Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God.
2022 Offering Envelopes: If you use or would like to use offering envelopes for your contributions, 2022 envelopes are available for pickup after the service.
We are in dire need of Worship Assistants! No matter your skill set, we have a job for you! We need Altar Guild volunteers, Greeters, Counters, Readers, Ushers and Livestream Crew members. You're coming to worship anyway - why not also lend a hand? Many hands do indeed make light work, and it takes MANY hands to offer the worship services and events that we do.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email Pastor Blake or Bev Kaczmarski.
Additional Counters Needed: The time commitment is about one hour every other month after the 10:30 service. No prior experience required. Please contact or call 973-202-2773.
Thinking about volunteering for our Social Justice/Social Ministry Committee? The impact of our SJ/SM Committee is massive - and you can be a part of that change. Visit St. John’s YouTube Channel to watch recent interviews with the leaders of some of our partner organizations - Bridges Outreach and Family Promise of Union County hear how powerful St. John's mission-based work has proven in our community.
Bishop’s Challenge Book Study: Join Bishop Bartholomew on Tuesday, February 22 or Thursday, February 24 from 7:30-9:00 PM for a discussion of Isabel Wilkerson’s book, The Warmth of Other Suns, about why millions of Black Americans left the South between 1915 and 1970. Both evenings will be similar in content. Sign-up at
Lent: Ash Wednesday services will be on March 2 at 12:00 PM and 7:30 PM. Keep an eye out for more Lenten resources and announcements coming your way.
Fun WALK/RUN with Lutheran Social Ministries of NJ on March 26: Support the Fun WALK/RUN to help fill food pantries across New Jersey. The Fun Walk/Run will take place at the South County Mountain Recreation Complex and Clipper Pavilion across the street from the Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange, NJ. Included with your walk registration is an event t-shirt, lunch and admission to the Turtle Back Zoo. Visit the LSMNJ website to register.
African American Museum Tour/Mask & Wig Club Tour, April 2: As part of the ongoing Jehu Jones Bishop's Challenge, join us as we visit the African American Museum (10:15 AM) in Philadelphia to learn about the vibrant black communities of Philly at the turn of the 19th century. Then enjoy a short walk for a guided tour at the Mask & Wig Club (1:15 PM), originally built by the Rev. Jehu Jones as the first African American Lutheran Church in the United States. Cost is $25 for a round trip bus and museum ticket. Lunch is on your own. If traveling on your own you will still need to sign up for your museum ticket ($9). Register by March 25 (see weekly email for link).