memo line.

Fun WALK/RUN with Lutheran Social Ministries of NJ on March 26 to fill food pantries across New Jersey. The Fun Walk/Run will be at the South County Mountain Recreation Complex across from the Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange. Visit the LSMNJ website to register.

African American Museum Tour/Mask & Wig Club Tour, April 2: As part of the Jehu Jones Bishop’s Challenge, visit two museums in Philadelphia, the African American Museum and the Mask & Wig Club, originally built by the Rev. Jehu Jones as the first African American Lutheran Church in the U.S. Cost is $25 for bus and museum ticket. Lunch is on your own. If traveling on your own you will still need to sign up for your museum ticket ($9). Register by March 25 (see weekly email for link).

Cross Roads Upcoming Events: Youth Retreats for Elementary, Middle and High School students, Summer camp registration now open, and summer staff opportunities are all available. Visit crossroadsretreat.com for information on all the great programs being offered.